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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Lock him up

Lock him up Çeviri Portekizce

438 parallel translation
Lock him up.
- Deixem-me!
Lock him up.
Take him to Algernon. Tell him to lock him up.
Dá ao Algernon, que o prenda.
Why don't you lock him up?
Porque não o tranca?
Now lock him up, and I'll tell you what to do with him later.
Prenda-o, e mais tarde digo o que fazer com ele.
- Lock him up in the barn.
- Fecha-o no estábulo.
Tell him I said to lock him up.
E diz-lhe que o prenda.
Lock him up he's immoral!
Exijo que prendam este homem por imoral.
Put him in there and lock him up.
Coloque-o ali e tranque-o.
Mother, we still have to find Uncle Elwood and lock him up.
Temos que encontrar o tio Elwood e trancá-lo.
Lock him up! - That's where we want Elwood.
- Exacto, é isso que queremos!
Take him to Warsaw, boys, and lock him up.
Levem-no para Warsaw e prendam-no.
Lock him up.
Um correio e dois guardas?
Sir, let me lock him up.
Senhor, deixe-me trancá-lo.
Take the cuffs off of him and lock him up.
Solta-lhe as mãos e prende-o.
Well, if it's all right with you I'll lock him up first and then take the cuffs off.
Se não te importas, prendo-o primeiro antes de soltar-lhe as mãos.
AII right, you soldiers, take him down and lock him up.
Bem, soldados, Ievem-no daqui e prendam-no!
Take his gun and lock him up.
Apanhe a sua arma. E prendam-no.
Lock him up.
- Levem-no para a cela.
Gonna lock him up?
Vai prendê-lo?
- Lock him up.
- Prendam-no.
Lock him up.
You two men, take him to the jail and lock him up.
Dois de vocês, levem-no para a cadeia. Tranquem-no lá.
- He's here to lock him up.
- Ele está aqui para prendê-lo.
With the evidence before us there's nothing to do but lock him up.
Dadas as provas que temos, nada podemos fazer senão o prender.
Lock him up till the fighting starts.
Prendam-no até o combate começar.
Lock him up for safekeeping.
Meta-o numa cela.
Lock him up when you're finished.
Feche a porta quando terminar.
Want me to lock him up?
Quer que o tranque?
Lock him up.
You boys go ahead and lock him up.
Vocês vão à frente e metam-no numa cela.
Lock him up, Sheriff.
Prenda-o, Xerife.
Lock him up.
Lock him up there! - Onward!
- Ajudem-nos!
- Why don't you lock him up?
Por que não o prendeu?
Lock him up!
Levem-no daqui.
But he was afraid they would lock him up.
Mas receava que o prendessem.
Wood, you take him, and you lock him up for withholding evidence.
Wood, prende-o por retenção de provas.
Martin, lock him up!
Prende-o, Martin.
Lock him up.
Lock him up till he sleeps it off.
But it's useless to bring him from the forest and lock him up as if he were being punished for disappointing the Parisians.
Mas ê inútil tirá-Io da floresta e trancá-Io como se o puníssemos por desiludir os parisienses.
Lock him up in the smokehouse.
Fechem-no no defumadouro.
And neither, I have any intention of giving his bail - lt would be better, if you chain him and lock him up for the entire life -
Estou cansado do comportamento irresponsável dele. Tome, ouça você mesmo. O seu pai é da mesma opinião.
He's the only suspect they've got, poor lamb, and with all the evidence against him, they'd lock him up without so much as a by-your-leave.
É o único suspeito que têm e, com todos os indícios, prendiam-no logo.
- Lock him up!
- Agarre-o.
You'll not warn him if we have to lock you up in your own jail.
Não o avisará nem que tenhamos que o prender na sua própria cadeia.
- You got to lock him up.
- Tem de o prender.
Sergeant, lock him up.
Sargento, prenda-o.
- I've got some coffee on the stove- - - I've gotta lock a man up here who didn't do a damn thing just to keep those maniacs from killing him.
- Tenho de fechar aqui um homem... que não fez nada, só para evitar que aqueles loucos o matem.
Wyatt would've let you lock them up out at the corral. I know him.
Pode ter prendido o Wyatt e os outros no curral.

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