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Killed him Çeviri Portekizce

10,161 parallel translation
The gene that killed him came from me.
O gene que o matou era meu.
Probably would have killed him if I hadn't intervened.
Provavelmente tinha-o morto se não interviesse.
Somehow, whoever killed him knew it.
De alguma forma, quem o matou sabia disso.
We think we know who killed him.
Acho que sabemos quem é que o matou.
Who do you think killed him?
Quem é que pensam que o matou?
I was in the building when you killed him.
Estava no edifício quando o mataste.
Meredith said she killed him.
A Meredith disse que ela o matou.
Did he say anything to you... before you killed him?
- Ele disse alguma coisa, antes de você o matar?
You killed him!
So no thoughts yet about who killed him?
De modo nenhum pensamento ainda sobre quem o matou?
What if he did and they killed him?
E se ele o fez e eles mataram-no?
Go to Ford's house, see if you can find anything that'll shed light on who killed him.
Vão até à casa do Ford, tentem encontrar alguma coisa que ajude a elucidar quem o matou.
Luke killed him.
Luke matou-o.
You waited until you knew that he was alone, you took his gun, and you killed him.
Esperou até ele estar sozinho, - tirou-lhe a arma, e matou-o.
It must've have killed him on impact.
Deve ter morrido com o impacto.
George Lasko, and then killed him to cover the tracks.
George Lasko, e que depois matou-o para cobrir os rastos.
Maybe she killed him to keep him quiet.
Talvez ela o tenha matado para o silenciar.
Okay, if you are saying that one of them potentially killed him, we need a name.
Está bem, se estás a dizer que um deles pode ser, potencialmente, um assassino, vamos precisar de um nome.
Someone at that company might have killed him to keep him quiet.
Alguém da empresa pode tê-lo matado para ficar calado.
But the truck is what killed him.
Mas foi o camião que o matou.
If it ever got out that Maria killed him, she'd be done.
Se alguma vez se soubesse que a Maria o tinha morto, ela estava acabada.
Some crazed fan probably followed Paul in from the city and killed him.
Algum fã maluco deve ter seguido o Paul da cidade e matou-o.
Right, and we have a theory on why Viggo killed him.
Está bem, e temos uma teoria da razão porque foi que o Viggo o matou.
You killed him!
Tu mataste-o!
You killed him.
Tu mataste-o.
He killed him.
Ele matou-o.
I killed him.
Eu matei-o.
You killed him?
Tu mataste-o?
But Barry Seal's enemies caught up with him and killed him.
Mas os inimigos de Barry Seal encontraram-no e mataram-no.
Yeah, my dad had energy, too, and you killed him for it.
E o meu pai também tinha a energia e tu mataste-o por isso.
Yeah, Bob told me that The Black Badger killed him.
Sim, o Bob disse-me que o Texugo Negro o matou.
He killed him to cover his tracks.
Matou-o para cobrir o seu rasto.
- I killed him. If I go down, socrates, I'm taking you down with me!
Sócrates, se eu for apanhado, levo-te comigo!
You nearly killed him, remember?
Quase o mataste, lembras-te?
I killed him when I was nine years old.
Eu matei-o, quando tinha nove anos.
I could have killed him.
Eu podia tê-lo matado.
Lisa killed him?
- A Lisa matou-o?
- I killed him before he fired.
- Matei-o antes de ele disparar.
You think that Bennett killed Hayes to shut him up?
Achas que o Bennett matou o Hayes para o silenciar?
You think that 515 killed Quinn to keep her from exposing him, then went after Shelby Lockhart?
Acham que o 515 matou a Quinn para a impedir de o expor e depois foi atrás da Shelby Lockhart?
You think they had him killed?
Acha que eles o mandaram matar?
Hey, if we hadn't have pulled him off of you, he might've killed you, Tandy.
Se não o tivéssemos tirado, ele tinha-te matado, Tandy.
Yeah, I kind of don't think that he killed his wife. Then bring him in, and he can prove it.
Sim, eu meio que acho que ele não matou a mulher dele.
The company's investiga- - look, I wouldn't have thought about Roger except, you know, now, with him getting killed.
A investigação da companhia... Olha, não teria pensado no Roger excepto, sabe, agora, que ele foi morto.
Figures out she's onto him and has her killed before she can report it.
Descobre que ela sabe sobre ele e mata-a antes que ela o denuncie.
And we know that you had him killed to cover your tracks.
E sabemos que o mandou matar para cobrir os seus rastos.
If we wanted him out of the picture, like in prison, or if you wanted him killed, you know, it would've been much easier just to kill him.
Se o quiséssemos fora de cena, como na prisão ou se o quiséssemos morto, sabe, seria mais fácil matá-lo.
He killed my boy and then brought him back again.
Ele matou o meu filho e depois trouxe-o de volta outra vez.
You killed him.
- Tu mataste-o...
The new prince invited Misha, his wife and their eldest daughter to Moscow, made him sign over the accounts that he controlled and then had them killed.
O novo príncipe convidou o Misha, a sua esposa e a filha mais velha à Moscou, o fez passar o controlo das contas que ele as controlava e depois os mataram.
I heard it's'cause this squad's so bad he was afraid you'd get him killed when the 5th Wave hits.
Ouvi dizer que é porque este esquadrão é tão mau, que ele receava morrer por vossa causa quando chegasse a 5ª Vaga.

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