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And when was that Çeviri Portekizce

4,490 parallel translation
He told me once... w-we were fighting, and he told me that when we woke him to ask him if he wanted to live, he only said yes because he was looking at me...
Ele disse-me uma vez. Numa discussão. Disse-me que quando o acordámos para perguntar se ele queria viver, só disse sim porque estava a pensar em mim.
When I was 13 and Kenny was 6, that's when we got split up.
Quando eu tinha 13 anos e o Kenny 6, separamo-nos.
I remember seeing a picture of you in the paper when your husband was on trial, and I thought, " Now, that is the kind of woman
Lembro-me de ver a sua foto no jornal quando o seu marido foi julgado.
She told me if she even smelled Malachi Lee, she would walk, and when she asked me what that specific smell was, he said, "dip and beard lice."
Disse que se sentisse o cheiro do Malachi Lee, iria embora, e quando me perguntou o cheiro específico, ele disse, "colónia e piolhos na barba".
And when my men captured it, my first instinct was to destroy it but then I decided that we could use the eight-ball to remind Vega of the enemy we face.
Quando os meus homens o capturaram, o meu primeiro pensamento foi destruí-lo. Mas pensei em usar aquele olhos negros, para fazer Vega lembrar-se do inimigo que enfrentamos.
When you walked out, she was probably devastated and... and turned to the only source of comfort that she had available to her.
Quando você foi embora, ela deve ter ficado devastada e procurou o único conforto que estava disponível.
Look, I know when it's time to change someone's mind and when it isn't, and all pushing harder in that meeting would've done was make him dig in.
Eu sei quando é hora de convencer alguém ou não, e mais insistência naquela reunião pioraria a situação.
And now I realize that... When I left that room, he was probably laughing about how he pulled one over on me.
E agora percebi que, quando saí daquela sala, ele provavelmente estava a rir de como me tinha enganado.
But when I finally admitted to myself that she was gone and that she was never coming back... I had to let that guilt go.
Mas quando finalmente aceitei o facto que se tinha ido... e que nunca mais ia voltar... tive que parar de sentir-me culpado.
I said Nick was at the wedding and told him where it was, and that's when he walked out the door and got shot.
Eu disse que o Nick estava no casamento, e... Onde era o evento, então ele saiu e foi baleado.
And when you were first admitted to Rexford, you screamed about her being kidnapped, that whoever did it was coming after you next.
E quando foi admitido em Rexford, gritou sobre ela ter sido raptada, e que quem tinha feito isso viria atrás de si.
And when that didn't work out for you, the only thing left for you to do was get revenge.
Quando isso não correu bem, só restou a vingança.
He had this notion that when I met the folks, it was gonna be all rainbows and unicorns.
Ele pensou que, quando conhecesse os pais, seria só arco-íris e unicórnios.
And when were you aware that there was something wrong?
E, quando é que se apercebeu que havia alguma coisa errada?
When you and Officer Cutter had arrived on the scene, Collins had just learned that his... ex was moving their daughter to Chicago.
Quando você e o Agente Cutter chegaram ao local, o Collins tinha acabado de saber que a "ex" se estava a mudar com a filha para Chicago.
And when that was gone, I heard he...
E quando esse acabava, ouvi dizer que ele...
That was when her phone died and she left.
Foi por essa altura que ficou sem bateria e se foi embora.
So, when you said Chief touched you and bathed you, that was what your dad told you to say?
Então, quando disseste que a Chefe te tocou e te deu banho, foi o que o teu pai disse para dizer?
I know that your dad was probably your last chance, and when he died, you lost your way.
Sei que o teu pai foi, talvez, a tua última oportunidade, e quando ele morreu, perdeste o rumo.
Things were pretty bad after that, and I left home when I was 15.
As coisas pioraram depois disso, e saí de casa com 15 anos.
Neal usually does that and he likes to post every 30 minutes, but I knew where his head was, so I posted for him when I got home.
É o Neal quem costuma fazer isso e ele gosta de postar de 30 em 30 minutos, mas eu sabia por onde andava a cabeça dele, por isso postei por ele quando cheguei a casa.
Well, that option was taken off the table when your source put a loaded Beretta 9mm Nano in her mouth and squeezed the trigger.
Bem, essa opção deixou de estar na mesa quando a tua fonte pôs uma Beretta 9mm Nano carregada na boca dela e carregou no gatilho.
What are you gonna do when you realize you've been protecting a murderer and that your hands have blood on them, too... that you are the one whose thinking was compromised by self-interest and not me?
O que vais fazer quando perceberes que estás a proteger um assassino e que também há sangue nas tuas mãos... E que és o único cujo pensamento foi comprometido por interesse próprio, e não eu?
I know it's hard to believe... but I was actually a bit of a nerd back in the day... and it was suggested that I was out of my league when I landed Claire.
Sei que é difícil de acreditar, mas naquela altura eu era um pouco totó. E disseram-me que a Claire era areia a mais para a minha camioneta.
When I stopped, I realized that I'd run over a nail and the back tire was flat.
Quando parei, percebi que tinha passado em cima de um prego e o que o pneu traseiro estava furado.
The first real writing for keeps that I ever did was when the Grateful Dead, when we were just writing stuff all together and I'd come up with a line here, a phrase here.
As primeiras composições que fiz realmente boas foi quando os Grateful Dead, quando estávamos a compor estas coisas juntos e eu inventava uma linha aqui, uma frase acolá.
When the pyramid was lined up with the Sphinx, I would hear echoes in the sound that seemed to go far beyond this place and time.
Quando a pirâmide estava alinhada com a Esfinge, ouvia ecos do som que pareciam passar muito além deste local e tempo.
