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And when was this Çeviri Portekizce

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And on nights when there was no moon, there was this rope, and you had to feel for it in the dark and pull yourself across.
Nas noites em que não havia Lua, tínhamos uma corda para nos guiarmos no escuro.
If they thought that Daisy was a a fairy changeling, then Halloween is the one night of the year when the door between this world and the next is open, and burning the changeling would force the fairies to bring back their real daughter.
Se eles achassem que Daisy... fora trocada por uma fada... então o Halloween seria a única noite do ano... em que a porta entre este mundo e o próximo estaria aberta... e ao queimar a "criança trocada"... eles obrigariam as fadas a trazer de volta sua verdadeira filha.
When I was a boy, my father and I used to pull fish out of this very spot all day long.
Quando era miúdo, eu e o meu pai pescávamos neste sítio o dia inteiro.
When I was a kid... heard my father... talking with friends, complain about this evil and that revenue.
Quando eu era miúdo... ouvia o meu pai... a falar com os amigos, queixando-se deste mal e daquela receita.
And this time, she accused us of keeping him beyond the time so that he was distraught when he went back to her.
E desta vez, ela acusou-nos de mantê-lo para além do tempo de modo que ele estava desesperado quando ele voltou para ela.
When I was growing up, in the wintertime, there was this guy, um, he would come over with his chainsaw, and he would swing from tree to tree, cutting branches before they froze and fell off... like a fucking monkey.
Quando eu era pequeno, no inverno, sempre aparecia um cara com uma motosserra que ia de árvore em árvore e cortava os galhos antes que congelassem e caíssem. Parecia um macaco.
It was a mess when we met, and then it became this.
Era horrível antes e ele decorou-a assim.
And there was moments when I wondered, " Is this the right place for me, or is this...
E houve momentos em que me perguntei : " Este é o lugar certo para mim, ou é...
Okay, there was a guy, he lived on a farm, and literally the only way that this guy could get sexually satisfied was when he was with livestock. That's okay.
Foi assim, havia um tipo, que vivia numa quinta, e a única maneira que ele conseguia satisfazer-se sexualmente era quando estava no meio do gado.
He drew this of Robbie and me when he was only eight.
Ele desenhou este, de mim e do Robbie quando tinha apenas 8 anos.
"Well, when I was 12 years old, I had the chops of a reindeer and all this stuff, you know."
Quando lemos um artigo na revista Guitar Player, o gajo diz, "Quando tinha 12 anos, já tocava numa orquestra."
When he did this and there was no music, I said,
Quando ele fez isto e não ouvi música, eu disse,
- Ted... you know, when I, uh, woke up at the bottom of the stairs... and I saw... this... it was not Charlie that I thought of calling first.
- Ted... Sabes, quando acordei, no fundo das escadas e vi... este não foi no Charlie que pensei, em telefonar, primeiro.
And this is back when four million dollars was considered a lot of money.
Isto na altura em que 4 milhões era considerado muito dinheiro.
It looked just like this. It was this fountain. And when she drank from it...
Parecia isso, era essa fonte, e quando ela bebeu daí...
Now, this is everything Alvarado had and was wearing when they arrested him?
Isto é tudo o que Alvarado tinha e trazia vestido quando foi detido?
So he took off his belt, and that's when this drunk came around the bend, and he was going so fast, I just,
Por isso ele tirou o cinto, e foi então que o bêbado apareceu na curva.
You know, the bullet trajectory and the location of the facial wound suggest that she was in this position when she was shot.
A trajectória da bala e a localização do ponto de entrada facial sugere que ela estava nesta posição quando foi atingida.
Well, that's good, but the witnesses say that Valinda was in the driver's seat when Dana got in the car, and if that's true, then, Dana had to shoot Valinda like this, not like this.
Isso é bom, mas as testemunhas disseram que a Valinda estava no lugar do condutor quando a Dana entrou no carro, e se isso for verdade, a Dana teve de alvejar a Valinda assim, e não assim.
Son, let this music take you to a time when girls were girls and a Hershey bar was as thick as a phone book.
Filho, deixa esta música levar-te a um tempo em que as miúdas eram miúdas e um barra Hershey era tão espessa que nem uma lista telefónica.
Grew up there and then my family moved to Dillon when I was in high school, where I met this fine, upstanding citizen.
Cresci lá e depois a minha família mudou-se para Dillon, quando estava no secundário, onde conheci este cidadão extraordinário.
I remember when lily was born, and she had this thing where she wouldn't sleep unless someone was holding her.
Recordo-me quando a Lily nasceu e tinha esta coisa de não conseguir adormecer sem que alguém a segurasse.
when we were little, karen had this rule that she could hit me whenever she wanted to, and I was never allowed to hit her back.
Quando éramos pequenos, Karen tinha essa regra de que podia bater-me quando quisesse, mas eu nunca podia bater-lhe.
I was gonna talk to you about this, if and when my motion's upheld.
Ia falar contigo sobre isto quando a minha moção fosse aprovada.
When I was a kid, I lived in Mexico for a year and a half in this little village called Dejalo.
Quando era criança, vivi no México ano e meio numa pequena vila chamada Dejalo.
And even when this stuff was available, it was incredibly expensive.
Mesmo quando estava disponível, era muito caro.
Aos 12 anos, um palhaço apalpou-me as mamas numa festa e, enquanto me apalpava, fazia um ruído com a buzina.
If you never forgive me, i will understand, But i couldn't just sit around and do nothing When this whole thing was ready to blow away.
