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And when i was Çeviri Portekizce

9,929 parallel translation
And when I was very small, I lost my father and my mother to an unholy fire, they tell me.
E, quando eu era muito pequeno, perdi os meus pais num incêndio enorme, pelo que me disseram.
And when I was stuck, her advice was start by mentioning that everyone gets a second chance.
Quando estava bloqueado, ela deu-me o conselho de começar por dizer que todos têm uma segunda oportunidade.
And when I was feeding you, we heard Daddy singing from the kitchen, didn't we?
E quando estava a alimentar-te nós ouvimos o papá a cantar na cozinha, não foi?
I was there when he took my daughter. And, um... I heard, I'm so sorry.
Eu também estava lá quando a levaram e acontece que...
When my parents split up, and I was...
Quando os meus pais se separaram e eu estava...
When I was growing up, ass whippings were like meals, and I was well-fed.
Quando eu era criança, surra no rabo era comum, e leve ¡ várias.
It got messed up when he went to jail and I didn't know Quis was gonna be here today.
Ficou difícil quando ele foi preso e não sabia que Quis viria hoje.
When I was out here playing, and, uh, y'all were in the States, your mom did not trust German girls.
Quando estava aqui a jogar e estavam todos nos Estados Unidos, a tua mãe não confiava nas miúdas alemãs.
I was so young when I married your father, and then Ronnie came along.
Era tão nova quando casei com o teu pai e depois nasceu o Ronnie.
I was hammered when I crashed my motorcycle, and I was just about to have an enchanted moment with this girl, who happens to be a very wonderful person.
Estava enfrascado quando me espetei com a moto, e estava prestes a ter um momento de encanto com esta rapariga, que por acaso é uma pessoa maravilhosa.
When I was losing consciousness All I could think about was my son and my daughter.
Enquanto perdia a consciência, tudo que eu pensava era nos meus filhos.
I was on a business trip when the outbreak hit and I should've come right back, but they told me everything was gonna be okay. And I believed them.
Estava numa viagem de negócio quando houve o surto, eu deveria ter voltado, mas disseram-me que tudo ficaria bem e acreditei.
You know David, I was thinking about what you said the other day, you know, and I think it's quite interesting about how you put it, relationships being transient, and when I came home, I started thinking about my response,
David, estive a pensar no que disseste no outro dia, sabes, e acho que é bastante interessante a forma como colocaste a questão dos relacionamentos serem transitórios, e quando cheguei a casa, comecei a pensar na minha resposta,
Okay, had different settings like... pulse, power, stream... all different kinds of speeds and, uh... that was on this length of hose that I could reach when I lay down in the tub.
Ok, teve configurações diferentes como, pulso, poder, corrente todos os tipos de diferentes velocidades e.. Essa foi a este pedaço de mangueira que eu poderia chegar quando eu me deitei na banheira.
When Maham comphrehend I was blessed by Mother Sindhu. and he brought a marriage proposal to my house.
Quando Maham compreendeu que eu tinha sido abençoada pela Mãe Sindhu trouxe uma proposta de casamento à minha casa.
And, uh... when I washed up here, I was sitting right in that chair over there, and, uh... I was just very lost.
E, quando eu vim aqui parar, sentei-me naquela cadeira ali e sentia-me muito perdido e vocês fizeram-me sentir em casa.
And when you were little, it was just... it was a lot easier because if you fell, you know, I knew how to fix it.
Quando eras pequena, era muito mais fácil. Porque se caísses, eu sabia o que devia fazer.
This world is just too intense for their brains, and that's always what I felt about Owen, especially when he was a tiny baby.
O mundo é intenso demais para o seu cérebro. E foi isso que senti no Owen. Principalmente, quando era bebé.
Yeah, I was just thinking. You and Emily are the same age Mom and Dad were when they...
Tu e a Emily são da idade que a mãe e o pai tinham quando...
I don't want him to do anything drastic, and I worried about all the injuries he suffer when he was fighting, because he had very serious broken bones in all his face and his jaw and everything.
Preocupo-me com ele. Não quero que faça nada de mau. E preocupo-me com as lesões que sofreu enquanto lutava.
I did cheerleading for like one year. And then when I was 14, I was like, "I think I wanna go out for sports."
Fui líder de claque durante um ano e, aos 14 anos, decidi que queria fazer desporto.
My brother was murdered when I was 18 years old and he was 21.
O meu irmão foi assassinado quando eu tinha 18 anos e ele tinha 21.
I found a scrapbook in our house when I was around eight, and I discovered that my mom was the first American judo world champion.
Eu encontrei um livro de colagens em casa quando tinha uns oito anos... CAMPEÃ DE PESO-GALO DA UFC... e descobri que a minha mãe foi a primeira campeã americana de judo.
I moved with my dad when I was three years old, and I stayed until I was seven.
Fui viver com o meu pai aos três anos e fiquei lá até aos sete.
When I first refereed, the real two rules there were was no biting and no eye gouging.
Quando comecei a ser árbitro, as únicas regras eram não morder nem atacar os olhos.
When I got married and became a fighter, I was pulled in so many different directions, and I really didn't know how to handle it.
Quando me casei e me tornei lutador, fui puxado em tantas direções diferentes.
