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And when he died Çeviri Portekizce

322 parallel translation
Yes. He never made a go of it though and when he died he left several debts which Mother worked hard to clear up.
Mas nunca teve muito êxito com ela... e quando morreu deixou umas dívidas.
And when he died... There was nobody who understood what happened to me.
E quando morreu não houve ninguém que compreendesse o que me sucedeu.
And when he died, too, it was just too great a shock for her.
E quando também ele morreu, o choque foi demasiado para ela.
And when he died, they told me it was a thrombosis.
e quando morreu, me disseram que foi uma trombose.
And when he died, she followed him.
E, quando ele morreu, ela o segu ¡ u.
And when he died, part of me died.
E quando morreu... parte de mim morreu.
My father was his steward, and when he died, old Mr. Darcy cared for me,
O meu pai era administrador dele e quando morreu, o falecido Sr. Darcy tomou conta de mim.
My father was a kind of religious figure to the Bajoran people, and when he died they took it as a sign from the Prophets that the Federation wouldn't be able to protect them from the Klingons.
O meu pai era uma espécie de figura religiosa para o povo bajoriano, e quando ele morreu eles viram isso como um sinal dos Profetas de que a Federação não seria capaz de protegê-los contra os klingons.
You see the darkness that went over heaven and Earth when he died?
Viu a escuridão sobre o céu e a terra quando ele morreu?
And it would be worn on his hand for as long as he lived and buried with him when he died, because he loved you reverently and as was fitting, from a respectful distance but with all his heart, for all his life.
Ele usaria o anel enquanto vivesse... e seria enterrado com o anel, porque ele a amaria com fervor... e como seria apropriado, a uma distância respeitosa... mas de todo o coração, pela vida toda.
His mother died when he was a baby, and then his father.
A mãe dele morreu quando ele era um bebé e depois foi o pai.
We were practically engaged when he died and we went for long walks on our own
Estávamos quase noivos, quando ele morreu. Fazíamos longas caminhadas sozinhos.
She was there with him when he died, and that day she lost her mind.
Estava com ele quando ele morreu, e, nesse dia, perdeu o juízo.
Well, when he died, I just locked the door and took my two babies and come over here to Granma.
Bem, quando ele morreu, fechei a porta... peguei nos dois bebés e vim para aqui, para junto da avó.
You see the darkness that went over heaven and Earth when he died?
Viste as trevas que encheram o céu e a Terra quando Ele morreu?
As we all know, when the father of both Ptolemy and Cleopatra died he named the two of them to rule jointly over Egypt.
Como sabemos, quando o pai de Ptolomeu e Cleópatra morreu nomeou-os para governarem juntos o Egipto.
He died when he came home and found his lands sold for ransom.
Ele morreu quando voltou e encontrou suas terras vendidas como resgate.
And when I killed the image and knew that it was dead he died.
E, quando matei a imagem e soube que estava morta, ele morreu!
And then when he died they did an autopsy and found out that he was a raving queen.
Quando morreu fizeram-lhe uma autópsia e descobriram que era uma bicha delirante.
Then about two years ago, when Mr. Wagner died, well, Eric didn't know anything about running a ball club, so he got Hanlon to come in and take over, run the business for him.
Há cerca de 2 anos quando o Sr. Wagner morreu, o Eric não fazia a menor ideia de como gerir um clube e pôs o Hanlon ao comando da parte empresarial.
I have long since passed the age when he died and I understand very clearly the suicidal nature of his resignation.
Há muito que passei da idade em que ele morreu e compreendo claramente a natureza suicida da demissão dele.
The son, what was his name and age when he died?
O filho, qual era seu nome e com que idade morreu?
And Papa, he died when I was young.
E o meu pai... já tinha morrido quando eu era miúda.
My father was 57 when he died, right, and the woman was 18.
O meu pai tinha 57 anos quando morreu, certo? E a mulher tinha 18.
Learn to your confusion that it is sixteen years ago since this man died in a shipwreck at sea with his wife and children when he was trying to save their lives from the persecutions in Naples and which caused the banishment of several noble families.
Sabei que há pelo menos 16 anos que o homem de que falais morreu no mar com a esposa e os filhos quando tentava escapar ás cruéis perseguições que acompanharam os distúrbios de Nápoles e que forçaram ao exílio diversas famílias nobres.
And when she died, that's when he started to drink.
Foi quando ela morreu, que ele começou a beber.