I knew something was fishy when I came over to his house for practice one day, and there were Phil and Garcia sitting there like the cat that ate the canary.
Vi que se passava algo, pois um dia cheguei a casa dele para praticar e o Phil e o Garcia estavam no sofá com cara de caso.
I have here documentation that shows Mr. Ingalls checking himself into the Summit Haven Rehabilitation Facility in Moab, Utah, on the 1st and that he was under 24-hour in-patient surveillance from the 1st until late last evening when I personally picked him up to accompany him here.
Tenho aqui a documentação que mostra que o Sr. Ingalls registou-se na Cúpula de Reabilitação em Moab, Utah, no dia 1. E que ele estava sob vigilância durante 24 horas do dia 1 até ontem à noite, quando pessoalmente o procurei para o acompanhar aqui.
And according to Bill, when they learned that Neyers was blackmailing me and threatening to derail the I.P.O., they took matters into their own hands.
Segundo o Bill, eles souberam que o Neyers me chantageava e ameaçava desarticular o lançamento, eles resolveram tratar do assunto sozinhos.
And that you knew my mom when she was a girl.
E que conheceste a minha mãe quando era miúda.
And I had an understanding that there was a lot of dope that was smoked at Atari, when we were there.
E tinham-me dito que se fumava cá muita erva.
And that was when I realized my DeLorean is already in New Mexico.
Percebi que o meu DeLorean já estava no Novo México.
But yeah, it was a big weight off my shoulders when that bucket came up and E.T. was there.
Mas, sim, tirei um grande peso dos ombros quando a terra subiu e vinha lá o E.T. - Parabéns.
Kent said when he was off at that tire conference that Teddy was all like, "Tawney this and Tawney that."
- Queres companhia? - Claro! Anda lá.
When I got out of bed this morning and I was staring out that little window above our commode at the traffic light that's out on 39 that is always green out beyond the hayfield,
Quando saí da cama esta manhã e ainda estava a olhar pela pequena janela por cima da nossa cômoda, para o semáforo que está na rua 39, que está sempre verde acima do campo de feno, eu nunca teria dito :
And soon, when he was at death's door... his most trusted shaman determined that... the only way to cure him was... to sacrifice a member of his family.
E pouco depois, estava ele às portas da morte, e o seu xamã mais fiável determinou que o único modo de o curar seria sacrificando um membro da sua família.
Catherine, when you were in that operating theatre all them hours, he was really, really upset. And so what if I did say that? It's true.
Bem, não sabia se tu querias que convidasse o Ros e o Richard.
Even when I was at the farm and I didn't know anything else, I knew that.
Mesmo quando estava na Quinta e não sabia fazer nada, mas sabia conduzir.
CHIDANANDA : When the Ambassador of India visited Los Angeles for the first time, how happy Yogananda was that this representative of free India, liberated from the colonial rule, had come to Los Angeles. And he was able to honor him.
Quando o Embaixador da Índia visitou Los Angeles pela primeira vez, o Yogananda ficou muito feliz que este representante da Índia livre, liberta do jugo colonial, tivesse vindo a Los Angeles e teve oportunidade de o ir honrar.
- Uh-huh. When you say that Richard was a regular customer, what does that mean in dollars and cents?
Quando diz que o Richard era um cliente habitual, quanto é que isso custa?
And when she told you she was gonna go to the authorities, you sacrificed her, your only daughter, to save the rest of them. - That's a lie.
E quanto ela lhe disse que iria às autoridades, você sacrificou-a, a sua única filha, para salvar os restantes.
I tried once, and, uh... he beat me so badly... that when I went to piss... it was only blood came out.
Uma vez, tentei e... Ele deu-me uma sova tão grande... Quando fui urinar, só saía sangue.
So when Donnie and Shelby showed up, there was a third person hiding in the closet. Yeah, that's why the...
Quando o Donnie e a Shelby apareceram, havia alguém escondido no armário.
When you're doing pranks, every now and then you'll come across someone who's absolute gold, and that was the penguin guy.
Quando pregamos partidas, de vez em quando deparamo-nos com alguém que é extraordinário, e essa pessoa foi o dono do pinguim.
As soon as I realized that Knoxville was getting uncomfortable when I'd try and kiss him, then I, of course, couldn't stop.
Assim que me apercebi que o Knoxville ficava incomodado quando eu tentava beijá-lo, claro, eu não podia parar.
He had no idea what the hell he was doing when he put that bandana on his face. And that mistake cost him his life.
Não fazia ideia do que diabos estava a fazer quando pôs aquele lenço na cara.
And it was when we started looking at the patents for similar compounds in the 1940s that we realized that all of these drugs were being tested for their anti-convulsant effects, and... this... this made sense only in an era where people were trying
Foi quando começámos a ver patentes de compostos semelhantes dos anos 40 que percebemos que todos estes fármacos estavam a ser testados pelos seus efeitos anticonvulsivos e... Isto fazia apenas sentido numa altura em que se procuravam antídotos para gás de nervos.
And I just think it's absolutely astonishing and amazing to me that those babies I first saw when I was editor at The Northern Echo are now here making lives.
Eu acho que é absolutamente extraordinário e incrível para mim que aqueles bebés que eu vi quando era editor do The Northern Echo estejam agora aqui a construir uma vida.
And when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious.
E quando descobri que ele não era mesmo meu filho, o meu alívio foi glorioso.
When I first returned to Salem, I was convinced that Satan's true partner was right in front of me and all I need do is reach out my hand to take her.
Quando voltei para Salem, estava convencido que a verdadeira parceira de Satanás estava mesmo à minha frente e que precisava apenas esticar a mão para apanhá-la.

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