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He liked you Çeviri Portekizce

369 parallel translation
How much he liked you.
Que ele gostava muito de si.
He liked you.
Ele gostava de si.
Did you kill him because he liked you?
Mataram-no porque ele gostava de vocês?
Just because he liked you?
Só por gostar de vocês?
He liked you, Billy.
Ele gostava de ti, Billy.
He liked you a lot.
Ele a amava muito.
He liked you so much.
Ele gostou tanto de si.
Devias ter-te casado com o homem do talho, gostava de ti.
I don't think he liked you dragging his daughter off... to this little weekend seminar.
Acho que ele não gostou que lhe arrastasses a filha para este seminário de fim-de-semana.
He liked you a lot too.
Ele também gostava imenso de ti.
Um, at the risk of being yelled at don't you think you're overreacting just a bit? I mean, just because he liked your first painting- -
Correndo o risco de que me grites, não achas que estás a exagerar um pouco?
He liked you, trusted you.
Ele gostava de si, confiava em si.
Maybe he didn't shake your hand because he liked you.
Talvez não te apertasse a mão porque gostava de ti.
Yeah, he liked you, though.
Mas de ti gostou.
- And you thought that he liked you?
E pensava que ele gostava de si.
Even if you didn't have any money, you had all the food you needed... long as he liked you.
Mesmo que não houvesse dinheiro, tínhamos sempre comida, desde que ele gostasse de nós.
I knew he wasn't here because you liked his face.
Sabia que ele não estava lá porque gostaste da cara dele.
Oh, it's just possible, you know, he may have liked my approach.
Isto é muito raro. E depois que passou?
He liked the act and he wants to see you right away.
Gostou da peça e quer vê-los no seu escritório, imediatamente.
Now. the trouble is, Jake Clint always liked you better than anybody he ever met.
O problema, Jake, é que Clint sempre gostou mais de si que dos outros.
I know he'd have liked you.
Sei que ele gostaria de si.
You would have liked Sebastian and he would have been charmed by you.
Teria gostado do Sebastian e ele teria ficado encantado consigo.
He liked me, Sam. Or he felt sorry for me and he was beginning to feel the same way about you.
Ele gostava de mim, ou tinha pena, e começava a sentir o mesmo em relação a si.
Daddy was happy we got married because of the prestige but he never liked you much
A papai adorou que nos casássemos, por razões de prestígio. Mas jamais sentiu muita simpatia por ti. Não se traga que você seja um indivíduo atormentado!
I know you would have liked to talk to the late Mr. Haze, and he to you.
Você teria gostado de conversar com ele ; E ele, consigo.
I never liked him as an adventurer, but now that he puts on the airs of a saint... He certainly keeps himself in splendid isolation since you made him archbishop.
Nunca gostei dele, agora que ele se faz de santo... afastou-se de você desde que o fez Arcebispo.
And you liked him because he thought you were just as nice as you could be.
Gostavas dele... porque ele achou que eras mesmo boazinha.
You liked Stenbaugh? Well, then I'm sorry, Crowe, but he had a lot of chances.
Lamento, Crowe, mas ele teve muitas chances.
Whatever he had to tell you you must not have liked :
E que não terias gostado de algo que ele contou.
- You liked him when he arrived.
- A princípio gostavas dele.
I don't think he liked what you had to say, Colonel.
Não me parece que ele tenha gostado do que tinhas para dizer, Coronel.
He must've liked the way you sat horse.
Ele deve ter gostado da tua maneira de montar a cavalo.
You liked him. Yeah. He talked big, mind you.
Era muito gabarolas, mas habituei-me a isso, durante a guerra.
You'd say hi and when he left... you'd cut him up so your friends wouldn't think you really liked him.
Voce vai falar oi e quando ele sair... vai zoá-lo e todos os seus amigos vão achar que voce realmente não gosta dele.
Your father liked this one less. That's why he didn't give it to you.
O seu pai não gostava tanto, por isso não a ofereceu a si.
He said he never felt that way about a man before but he really liked you in a certain way...
Diz que nunca gostou assim dum homem como gosta de si.
You guys are way off base. I didn't think Mr. Gaines liked me either, but he just invited me to Kelly's birthday party.
Não pensava que o sr. Gaines gostava de mim, mas ele convidou-me para o aniversário da Kelly.
- He told you he liked it?
- Disse-te que gostou?
Wait, ALF, before you make a mess, the truth is he liked it.
Espera, Alf, antes que sujes tudo.
Do you know he had nerve enough to tell her he liked her cooking better than mine?
Sabias que ele tinha vontade suficiente para lhe dizer que gostava mais dos seus cozinhados do que dos meus?
He really liked you, too.
Ele gostou mesmo de ti.
He liked that last present you got him... that electronic thingumajig.
Ele adorou o último presente que lhe deste. Aquela coisa eletrônica.
He never liked you.
Ele nunca gostou de ti.
He liked Richie's lifestyle, his money. And you knew he was dirty.
Gostava da vida do Richie, do dinheiro, das mulheres.
And then he was the master of the proceedings. And Stephen took it very seriously. But then he liked dancing, you see?
O Stephen levou tudo muito a sério, mas ele gostava de dançar, sabe?
But what a sweetheart he was, we liked him, good with his hands, you know?
Mas ele era tão querido, que todos gostávamos dele, era bom com as mãos, sabes?
You just testified he liked unpleasant things.
Disse que ele gostava de coisas desagradáveis.
You know,'cause he always liked to think he never was wrong.
Sabe, é que ele sempre gostou de achar que nunca estava errado.
You suppose she liked him enough to lend him $ 500,000 if he desperately needed it?
Acha que gostava o suficiente para lhe emprestar meio milhão de dólares, se ele precisasse desesperadamente?
You think he liked it?
Achas que gostou?
Bassora was the one who liked you, he wanted to stay behind.
O Bassora é que gostava de ti. Ele estava triste e queria ficar.

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