"Mr.Mahesh Sandilya, who sel ls" liquor has given a stat ement... "... that when Mary died, " David was in police custody... ... and he did David's bai l.
O Sr. Mahesh Sandilya, que vende licor deu um depoimento que quando a Mary morreu, o David estava sob custodia da policia.
She'd scream louder and louder and then, when she finally died, he looked so satisfied I thought he was gonna light up a cigarette afterwards.
E ela gritava cada vez mais alto. Depois, quando ela finalmente morreu, ele pareceu tão satisfeito que só faltou acender um cigarro.
He's never been inarticulate, but his father died, and when he was 17, he was taken into a mission school.
Nunca teve dificuldades de expressão, mas o pai morreu e aos 17 anos foi levado para uma escola de missionários.
And he died when you were just six.
E morreu quando tinhas seis anos.
And when Dad died, he gave them all to me.
E quando o pai morreu, deu-mas todas.
When Eva, Blondie and he died, they were burned, and their ashes were mixed together.
E quando a Eva, a Blondie e ele morreram, queimaron os corpos e misturaram as cinzas.
We told him how his son died. And when the time is right, we will tell him where he's buried.
Se lhe dizem como o seu filho morreu, quando e onde está enterrado.
Mom died when I was 3, and I suppose Dad did the best he could.
A mãe morreu quando eu tinha três anos e acho que o pai fez o melhor que podia.
His mother was a prostitute and a drug addict died when he was 13 years of age.
A mãe dele era prostituta e toxicodependente e morreu quando ele tinha 13 anos.
We became friends and when my parents died he helped me through some rough times.
Nos ficamos amigos. E quando os meus pais morreram. Ele ajudou-me em momentos difíceis.
We were all glad to know that Frank didn't suffer... "... and was not alone when he died. "
Todos gostámos de saber que o Frank não sofreu e que não morreu só... "
I asked him where he was when kurt cobain died and he said he was watching cartoons.
Perguntei o que fazia quando o Kurt Cobain morreu e disse que estava a ver cartoons.
He was cycling to work on the North Road when he collapsed and died later in hospital.
" La para o trabalho na bicicleta e teve um ataque.
He died as the result of a tragic accident, when, in a poorly lit stairwell, he tripped over an inadequately placed railing and plunged, regrettably, to his death.
Morreu como consequência de um trágico acidente. ... quando, numa escadaria mal iluminada, tropeçou acidentalmente numa calha mal colocada e mergulhou lamentavelmente para a sua própria morte!
That when Oswald went to Russia, he was not a real defector. He was an intelligence agent for our government and remained one till he died.
Que o Oswald não se passou realmente para os russos, mas foi lá como espia mandado pelo nosso governo.
Our father died when we were young and he left us some money. Ah.
O nosso pai morreu quando éramos novas e deixou-nos algum dinheiro.
Because she loved us so much, she tried hard to be one after he died, but when the plague killed our cattle, something inside her broke and never mended.
Como nos amava muito, tentou sê-lo depois de ele morrer. Mas quando a praga dizimou o nosso gado, algo dentro dela quebrou e nunca mais recuperou.
When he shall hear she died upon his words, the idea of her life shall sweetly creep into his study of imagination, and every lovely organ of her life shall come appareled in more precious habit than when she lived indeed.
Quando souber que as palavras dele a mataram, a imagem dela invadir-lhe-á de mansinho a imaginação, e os encantadores dotes que ela tinha parecer-lhe-ão mais preciosos do que quando estava viva.
Then, I lost this ring in the woods and when he went to find it, he got stung by bees and he died.
Um dia, perdi o anel no bosque... e, quando ele foi procurá-lo, foi mordido por abelhas e morreu.
When mother took her life and Ganya died he couldn't find a shred of love for me.
Quando a mãe se suicidou e o Ganya morreu ele não conseguiu encontrar umas migalhas de amor para mim.
No, not that. If she was a little girl when he died, and couldn't remember him...
Não, isso não, se ela era pequenina quand0 ele m0rreu, não se pode lembrar dele...
One day, he made a big trip and when he returned home, he found his wife and two of their children had died.
Um dia fez uma grande viagem e quand0 regress0u a casa viu que a mulher e d0is d0s seus filh0s tinham m0rrid0.
The only time my brother and I connected was when he died.
A única vez que tive contacto com o meu irmão, foi quando ele morreu.
And then when he died in the mines, I just kept on.
E depois, quando ele morreu nas minas, continuei.
And you know he didn't really leave you when he died.
E sabes que não te abandonou quando morreu.

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