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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did you see it

Did you see it Çeviri Portekizce

1,176 parallel translation
Did you see it?
- Viu-o?
His face! Did you see it?
A cara dele!
Did you see it?
- Did you see it?
- Vi.
- Did you see it?
- Viste? !
Did you see it?
- Viste aquilo?
- Well, did you see it?
- Viste?
Did you see it?
Você viu?
Did you see it work in some movie that you got beat up in?
Isso resultava nalguns filmes em que levavas porrada?
Did you see it or not?
Você viu ou não?
Did you see it?
Viste aquilo?
Did you see it?
Viu ele?
Did you see it?
Foi demais!
I mean, where did you see it?
Onde a viste?
- How did you see it?
- Como sabes?
- Did you see it?
- Viu-o?
Did you see it? Was it clear?
Já não tem dúvidas?
- Did you see it?
- Viste aquilo?
Did you see it?
Well, did you see it on the news?
Bem, viste no noticiário?
- Did you see it happen?
Viste ele a matá-lo? Não exactamente.
Hey, Jerry. Did you see it?
Jerry, viste aquilo?
So it takes Judge Spicer three weeks to get back to town, and he says,'Well, did you actually see it?
Para já, leva uma semana para o Juíz voltar, e depois pergunta :
Ah, yes, but when and where did you first see it?
Mas quando e onde o viu pela primeira vez?
Oh. - Monsieur Poirot, it's lovely to see you again, but we did say 7 : 00.
Monsieur Poirot, é um prazer vê-lo de novo, mas combinámos ás sete horas.
Did you see that? - Yeah, I saw it
- Viu aquilo?
Gosh, you didn't see what it did.
Gosh, você não viu o que ele fez.
- I saw it. - Nigger, did you see that shit?
Viste aquela merda, meu?
You gotta see it, man! You gotta see the shit I did!
Tens de ir ver aquilo que eu fiz!
- It was by the door. - Did you see who left it?
- Estava na soleira da entrada.
Did you see? It was Sneezy!
Viste era o Atchim.
- Did you see who it was?
- Viu quem foi?
- Did you see anything on it?
- Viste alguma coisa?
Even though the family did it out of... love... and everyone was happy for me, and they said they'd see me when they got to the Next Emanation... I have to admit, there is a little voice inside of me that is terrified of dying and since I've been talking to you... that little voice has started to get... louder.
Mesmo que a família o tenha feito por... amor... e que todos ficassem contentes por mim, e dissessem que nos veríamos... quando ele chegassem à Próxima Emanação... tenho de admitir,... que ainda há uma pequena voz dentro de mim... que está aterrorizada pela ideia de morrer... e desde que comecei a conversar consigo... essa pequena voz começou a falar cada vez... mais alto.
Did it see you?
- Não sei.
- Did you see him go up on that ball? - He held onto it. He's sti / I down.
Tidwell agarrou a bola, mas continua no chão.
And when they did, the younger brother, he climbed up that mountain with his sick older brother on his back. You see it.
E quando chegaram, o mais novo, ele subiu a montanha com o irmão doente às costas.
I'm sorry you missed it, but I did tape it if you wanna see it.
Lamento terem-no perdido, mas filmei-o se quiserem vê-lo.
Did you ever see it?
Well, did you actually see it?
Viste-o mesmo?
And I hit it! Did you see that?
Did you see how nice it is?
Saiu como esperávamos.
Did you see it?
- Did you see where it went?
- Viste onde se meteu?
I thought we might see it and, as you can see, we did!
Pensei que a pudéssemos ver e, como vês, cá está!
- Rudy, did you see any numbers on it?
- Viste números nesse telefone?
You didn't see things quite the way your mother did, but it was clear that there was a difference... No, no. a different sense that you had that others didn't.
Tu não vias as coisas como a tua mãe via, mas era claro que havia diferenças, sentias uma coisa diferente do que os outros.
- Did you see the man who left it?
- Viste o homem que o deixou?
- It would be inappropriate for me to hike up my skirt and bend over. But if I did, you'd see a huge bug up my...
- Não seria próprio subir a saia e dobrar-me, mas, se o fizesse, verias o bicho que...
Did you actually see it?
Chegaste a vê-la?
Did you see who it was?
Viu quem era?

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