( JP ) There was a time when ( JP ) I dissipated my wit and skills on gambling.
Havia um tempo... em que gastava minha sagacidade e habilidade em jogos de azar.
Oh, come on. When we first met, you had just gotten your MBA and I was an artist.
Vá lá, quando nos conhecemos tu já estavas formado e eu era um artista.
When I was a kid, I used to tell my family that I wanted to be an actor, an author or an artist and my Dad used to say, " That's great.
Quando era miúdo, dizia à minha família que queria ser actor, autor, ou artista. O meu pai costumava dizer, "Óptimo, mas como é que vais ganhar a vida?"
Look, I know it sounds bad, and if I'd known my dad was going to die when he did,
Sei que não abona em meu favor. Se soubesse que o meu pai ia morrer, teria ido logo para casa.
I was running a check on him when a call came in, so we put him in the car and responded. And then we found the girl.
Estava a revistá-lo, pusemo-lo no carro, depois encontrámos a rapariga.
- These guys were 17 when this troupe started, so three or four 17 year olds and me, and it was very much like the work I have to do as a camp counselor of,
Estes tipos tinham 17 anos quando esta companhia começou, portanto, três ou quatro com 17 anos e eu, e era muito semelhante ao trabalho que eu fazia como orientador de campo, de :
You know, when I was 12, I was like, "What's the best way to get constant approval " and attention from everyone? "
Quando eu tinha 12 anos, era : " Qual é a melhor forma de ser sempre aceite e de ter atenção de todos?
You know, when I was... when I was 16 years old, my father told me that if I didn't give up music and marry a dull banker, he'd cut me off.
Sabes, quando eu tinha 16 anos, o meu pai disse-me que, se eu não desistisse da música e me casasse com um estúpido banqueiro, ele deserdaria-me.
And I had very high hopes of becoming a concert pianist mys... But then when the nerves were damaged in my left hand, that was not to be.
E tinha muita esperança de me tornar pianista de concerto, mas, com os nervos danificados na minha mão esquerda, isso não foi mais possível.
When I was a postulant, we were told never to draw attention to ourselves in any way - because it was a sign of pride. And now I've drawn attention to myself by...
Porque se me virar e te vir, vou ver-te com as mãos nas costas e a esfregar a barriga, e a queixares-te quanto tens de te baixar.
And when there was nothing left to clean, I started painting.
E quando já nada havia para limpar, comecei a pintar.
When I left for London, she was poorly but stable and her husband was camped outside her room.
Quando saí para Londres, ela estava fraca mas estável e o marido acampado à porta do quarto.
It's not like I thought it would be when I was little and used to run round with one of Mum's lace curtains on my head on a wash day.
Não é como eu pensei que seria Quando eu era pequena e saía correndo com uma das fitas da cortina da mãe em minha cabeça em dia de lavanderia.
Clearly as I hear God's, when something deep and precious happens, as clearly as I ever heard hers when she was telling me off, which happened quite often over the years.
Claramente como a de Deus, quando acontece algo profundo e precioso, tão claramente como já ouvia a dela Quando estava me repreendendo, que acontecia com frequencia ao longo dos anos.
I kept hoping it would all just fizzle out, but I tried that when I first found out I was in the family way and it didn't work then, either.
Fiquei torcendo que fosse passar Mas eu tentei isso, quando primeiro percebi que estava'naquele estado'e não funcionou também
I first heard him say that when she was about four months old and I thought, " That's it,
Primeiro ouvi-lo dizer isso Quando ela era cerca de quatro meses de idade e eu pensei, " é isso,
'Cause he walked out on me and moms when I was nine.
Ele abandonou-me quando eu tinha nove anos.
And when Claire was talking sideways about me, all I wanted to do was take my control back.
Quando a Claire me insultou, eu só quis recuperar o controlo.
And the night when I came into the club, that big brother that was fighting Luke Cage up on Malcolm X...
Na noite em que eu fui ao clube, aquele grandalhão que estava a lutar com o Luke Cage na Malcolm X...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Shit, when I was locked up, cuz... the only thing I could think about was getting out of Chicago... and look at us now.
- Enquanto eu estava preso, só conseguia pensar em sair de Chicago e olha para nós agora.
When Richard was sick... the last thing he said to Mama was "I'll care for you... until my dying day and beyond."
Quando Richard esteve doente, a última coisa que disse à minha mãe, foi : "Irei amar-te até ao dia da minha morte, e mais além."
When I went in, he was talking to a man, so I went right for the tools and took them and ran.
Quando entrei, ele estava a falar com um homem, por isso eu fui direito à caixa peguei nela e corri.
He was dead when I arrived and, um she came at me with a pair of scissors.
Estava morto quando cheguei, e ela atacou-me com um par de tesouras.
One time, when I was nine years old, I go to this girl's birthday party, and I show up, and it's me and 20 girls.
Uma vez, quando eu tinha 9 anos, fui ao aniversário de uma menina e haviam 20 meninas além de mim.
And I'm sure our guest here disagrees, too, because I seem to recall when he was standing here in my position, by this podium, a year and a half ago, y'all got something done.
E acho que o nosso convidado também porque lembro-me de quando ele estava de pé aqui, onde estou agora, há um ano e meio, todos vocês conseguiram.

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