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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Lock them up

Lock them up Çeviri Portekizce

201 parallel translation
- or lock them up.
- ou para as prender.
Lock them up. We'II send them to Tokotu for court martial in a few days.
Trague-os, mandaremos para Tocoteau para corte marcial, em alguns dias.
Take them and lock them up.
Leva-os e encerra-lhes.
Lock them up.
Lock them up.
- Lúcia. Tranca-os.
Lucas, Turner - take these two and lock them up.
Lucas, Turner... Leva estes dois e prende-os.
Put them in the hotel and lock them up.
Leve-as para o hotel e tranque-as lá.
Kelly, take them down and lock them up for the night.
Kelly, leve-os e prenda-os por esta noite.
It was you who elected atamans, now you lock them up.
Fomos nós que elegemos os atamäs, e agora quereis prendê-los?
Fine. Lock them up... both of them.
Dentro, os dois.
They are free now, and nobody... no Englishman, no Haganah, will ever lock them up again.
Eles agora são livres, e ninguém... nenhum Inglês, nenhum Haganah, voltará a trancá-los de novo.
Lock them up in the storehouse.
Tranque-os no armazém.
all right. I'll lock them up in the dressing room.
Se não precisa deles, fecho-os no camarim.
Wyatt would've let you lock them up out at the corral. I know him.
Pode ter prendido o Wyatt e os outros no curral.
Lock them up.
Feche-os na cela.
Lock them up.
- Why do you lock them up?
Por que os tem fechados?
Even if I could lock them up they'd find a way of getting here.
Mesmo que os prendesse, achavam maneira de vir cá.
" And having dine drunk, became noisy, the marshal lock them up for a few days.
" Eles estavam tão bêbados que tiveram de passar alguns dias na prisão.
If we lock them up, they immediately go into a coma and die shortly afterwards.
Se as prendermos, entram em coma e morrem pouco depois.
- Lock them up.
- Fecha-os.
I don't know how to say this, but maybe in this topsy-turvy world, they should take all the "sane" people and lock them up and let all the psychopaths out of the asylums to run the world.
Não sei como dizer isto, mas talvez, neste mundo confuso, se devesse internar todas as pessoas "sãs", e libertar os psicopatas dos asilos para que governassem o mundo.
BURT : Lock them up!
- Why does she lock them up?
- Por isso é que os fecha á chave?
Lock them up that we may all sleep safely tonight.
Trancai-os, para que possamos dormir descansados esta noite.
- Lock them up in the room, quick!
- Fecha-os no quarto. Rápido!
Lock them up first
- Levem-nos!
Lock them up
- Prendam-nos!
Help me lock them up first
- Prendam-nos primeiro.
They'd have to lock them up, man.
Eles têm que os prender.
Lock them up there and come right back.
Fecha-os lá em cima e volta logo para aqui.
Send them all away. Lock them up forever.
Prendam-nos para sempre.
I want you to go and lock them up in their cells.
I want you to go and lock them up in their cells.
Why don't I lock them up and call the Klingons to come get them?
Porque não as prendo e digo aos Klingons para as virem buscar? Odo...
Lock them up!
And when they fly away the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.
E quando eles voam para fora parte de você fica trancado.
The guy they ought to lock up is the guy that sent them things out.
Deviam prender mas é o tipo que espalhou essas coisas.
Got any place I can lock this soldier boy up till I get them papers signed?
Tem algum sítio onde possa prender o soldado até os papéis estarem prontos?
Lock up after them.
Tranque o porto depois.
I'd like them to lock up at ten minutes to five, stay locked up until ten minutes after five.
Quero que as fechem às dez para as cinco e as abram às cinco e dez.
Don't let them lock me up!
Não deixes que me prendam!
Tell them if they let my body out of jail I'd lock up my mind?
Dizer-lhes isso é o mesmo que libertar o meu corpo, mas encarcerar a minha mente.
Your absence is already the cause of many rumors. If you tell them you wish to marry a scullery maid, they'll lock you up.
Sua ausência de palácio já suscita falatórios, mas se anunciarem seu desejo de lhes casar com uma faxineira... eles encerrarão.
Roll the windows up, lock the doors, and if anybody talks to you, Tell them your daddy's inside and he'll be right back.
Sobe as janelas, tranca as portas e se falarem contigo, diz que fui lá dentro e já volto.
Lock both of them up Yes, Sir
Lock both of them up
Why don't we call them and tell them what a lousy father you are... and that they should lock you up for beating your daughter?
Porque é que não chamamos a polícia e dizemos-lhes o pai merdoso que é... e que deviam metê-lo dentro por bater na sua filha?
They must have freed Commander Riker. Transporter Room, get a lock on the away team and beam them up.
Transportador, observar a festa de pouso e súbanlos.
We'll get them into the hamburger factory, lock them in and then blow them up!
Apanhamo-los na fábrica de hamburgueres, fechamo-los e fazemo-los explodir pelos ares!
If we could lock on to the hostages, we couldn't beam them up.
Mesmo que pudéssemos localizá-los, não poderíamos trazê-los.
I'm picking up some subspace signals, but I can't seem to get a lock on them.
Detecto sinais subespaciais, mas não posso bloqueá-los.

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