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I was there Çeviri Portekizce

28,392 parallel translation
I just hoped that in every nerve ending and with every tear and every smile that we could give between the two of us, that he would understand that I loved him, and I was there.
Eu esperava que em cada terminação nervosa, em cada lágrima e em cada sorriso entre nós, ele compreendesse que eu o amava e que o apoiava.
I remembered why I was there.
Lembrei-me por que razão eu estava ali.
First night I was there, I knew it was a mistake.
Na primeira noite, soube que era um erro.
Oh, I was there this summer.
Eu fui lá neste verão.
Sit there, like, " Shit, if I was Tesla,
Sentam-se, a dizer :
When I was growing up, there were a lot of Arab candy store, grocery stores in Park Slope.
Quando era criança, havia muitas lojas de doces de árabes, mercearias em Park Slope.
I mean, it was very much in the news, and the government there was really hot over it.
A situação era relatada nas notícias e o governo local estava em cima do assunto.
There was a time when I almost think of killing him because he spoiled everything.
A certa altura, quase pensei em matá-lo porque ele estragou tudo.
From what I knew at the time, there was a window of opportunity.
Daquilo que eu sabia, na altura, havia uma janela de oportunidade.
Um, but by that time, the fight was out of me... and, uh, I just lay there and I thought,
Mas, naquele momento, a luta abandonou-me e fiquei ali deitada a pensar :
I mean, there was one, but... not for me.
Quer dizer, havia um, mas... não era para mim.
I was there!
Eu fui lá e vi.
I mean, there was so much drugs in Lucasville that you'd think you was on the street.
Havia tanta droga em Lucasville, que parecia que estávamos nas ruas.
[Tate] By the time I got there at about six o'clock... the perimeter of the prison was totally ringed
Quando cheguei lá, pelas 18h, o perímetro da prisão estava cercado
I didn't know there was one, but there is.
Não sabia que havia um, mas parece que há.
And there was butterflies in my stomach, and all of a sudden... we'd go around a turn, all the butterflies shot up into my throat and I would lose my breath until we got to the straightaway.
Tinha borboletas no estômago e, de repente, damos uma curva e todas as borboletas subiram para a garganta e perdi o fôlego até chegar à reta.
I mean, how annoying could it be if there was only one?
Quão irritante poderia ser, se só existia um?
I went to go to bed, and my husband was there.
Ia para a cama e o meu marido estava lá.
[Paul] And I thought maybe, um, there was hope for us then.
E, naquela altura, pensei que havia esperança para nós.
[Leivers] The plan was, I was going to go out there.
O plano era eu ir até lá.
I looked up and there was a chap striding towards me... holding a British passport in his hand. [chuckles]
Olhei para cima e estava um sujeito a avançar na minha direção com um passaporte britânico.
[man] I think it was about 5 : 00 or 6 : 00 a.m., there was video footage showing Paul and Rachel, and they're alive.
Eram 5h ou 6h e já havia vídeos com imagens do Paul e da Rachel, e eles estavam vivos.
I don't think they realized, because there was only four of them, how much pressure that would actually...
Acho que eles não perceberam, pois eram apenas quatro, a pressão que isso...
I think part of the scenario was there was no distraction.
Creio que parte do cenário era não haver distrações.
- [gunfire ] - [ shouting ] [ siren wailing] And there were other people in Russia at that time that I had dealings with who were most definitely not honest, but that was the nature of the Russian system at the time.
Havia outras pessoas na Rússia, naquela altura, com quem eu negociava e que não eram minimamente honestas, mas, na altura, era essa a natureza do sistema russo.
I was thinking, " Well, there's a lot of heavy... heavy cooking implements in the kitchen.
Comecei a pensar : " Há muitos utensílios pesados na cozinha.
And I remember being let out of our room one morning, and HC was just sitting there and he had made this little kind of sculpture with his toothbrush and the toothpaste.
Lembro-me de me terem deixado sair do quarto uma manhã. O Algemas estava ali sentado e tinha feito uma pequena escultura com a escova e a pasta de dentes.
One day, there was HC with his, well, sort of his nose to the ground, you know, to the floor, and I was thinking what on earth he's doing.
Um dia, o ALG pôs o nariz no chão e eu perguntei-me o que raio estava ele a fazer.
[Carr] I was aware of the photographers, but what I was really aware of, I think, was just our families were over there.
Apercebi-me dos fotógrafos, mas o que queria ver mesmo eram as nossas famílias, ali.
And I know there was another war, so it's quite likely that they fought again, probably, and probably were killed.
E sei que houve outra guerra, por isso é provável que tenham voltado ao combate e que tenham sido mortos.
There was, really, really, like, the feeling, "I'm done."
Era aquela sensação do género : "Acabou."
There was a beautiful person on the inside, which I just really, really fell in love with.
Era uma pessoa linda por dentro e por quem eu me apaixonei.
I told him the news about the kidnapping of two South Africans in Yemen... and I asked him if there was anything we could do.
Contei-lhe sobre o sequestro dos dois sul-africanos no Iémen e perguntei-lhe se havia algo que pudéssemos fazer.
I just wrapped myself around him because there was no... No way that he could hear that I wanted to say I love him.
Abracei-o com força, pois não havia forma de ele me ouvir dizer que eu o amava.
So the moment I saw her blue eyes, I knew that this was Yolande, because there are rarely any blue eyes in Yemen.
No momento em que vi os seus olhos azuis, soube que era a Yolande porque é raro verem-se olhos azuis no Iémen.
And I wondered if there was anything else one could do, and then I learned about the Christian Peacemaker Team.
Questionei-me se haveria algo que alguém pudesse fazer e foi quando soube da Christian Peacemaker Team.
I don't think there was any hesitation.
Não creio que tenha havido hesitação.
And then there was another video with Harmeet and I.
E havia outro vídeo comigo e com o Harmeet.
By the time I got there, it was normal.
Quando lá cheguei, era normal.
There was capability that we had, but... nothing that even ten years later, I should go into.
Tínhamos certas capacidades, mas nada sobre as quais, mesmo dez anos depois, eu deva falar.
I just wish there was another way.
Só queria que houvesse outra maneira.
I just couldn't understand it and, uh... they call my name... and I look up and she was there. I saw her.
Não conseguia compreender e chamam o meu nome eu olho e vejo-a.
I'd march into hell for you, if I thought there was a slightest chance of victory.
Por vós, marcharia até ao Inferno, se existisse uma infama possibilidade de vencer.
That there still will drown with the rope if I was not me... that too...
Aquele tipo ali ainda estaria a sufocar se não fosse eu. E essa é a verdade...
I was... You were drowning. There was water.
Eu estava a afogar-me havia agua...
There was nothing I could do, I had to shoot her.
Já não havia mais nada a fazer. Eu tinha de lhe dar um tiro.
I was watching you over there.
Estava a observar-te dali.
There was one thing I still wanted.
Ainda havia uma coisa que eu queria.
I haven't been there since I was a kid.
Não vou lá desde miúdo.
I knew there was a reason.
Eu sabia que havia uma razão.
I was a teacher, but there's not many jobs around here.
Eu era professora, mas não há muitos empregos por aqui.

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