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Lift him up Çeviri Portekizce

119 parallel translation
Come on, lift him up.
Venha, levante-o.
Lift him up on the table. Carefully.
- Vamos, levante-o, mais um pouco.
- Lift him up and carry him.
- Carreguem-no. Rápido.
Lift him up, please.
Levante-me, por favor.
They're trying to lift him up and carry him off.
Estão a tentar levantá-lo, para o levarem.
Lift him up here.
Suba-o por aqui.
Help me lift him up.
Ajuda-me a levantá-lo!
Lift him up easy.
Levantem-no devagar.
Put something... wait, lift him up.
Põe algo... espere, levanta-o.
Hurry up, it will be all over us in a minute. Lift him up.
Rápido, estarão aqui não tarda muito, levante-o.
- See if you can lift him up.
- Vejam se conseguem levantá-lo.
- That hurts! - Pasha, lift him up.
- Isso dói!
Lift him up!
Let's lift him up.
Todos juntos.
- Lift him up.
- Levante-lo.
let's lift him up.
Vamos levantá-lo.
Just lift him up.
Só tens de o levantar.
- Look, help me lift him up.
- Seu coração pulsa muito rápido.
Help me lift him up.
Ajude-me a levantá-lo.
- Lift him up.
- Levante-o.
Well, lift him up, get him under. Peter, come on over here. Evert the cortex.
Peter, levante-o e vire o córtex.
- Help me lift him up. Turn the music down.
- Vão buscar tudo isso!
Lift him up.
Lift him up.
- Levantem-no.
Mulder, lift him up.
Mulder, levanta-o.
All right, lift him up! Lift him up!
Muito bem, levantem-no!
But he knew the ancient ones were there for him... so he called out to them to lift him up and give him strength.
Mas ele sabia que os antigos estavam com ele... por isso chamou por eles para que o animassem e lhe dessem forças.
Where the sun will lift him up.
O Sol vai fazê-la evaporar-se.
Lift him up.
We'll lift him up.
Vamos levantá-lo.
Lift him up.
Come on, lift him up. Get him walking.
Venha aqui, vamos, pegue ele.
Lift the harness. Let's slide him up.
Agora, levantem o arnês e façam-no deslizar...
Lift him up, lads!
Levantem-no, rapazes!
Lift you up with him?
É a namorada dele?
Give him a chance to lift your spirit and cleanse your heart before you take up arms.
Dê a ele uma chance de erguer seu espírito e limpar seu coração antes de você pegar em armas.
Shut the fuck up and give him a lift!
- Cale-se mas é e dê-lhe boleia!
I think if we can get him to lift up your dress, we can put him away.
Acredito que se alcançamos que te apoie o vestido, podiamos hecharlo.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon him... and give him peace.
"que o Senhor erga até ele o Seu rosto e lhe dê a paz."
All in favor, let him lift up your hand.
Quem estiver a favor, diga "eu". - Eu! - Contra?
Let the Lord lift up His countenance about him and give him peace.
Que o Senhor o leve à Sua presença e dai-lhe paz. Ámen.
We saw him lift himself up and down, up and down.
Nós vimos ele a erguer-se pra cima e pra baixo, pra cima e pra baixo.
The Lord bless him and keep him. The Lord make his face to shine upon him and be gracious unto him. The Lord lift up his countenance upon him and give him peace.
Que o Senhor o abençoe e guarde, que o Seu rosto o ilumine e que com ele seja piedoso, que o Senhor o auxilie e lhe dê paz.
The Lord make his face to shine upon him and be gracious. The Lord lift up his countenance upon him and give him peace. "
Que o Senhor o contemple com a Sua graça, que o leve para junto dele e lhe conceda a paz.
You know, if Luther were to lift one finger, every peasant in Germany would rise up behind him.
Se o Lutero levantasse um único dedo, todos os camponeses da Alemanha iriam atrás dele.
Let us lift up our hearts and voices together to give Him thanks and praise for our safe passage...
Ergamos juntos os nossos corações e vozes, para Lhe agradecer e louvar a nossa passagem segura...
And you lift the little guy up and slide it right under him like that... and then you lower him ever so gently, and there.
Agora levantas o bebé para cima e colocas a fralda debaixo dele, assim... depois, baixa-lo gentilmente, e já está.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon him and give him peace.
O Senhor condescendeu e deu-lhe paz.
Lift him up.
Well, now, yes, you see, er, the thing is... If I was gonna execute someone by backing him up against the wall, little word of advice - don't stand him against the lift.
Bem, certo, repare, o problema é que... se eu fosse executar alguém, pondo-o contra a parede, um pequeno conselho.
When you smell him, lift up your head and howl.
Quando o farejares, ergues a cabeça e uivas.

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