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Did you kill him Çeviri Portekizce

563 parallel translation
Sam, did you kill him?
Sam, mataste-o?
Did you kill him because he liked you?
Mataram-no porque ele gostava de vocês?
Why did you kill him?
por que o matou?
At what time did you kill him?
A que horas é que o matou?
Mitrich... why did you kill him?
Mítrich... por quê?
Why did you kill him?
Porque o matou?
- How did you kill him?
- Como é que o matou?
- Then why did you kill him?
- Então porque o matou?
Why did you kill him?
Porque o mataste?
- Did you kill him?
- Você o matou? - Não.
Why did you kill him?
- Porque o mataste?
Why did you kill him?
Por que o matou?
- Why did you kill him?
Porque é que o matou?
Why did you kill him?
Porque você o matou?
- Why did you kill him?
- Porque o mataste?
- Did you kill him?
- Acabaram com ele definitivamente?
Did you kill him?
Você matou-o?
Did you kill him?
Você o matou?
Did you kill him?
- Did you have to kill him like that?
- Tinha que matá-lo assim?
Abigail. I swear to you by all my love for him and for you Robert did not kill Teddy Jordan.
Abigail, juro por todo o amor que tenho por ele e por ti... que Robert não matou Teddy Jordan.
So at least you had no reason to kill him, did you?
Então, não tinha motivos para o matar, pois não?
- Did you see his face? - No, but I wish I had. If he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
Não, mas gostaria de vê-la, porque se ele te faz algum mal, matá-lo-ei!
- You didn't have to kill him. - Yes, I did.
- Não era preciso matá-lo.
- Did you kill him?
- Mataste-o?
- You didn't kill him, did you?
- Não o mataste, pois não?
You got Stan Blaine, and - Did I kill him, Kate, when I had a chance?
Conseguiu Stan Blaine, e... fez com que eu o matasse, Kate, assim que tive uma chance?
When you asked me not to, Kate, did I kill him?
Quando você me pediu para o matar, Kate, eu o matei?
You did not kill him.
Tu não o mataste.
They didn't kill him, baby. You did.
Não foram eles que o mataram, foste tu.
Did you ask him to kill Shep?
Pediste-lhe para matar o Shep?
Why did you have to kill him?
Por que razão o mataste?
Ned did not kill him, that too, you know!
Sair! Ainda não!
( laughs ) : You know, I told him, I told him that thirst was gonna kill him, and it surely did.
Sabes, eu disse-lhe, eu disse-lhe que aquela sede ainda o iria matar, o que foi verdade.
No, but you knew he could only answer the way he did... and you were prepared to kill him.
Não, mas sabia o que ele responderia, e você estava pronto para matá-lo.
You did kill him!
Sim, mataste!
If you wanted to kill him, why did you shoot at me?
- Então porque disparou contra mim?
- Why did you kill him?
- Porque o matou?
Did you know your brother would kill him?
- Tu sabias que o teu irmão o ia matar?
You sound disappointed you did not kill him yourself?
Pareces desiludido por não teres sido tu a matá-lo?
Did you kill him?
If Langely did what you said, I'll let you kill him.
Se o Langely fez o que disseste, eu deixo que o mates.
Well, if you had seen him kill those three bandits the way I did, you wouldn't speak that way.
Se tivesse visto ele matar aqueles 3 bandidos como eu vi... Não falava assim!
You have to kill him as you did here before.
Terá de o matar, como o fez aqui antes. Diga-lhes que não o farei.
- You didn't mean to kill him, but you did.
- Não quiseste matá-lo, mas mataste.
Pancho, you idiot! You didn't have to kill him, did you?
O que fizeste, idiota?
- Did Barrett send you? - It's him you wanted to kill, right?
- Está a serviço de Barrett?
You didn't kill him, did you?
Você não o matou, não é?
You didn't kill him, did you?
- Não o matou, pois não?
Because of what you did here today, I've got to kill him.
Por causa daquilo que fez hoje, vou ter de o matar.
You did have him kill the professor, didn't you?
Ordenou-Ihe que matasse o professor, não é?

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