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Have you got it Çeviri Portekizce

1,301 parallel translation
Have you got it?
Estás a segurar?
Have you got it?
Wolf, have you got it?
Wolf, apanhaste?
- Why have you got it?
Porque é que o tens tu?
If you haven't got anything by then, I'll have to write it for you...!
Se vocês não tiverem nada até lá, eu terei de escrever para vocês.
It comforts and cradles till you sleep. And if you're lucky enough to have the right person lying next to you, shit. There ain't a reason you got to get out of that bed come morning.
Reconforta-te, embala-te até dormir e se for tão afortunado para ter deitada a seu lado à pessoa adequada, não há razão para te levantar dessa cama na manhã.
[Chortling] You have still got it, Dr. Smith.
- Ainda tem o jeito, Dr. Smith.
Said he hated it, but I could tell. He had the same fire in his eyes that you and I have got.
Ele dizia que odiava, mas posso dizer que ele tinha o mesmo fogo nos olhos que tu e eu.
If you've got a bag, you can have it.
Quem tem um saco?
Oh, good. I figure if you've got something special to say... you have to share it with the world.
Quando temos algo especial a dizer, devemos partilhá-lo com o mundo.
There was all this merchandise that got packed up. You should have seen it. There was a record player and a yo-yo.
Havia montes de artigos que já foram empacotados um gira-discos, um ioiô...
Well seeing as you've got no brew left, I'm off. Mark can have it.
Bem, já que a cerveja acabou, vou-me embora.
It's got to be collateralised. It's lovely to have you here, darling.
É bom ter-te aqui, querida.
How hard can that be? It might not be hard for you Rock Hudson... but I have got heterosexual...
Talvez não para ti, Rock Hudson, mas eu tenho "heterossexual"...
Have your report on my desk in the morning. You got it.
Terei o relatório na minha secretária pela manhã.
People used to use "Have you got a light?" Now it's "My battery's dead".
Antes usava-se "Dá-me lume?" Agora é "Fiquei sem bateria".
Now, you have got to let it go.
Agora, tens de esquecer.
And when you get back from Switzerland, you'd better have this gay thing out of your system. Got it?
E quando voltares da Suiça, é melhor que tenhas tirado esta coisa de ser gay do teu sistema.
Seriously, if you got the map, I just wanna know you have it!
A sério, se vocês têm o mapa, só quero saber.
You have got to go someplace quiet and beautiful. A place where you can just sit and look out over the water and think about your life. Think about who it is that you want to be.
Tu tens de ir para um lugar calmo e bonito, um lugar onde te possas sentar, a observar a água, e pensares sobre a tua vida, pensar quem tu és, e quem desejarias ser.
You know, I mean, I may have gone into this selfishly. But once your father got involved, I think it was really good for him.
Posso ter sido egoísta, de início, mas, depois de o teu pai se envolver, acho que lhe fez muito bem.
Look, Aeryn, it's a long story, but I've kind of got my hands full here, so you're going to have to get here!
Aeryn, é uma longa história, mas estou com as mãos meio cheias, então chegue aqui!
But that means that you guys have got to take the time and really look at it.
Isso significa que vocês têm de olhar com atenção.
You've got it all planned out, have you?
- Já planeaste tudo, não foi? - Não...
Do you have any idea the damage that this could cause if it got into the wrong hands?
Fazem ideia dos estragos que isto podia fazer se caísse nas mãos erradas?
Have you got anything to eat? Oh, you want something to eat. I get it.
Então eu tenho que fazer algo a partir do zero sem o uso de atalhos e, em seguida, o meu castigo vai acabar.
The Kromaggs have got it, as you well know.
Os Kromaggs têm-na, como bem sabes.
My mother would have loved it if you and I got together.
A minha mãe teria adorado que nós nos juntássemos.
I got most of it out with rubbing compound... but you should have seen it before.
Já tirei a maioria com um esfregão... mas devias tê-lo visto antes.
If 100 people in New York City got it, you'd have to encircle them with 100 million vaccinated people to contain it.
Se 100 pessoas de Nova Iorque apanhassem, teriam de ser rodeadas de 100 milhões de pessoas vacinadas para conter a doença.
We don't have much time, Hunt, whatever you've got to say, say it now.
Não temos muito tempo, Hunt, seja o que for que tens a dizer, di-lo agora.
I think if you get a dog, you've got to raise it yourself. - You have to deal with a dog from day one.
Tem de se lidar com um cão desde o princípio.
And I got my packages delivered, and that is what you people are gonna have to start doing. You have to start doing whatever it takes, because in three hours and two minutes... every one of these packages has to be on the big truck... and on its way to the airport.
Façam o que for preciso, pois dentro de três horas e dois minutos, estas encomendas... têm de estar na carrinha, a caminho do aeroporto!
Now that you got it out of your system, Bobby, you have to leave.
Está bem, mas agora que já trepaste vai-te embora.
So I got it in my mind that, you know... I didn't wanna have the baby in the front seat.
E meteu-se-me na cabeça não ter o bebé no banco da frente.
And they're like... Or they got a salad fork and you have one of the big dinner forks and you have longer to go, but they're done, because that's it. They're stuck on a piece of food that they...
E tipo o garfo é grande e tenho de seguir em frente.
I'm sorry I lied to you when I shouldn't have... but I only did it because I didn't want to see... that look on your face that you got right now.
Lamento ter-te mentido quando não devia... mas só o fiz porque não queria ver... aquele olhar na tua cara, aquele que tens agora.
I thought it'd be nice to have a snack when you got home... but I didn't know when that'd be, so I guessed and made a batch around 8... but they burnt.
Achei que seria bom petiscar quando chegasses, mas não sabia quando vinhas, por isso adivinhei e fiz uma leva às oito, mas queimaram-se.
Michael Caffrey, if you have got something to say you can say it to the class.
Michael Caffrey, se tens alguma coisa a dizer, diz-nos a todos. Desculpe, stôra.
( sing ) What is it that You have got that put You where You are ( sing )
Se és rei, ou mesmo Deus, põe-te no teu lugar.
I'm not helping you because I have no idea what you're going to do with this technology once you've got it working.
Não a ajudo porque não tenho ideia do que vão fazer com esta tecnologia uma vez que a ponha em funcionamento.
You have got an oven. There's a square thing in the kitchen, I just put books in it,'til there was a slight fire incident.
Acho que não tenho forno, há uma coisa quadrada na cozinha onde costumava pôr os livros até haver um pequeno incêndio.
You can have a good old practice on your own, and when you're ready, when you've got the hang of it, you have a go at someone elses.
Pode-se praticar este hábito sozinho, e quando já se está pronto e já se apanhou o jeito, faz-se a outro.
Chiana, have you got your pill for the melar gas? Take it now.
Chiana, pegue sua pílula para o gás mylar, já!
Have you got any conspiracy theories to replace it?
Adivinhaste, John. Tens alguma teoria da conspiração a mais?
You have hated me since the minute you got here because I was first choice for your job and I turned it down.
Você me detesta desde que cheguei... porque me ofereçaram seu posto e eu o recusei.
Would you have read it if you got one?
Terias lido, se a recebesses?
In the real world. And, as luck would have it, you've got all the right bits.
E por sorte terias todas as partes certas.
- You have the egg? Yeah, I've got it.
Já o tenho.
I told you I'd get her card key. I went and got it. Now I have her card key.
Eu disse que ia buscá-lo e agora tenho o cartão dela.
You got it. I'll have you out in an hour.
Daqui a uma hora estás livre.

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