Se nunca me perdoares, eu vou perceber, mas não podia ficar sentada sem fazer nada quando toda esta coisa estava pronta para explodir.
So when I got into work this morning, before I knew that she was missing I wrote "Sorry," and I put it in her locker.
Então, quando cheguei ao trabalho, antes de saber que desaparecera, escrevi "Desculpa", e pu-lo no cacifo dela.
All they had to do, was to catch the ball and let it fall. Where did all this tension when they were about winning?
Assim ele deve ir-se antes, e depois Randy e Bob... e então Corinne, e somos três.
I was just thinking of this time in college when me and my roommate drove all night to go there, And when we finally made it, it had been sold and torn down.
Estava a pensar nos tempos da faculdade, quando eu e o meu companheiro de quarto conduzimos a noite toda para ir lá, e quando chegámos, ela tinha sido vendida e demolida.
I remember this one time, when I was 11 Eric and I wanted a white Christmas.
Lembro-me uma vez, tinha 11 anos, queríamos um Natal branco.
"Um... please let me help you." And that's a strong inner urge which, as a Darwinian, I believe has ancestral roots in a past when I lived in small groups like this, small bands in which I was likely to be surrounded by kin or surrounded by individuals who could reciprocate.
E esse é um forte impulso interno que acredito ter raízes darwinistas, que remontam ao tempo em que vivíamos em pequenos grupos como este, em pequenos bandos, em que provavelmente estaria rodeado de parentes ou rodeado por indivíduos que poderiam retribuir.
This guy's real name is Jin Ming and his mug shot was taken when he was 18 years old when he was caught stealing cars with a street racing gang.
O nome verdadeiro é Jin Ming, foto tirada quando tinha 18 anos ao ser pego roubando carros com uma gangue de rachas.
I was arrested for breaking into a candy store on a dare when I was 17, and the cop who busted me was this detective.
Fui preso por arrombar uma loja de doces num desafio, aos 17 anos. E o chui que me prendeu era detective.
When you took this movie, Vinnie Chase was attached, - and that's how you will finish it.
Quando aceitou este filme, o Vinnie Chase vinha anexado, e é assim que o vai acabar.
- No. When I got Jason to agree to do this I knew that I was hiring an actor that was very fiery and volatile, but also capable of a brilliant performance.
Quando consegui com que o Jason concordasse com isto sabia que estava a contratar um actor que era muito impetuoso e volátil, mas também, capaz de um desempenho brilhante.
Once when Michael Jordan came to town, and the other was to see this guy.
A primeira foi com Michael Jordan, a segunda foi para ver LeBron James.
was given to the painting around 1715 when a municipal police force was instituted in Amsterdam to protect the citizens against nocturnal criminal activity. The members of this force were called the "night watch," and they prowled the nighttime streets with weapons and torches.
Os membros desta força foram chamados a "ronda da noite" e patrulhavam as ruas de noite com armas e tochas.
It is true that those who do not know of this event are not so especially underprivileged, but when you examine the painting closely, you can understand that something serious has happened to the original composition, which was carefully arranged and balanced
MISTÉRIO 32 O AUTO-RETRATO DE REMBRANDT Toda a gente nas tuas pinturas são actores, não são em absoluto pessoas reais.
You know, I was seeing this guy when I first met Hank, and he kind of reminds me of you.
Andava com um tipo quando conheci o Hank, fazes-me lembrar dele.
And when James got this gun, Mons Meg, from the Duke of Burgundy, he was being given one of the most impressive pieces of technology available at that time.
James ganhou uma dos mais impressionantes peças de tecnologia disponíveis naquela época.
And when we were done, there was this nurse standing there.
E quando acabámos, demos com uma enfermeira, parada.
Tom has a cousin who said his best friend was at the River Shore Bar when your husband got into a fight and shredded this big bruiser.
Tom tem um primo que disse que seu melhor amigo tava no River Shore Bar quando seu marido teve uma briga e acabou com um cara forte.
One time, when I was a little boy I was playing with my slingshot, and I saw this jaybird.
Uma vez, quando era pequeno eu estava a brincar com a minha fisga, e vi um passarinho...
And that is when I realized that the address on the note was familiar but honestly, I... it just never occurred to me that anything like this could happen.
Foi então quando me apercebi de que a morada no bilhete era-me familiar. Sinceramente, nunca pensei que uma coisa assim pudesse acontecer.
I couldn't do it. And it's funny when I met you... I was like, " This chick is hot-looking, but what does her ass look like?
E é engraçado, quando te conheci... pensei : "Ela é boazona, mas como será o cu dela?".
And it was this photograph that Mrs McGinty found when she was tidying your room.
E foi esta foto que a sra. McGinty's encontrou quando estava a limpar o seu quarto.
Okay, when I sent the invites, it was a long shot that you'd even reply. And now you've come all this way for a wedding.
Já foi fantástico terem respondido aos convites e, agora, vieram até aqui, para um casamento.
We knew this was when Father Time was gonna make his move. Try to take us down a dark alley and beat the hell out of us.
Sabíamos que era quando a Fase do Pai iria atacar, tentar levar-nos para um beco escuro e dar-nos uma tareia.
And this one time, when Brennan was 1 7 and Derek was 1 4... ... and Brennan decided to enter a talent show.
E houve uma vez quando o Brennan tinha 17 anos e o Derek 14, que o Brennan decidiu entrar num programa de talentos.

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