It's about us Çeviri Portekizce
1,018 parallel translation
Now, when they read about us, it's nothing but terror and violence.
Agora, quando lêm notícias nossas não é senão terror e violência.
It's about us being revolutionaries like him.
É sobre sermos revolucionários como ele.
It's about time they were sending us some new men.
Já era tempo que nos mandassem uns tipos frescos.
Look, it's all very well us talking like this, you know, like it was a game, but I wish you'd tell me what it's all about, because, honest to God, I just got out of bed,
Olhe, está muito bom isso de falar assim, sabe, como se fosse um jogo.
- It's all your fault mister... You caused that thing about us to the authorities. You accused us of corruption.
Reclamou de nós às autoridades.
Thought you forgot about us. It's been a while.
Pensamos que tivesse nos esquecido.
It's the Demon Hols told us about!
O Hols falou-nos dele!
I think it's about time we found out whether Professor Starnes'enemy within is on the planet below or here onboard ship with us.
Está na hora de saber se o inimigo interior do Professor Starnes está lá no planeta, ou aqui, a bordo, connosco.
Get a little coffee in ya and settle down, you can tell us what it's all about.
Tome um pouco de café, e acalme-se. Diga o que se trata.
I think it's absolutely disgraceful us lugging them about.
Penso que seria uma pena desiludi-las.
The good thing about the weather is... it keeps our Air Corps from blowing us to hell... because it's too lousy to fly.
A única coisa boa com o tempo é que afasta a nossa aviação de nos mandar para o inferno porque lhes atrapalha os vôos.
You know what they say about us. If there's one thing more deplorable than our cooking, it's our love making.
Dizem que mais deplorável do que a nossa comida é o nosso sexo.
The way I see it, it's about time we got us a sheriff who can treat that jailhouse scum like they was meant to be.
Pelo que vejo, chegou a hora de termos um xerife... que possa tratar essa cadeia como deve ser.
Of course. He's told us all about it.
Ele já nos contou tudo.
It takes us about a half day's march of Fort Holman.
Será difícil o apanharmos, mas não há outra alternativa. Irá levar-nos quase até ao Forte Holman.
When Reavis hit me with that first installment of $ 10,000 to keep quiet about a murder I had absolutely nothing to do with tried to implicate me in it well, let's just say I was not unhappy when he met with that most unfortunate accident.
Quando o Reavis exigiu US $ 10.000... para ficar quieto sobre um crime com o qual não tive nada a ver... e tentou me implicar na história... digamos que não fiquei muito aborrecido... quando ele sofreu aquele acidente infeliz.
It's about time to call Ulvenstein to get us some money.
É hora de chamar Ulvenstein para pedir algum dinheiro.
Paul, it's us I'm really frightened about.
Paul, é de nós que tenho medo.
It's very hard to tell you this, but... I changed my mind about us dancing together.
É dureza, mas... não vamos mais dançar juntos.
'There's just about room enough on it for us, man. 'I think it'll give us a clean shot to the state line.'
Tem espaço suficiente para nós e vai direitinha até à fronteira.
He can tell us about it when he's rested.
Ele poderá nos contar quando tiver descansado.
that gendarme keeps following us it's becoming a pain do something about it
Esse gendarme continua a perseguir-nos... Está a tornar-se chato... Capturem-no.
It's true, then, about us landing on Earth?
Então é verdade? Nós pousaremos na Terra?
It's true, then, about us landing on Earth?
Nós pousaremos na Terra?
So, Mr. Baxter and ladies, you'll have to tell us what it's all about.
logo, senhor Baxter e senhoras, devem dizer-nos sobre o que é a letra.
What about the way it's marooning us right now, among these uncharted stars?
E porque nos está a obrigar a navegar por este sistema desconhecido?
It's up to us to make sure that she not only finds out about the vote... but has a chance to do something about it.
Cabe-nos garantir que não só fica a saber da votação, como também pode fazer algo.
I thinks about it all the time, what she's going to do to us!
Está sempre a pensar naquilo, no que nos vai fazer!
- I think, think about Europe and humour will take us through it, I hope. Well, that's a lovely thought.
'Vai pagar mais 3 minutos?
It's music that really tells the truth about life. Because all of us have been in love or been deceived.
É a música que fala, que diz a verdade da vida, porque já toda a gente teve amor ou desengano.
It's all about us.
É tudo sobre nós.
It's about time they gave us this room.
Já era hora de nos darem esse quarto.
to begin with... to tell us something about what it's like... to raise a medical genius.
Para nos contar sobre como é criar um génio da medicina.
Yeah, it's a great idea, but none of us knows anything about hypnosis.
Sim, é uma bela ideia, mas nenhum de nós sabe nada sobre hipnose. Eu sei.
- Tell us about it later. Let's get outta here.
Contas-nos depois.
I wanna put it to a vote right now... that Dominic Prizzi... tells us what the hell he's gonna do about it.
Quero submeter isto a votação agora... para que Dominic Prizzi... nos diga o que vai fazer sobre isto.
It avoids the Yankee blockade and any questions from us about what he's transporting.
Evita o bloqueio ianque e quaisquer perguntas nossas sobre o que transporta.
What's it say about us?
O que dizem aí sobre nós?
And if it's monsters, nobody's gonna do a thing about it but us.
E se forem monstros... ninguém fará nada a respeito além de nós.
It's private things about all of us.
Tretas! Vá lá, então...
It's about the only sacrifice spoiled women like us ever have to make to keep our men.
É o único sacrifício que temos de fazer para manter nossos maridos.
It's not about us.
Não é sobre nós.
It's about us!
É sobre nós!
Neither of us has energy to do anything about it, but it's not great.
Mas nenhum de nós tem ânimo para fazer alguma coisa. Mas não está bom.
To jinx us? Forget about it. Let's get a couple girls and dance.
Esquece isso e anda buscar duas miúdas para dançar.
It's about time they asked us.
Já não era sem tempo.
You're always worried about pleasing us, but today it's Saturday, we're home... and we're waiting on you.
Estás sempre preocupado em agradar-nos, mas hoje é sábado, estamos em casa... e vamos servir-te.
Well, perhaps it's about time that you explain to us what the hell is going on!
Talvez seja altura de nos explicar o que raio se está a passar.
It's no good for us... to even think about it.
Não nos convém... sequer pensar.
It's about women, and how they are not mere objects with curves that make us crazy.
É acerca das mulheres, e como elas não são objectos com curvas que nos... fazem ficar malucos.
It's not about my ego. It's about us. What we stand for.
Não é o meu ego que importa, mas aquilo em que acreditamos.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about us 203
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about us 203
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
using 28
user 29
useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
user 29
useless 232
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17