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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ C ] / Chucky

Chucky Çeviri Portekizce

402 parallel translation
I know I must have believed that when I said it, but doesn't Lucky Chucky want to come out?
Eu sei que deves ter acreditado nisso... quando eu te disse, mas... - O Zezinho não quer sair? - Quem?
Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend to the end.
Olá! Sou o Chucky, e sou o teu amigo para sempre.
Hey, Chucky, you're not watching me.
Hey, Chucky, não estás a olhar para mim.
Aunt Maggie, Chucky wants to watch the 9 : 00 news.
Tia Maggie, Chucky quer ver o telejornal das nove.
- Chucky.
- Chucky!
- Oh, yes, Chucky.
- Oh, sim. Chucky.
Hey, Chucky, want to see my room?
Hey, Chucky, queres ver o meu carro?
Turning the TV on and putting Chucky in front of it when I told you it was time to go to bed.
Ligaste a TV e puseste o Chucky à frente dela quando eu disse para ires dormir.
But I didn't put Chucky in front of the TV.
Mas não pus o Chucky à frente da TV.
Chucky wanted to know what was going on.
Chucky queria saber o que se passa.
What do you think was so important about my sneakers, Chucky?
Porque achas que as minhas sapatilhas eram tão importantes, Chucky?
Who? Chucky!
Chucky, huh?
- Chucky, huh?
Yeah, sure, Chucky.
- Sim, claro. Chucky.
Chucky's been talking to you, too, hasn't he?
O Chucky também tem falado contigo, tem?
Chucky did.
Foi o Chucky.
Chucky's alive.
Chucky está vivo.
Chucky's a doll.
Chucky ê um boneco.
Now you don't really think that Chucky is alive, do you?
Não achas mesmo que o Chucky está vivo, achas?
I've got Chucky.
Tenho o Chucky.
You're right, Chucky.
Tens razão, Chucky.
And Chucky's only a doll, right?
E Chucky ê só um boneco, certo?
I'll be right there, Chucky.
Volto já, Chucky!
'Cause she saw Chucky, and it scared her so much, she fell out.
Porque ela viu o Chucky, assustou-se tanto que caiu.
So why did Chucky go to see Eddie Caputo?
Então porque ê que Chucky foi ver Eddie?
Nobody believes you about Chucky.
ninguém acredita no que dizes do Chucky.
You hear that, Chucky?
Ouviste, Chucky?
Come on, Chucky.
Vá, Chucky.
Hi, I'm Chucky, and I'm your friend to the end.
- Olá! Sou Chucky, e sou teu amigo para sempre.
Hi, I'm Chucky.
Olá! Sou Chucky!
Chucky is alive and he killed Eddie Caputo.
Chucky está vivo e foi ele quem matou Eddie Caputo.
- Where you going?
- Onde vai? - Á procura do Chucky.
- To find Chucky. How you gonna do that?
- Como vai fazer isso?
I found out that Chucky is Charles Lee Ray.
Descobri que Chucky ê Charles Lee Ray.
Chucky killed Caputo.
Chucky matou Caputo.
His nickname was Chucky, and he spent a lot of time with this man.
O diminutivo dele era Chucky e esteve muito tempo com este homem.
Now, all we have to do is find him before Chucky does.
Agora tenho de o encontrar antes do Chucky o fazer.
- Chucky.
- I can't do that, Chucky.
- Não posso, Chucky.
Dr. Ardmore, Chucky's here!
Dr. Ardmore, o Chucky está aqui!
Chucky's here.
- Chucky está cá!
But, Doctor, Chucky's here, and he's going to kill me.
Mas, doutor, Chucky está aqui. E vai-me matar.
But Chucky is here, and he's going to kill me!
Mas o Chucky está aqui e vai-me matar!
Chucky's in the room, and he's trying to kill me.
Chucky está naquela sala e... Não! Não, não.
Never saw the little swab before. Come on, Chucky.
Vá, Chucky.
Walk into the living room and turn it on all by himself? Did you do that, Chucky?
Fizeste isso, Chucky?
- Andy, Chucky...
- Chucky bit me.
- Chucky mordeu-me.

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