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I saw them together Çeviri Portekizce

68 parallel translation
I saw them together.
Eu os vi juntos.
That feeling was confirmed when I saw them together in the hotel room.
Isso confirmou-se quando os vi juntos no quarto de hotel.
I saw them together today.
Vi-os juntos hoje.
I saw them together in front of your house.
Vi-os juntos, em frente à tua casa.
I did fire June because I saw them together.
Despedi a June porque os vi juntos.
I've taken 20 showers ever since I saw them together last night.
Já tomei vinte banhos desde que os vi juntos a noite passada.
But then one day I saw them together and I watched the way they looked at each other.
Então, um dia, eu vi os dois juntos. E fiquei observando como eles se olhavam.
I saw them together... many times - doin'it. She was biblical with him.
Pecou com ele.
I saw them together at the Neptune Grand.
Vis os dois juntos no Neptune Grand.
I saw them together two days ago.
Vi-os juntos há dois dias.
I saw them together.
Eu vi os dois juntos.
I saw them together.
Vi-os juntos.
And that I saw them together last night.
E que os vi juntos ontem à noite?
I saw them together, Porter trusted this guy.
Vi-os juntos. O Porter confiava nele.
I saw them together often.
Mas eu via-os sempre juntos.
Well, I saw them together, Mr. C and Lucy, having sex in the Shed.
Tudu bem, eu vi eles juntos, o Sr. C e a Lucy, transando no galpão.
I saw them together behind the boat.
Eu vi-os juntos. Atrás do barco.
I saw them together in the bar after.
Vi-os depois juntos no bar.
Ursula and I saw them together.
Eu e a Ursula vimo-las juntos.
Said I saw them together at the mall.
Disse que os vi junto no centro comercial.
I saw them together. Here. The day Tom disappeared.
Vi eles juntos aqui, no dia que Tom desapareceu.
It's just the whole thing with Derek Hale the other night - and Scott saying he didn't know him, but I saw them together.
Mas toda aquela coisa com o Derek Hale na outra noite e Scott dizer que não o conhecia mas eu vi-os juntos.
I saw them together, and... you heard the same rumors I did.
- Sim, vi-os juntos e tu ouviste os mesmos boatos que eu. E falaste com ele?
And I saw them together.
E foi quando os vi juntos.
He and Gagan..... I saw them together at his cottage.
Ele e a Gagan... Vi-os juntos, em casa dele.
again and again. And then... Junior year, during finals, I was in the library, and I saw them together in the stacks making out.
Então, no penúltimo ano, eu estava na biblioteca, e vi os dois juntos, nas estantes.
Well, I did until I saw them together.
Achei até que os vi juntos.
Yeah, I saw them together and so did everybody at that benefit.
Sim, eu vi-os juntos e todos naquele evento.
I just saw them talking together.
Eu vi-os a conversar.
I haven't seen them together now for about a year and a half, but back then I saw them two or three times a week.
Claro que jà não os vejo juntos hà cerca de um ano e meio, mas naquela época talvez os visse duas ou três vezes por semana.
No, I just saw them together.
Não, eu vi-os juntos.
I just saw them in my bed together.
Eu acabei de os ver juntos na cama.
I saw them all go together.
Eu vi-os a irem todos juntos.
One day a gang of us were up on the cliffs... and I saw them... together.
E um dia um grupo de nós fomos dar um passeio e eu vi-os, juntos.
There's a relationship there, I saw them at a party together.
Ouve, há uma relação qualquer. Vi-os juntos numa festa.
This is the only time I saw the two of them together, but... clearly, they were involved.
É a única vez que os vi juntos, mas... estavam claramente a ter um caso.
Luxmi, I saw them flee together.
Luxmi, eu os vi fugir juntos.
One day, I saw them walking together, so I went over to check it out.
Um dia vi-os juntos, por isso abordei-os.
And I hate you, because in the Holy Land there was two of us and we were a team and the things we went through, the horrors we saw, we went through them together.
E eu odeio-te. Porque na Terra Santa, éramos nós os dois e éramos uma equipa e as coisas por que passámos e os horrores que vimos... Superámo-los juntos!
They were together. They were together, the two of them, outside. I saw them.
Vocês estavam juntos, era você quem eu vi lá fora, eu vi eles.
I went to the lobby and I waited for a call from Roy. It was there that I saw the two of them leave and go off together.
Dirigi-me à recepção e esperei a chamada do Roy, foi ao estar ali quando os vi a andarem juntos.
I saw them going to the bathroom together.
Vi-os a entrar aos dois na casa de banho.
And that was the very first time I saw them together.
- E foi a primeira vez que os vi juntos.
I saw the two of them together the day before yesterday.
Eu vi os dois juntos antes de ontem.
I need a witness that saw them together hours before she went missing.
Preciso de uma testemunha que os tenha visto juntos horas antes dela desaparecer.
I saw them talking together at the club.
Vi-os a conversar no Green Mill.
I saw them take off in a car together.
Eu vi-os a sair juntos num carro.
I just saw them together.
Acabei de os ver juntos.
- I just saw them together.
- Vi-os juntos.
I had no idea I was pouring my secrets out to the husband of the gossip queen, until I saw the two of them walk into the party together.
Não fazia ideia que contava os meus segredos ao marido da rainha da coscuvilhice, até que os vi a entrar na festa.
Couple weeks later, I saw them out together.
Poucas semanas depois, eu vi-os juntos.

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