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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ L ] / Lord baelish

Lord baelish Çeviri Portekizce

55 parallel translation
- Lord Baelish will see it paid for.
O Lorde Baelish tratará dos pagamentos. Tratarei?
Lord Baelish, perhaps I was wrong to distrust you.
Lorde Baelish, talvez tenha errado em desconfiar de você.
Sansa dear, this is Lord Baelish.
Eu... Sansa, querida, este é o Lorde Baelish.
Lord Baelish is here for you.
O Lorde Baelish está aqui para o ver.
And I admire you, Lord Baelish.
E eu admiro-o a si, Lorde Baelish.
- Lothor Brune, freerider in the service of Lord Baelish.
- Lothor Brune, cavaleiro livre ao serviço de Lorde Baelish.
Lord Baelish.
- Lorde Baelish!
Lord Baelish.
Lorde Baelish.
I don't like you, Lord Baelish.
Não gosto de vós, Lorde Baelish.
Here is your tent, Lord Baelish.
Eis a vossa tenda, Lorde Baelish.
More wine for Lord Baelish.
Mais vinho para Lorde Baelish.
I would like you to tell me if working for Lord Baelish has been all you'd hoped it would be.
Eu queria que me dissesse se trabalhar para o Lord Baelish tem sido tudo o que esperava que fosse.
When she spoke with Lord Baelish, his friend warned me about him.
Quando falou com Lorde Baelish, a amiga dele avisou-me contra ele.
Please, Lord Baelish. Tell me what to do. Tell me when.
Por favor, Lorde Baelish, dizei-me o que fazer, dizei-me quando.
I do, Lord Baelish.
Eu sei, Lorde Baelish.
A successful courtship would make Lord Baelish acting Lord of the Vale.
Uma corte bem-sucedida faria de Lorde Baelish senhor do Vale.
Far be it from me to hinder true love, but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems.
Longe de mim impedir o verdadeiro amor, mas a ausência de Lorde Baelish geraria certos problemas.
- Lord Baelish?
- Lorde Baelish!
- Lord Baelish. - I promised I'd get her to you safely.
Lorde Baelish, prometi trazê-la até vós em segurança.
Lord Baelish here is your uncle?
O senhor Baelish aqui é vosso tio?
Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if Lord Baelish left the room.
Talvez vos sentísseis mais à vontade se o senhor Baelish saísse.
I'm sorry, Lord Baelish.
Peço desculpa, senhor Baelish.
Lord Baelish has told many lies.
O senhor Baelish disse muitas mentiras.
She always loved Lord Baelish.
Sempre amou o senhor Baelish.
When the gods finally allowed her to be with Lord Baelish, she was so happy.
Quando os deuses finalmente lhe permitiram ficar com o senhor Baelish, ela ficou tão feliz.
She was terrified that Lord Baelish didn't love her anymore.
Tinha pavor que o senhor Baelish já não a amasse.
Lord Baelish is my uncle now, in truth, by marriage.
O senhor Baelish é agora meu tio de facto, por casamento.
When Lord Baelish tried to calm her, she struck him.
Quando o senhor Baelish a tentou acalmar, ela bateu-lhe.
Who would you have us back, Lord Baelish?
Quem queríeis que apoiássemos, senhor Baelish?
Welcome back, Lord Baelish.
Bem-vindo de volta, senhor Baelish.
Lord Baelish.
Senhor Baelish.
Lord Baelish...
Senhor Baelish...
Allow me a moment alone with Lord Baelish.
Deixa-me a sós com Lorde Baelish.
And thank you, Lord Baelish.
E obrigado, Lorde Baelish.
I'm sure you understand my position, Lord Baelish.
Sei que me percebe, Lorde Baelish.
Step carefully, Lord Baelish.
Caminhai com cuidado, Senhor Baelish.
I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish.
Eu sou a parte insultada, Senhor Baelish.
Forgive me, Lord Baelish, you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man.
Perdoai-me, Senhor Baelish, tendes reputação como credor e guardador de bordéis, não como militar.
- I promise you, Lord Baelish, that our fates are joined.
- Prometo-vos... - Prometo-vos, Senhor Baelish, que os nossos destinos estão juntos.
You told me Lord Baelish sold you to the Boltons.
Disseste-me que Lorde Baelish te vendeu aos Bolton.
You've declared for other houses before, Lord Baelish.
Haveis-vos declarado por outras Casas antes, Lorde Baelish.
What do you want, Lord Baelish?
Que quereis, Senhor Baelish?
No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish.
Não é preciso ficar com a última palavra, Sr. Baelish.
- She has, Lord Baelish.
Falou, Lorde Baelish.
You do realize this establishment is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish, the King's Master of Coin.
Sabeis que este estabelecimento é propriedade de Lorde Petyr Baelish, o Mestre da Moeda do Rei.
- Lord Petyr Baelish.
- Lorde Petyr Baelish.
Lord Petyr Baelish, step forward.
Lord Petyr Baelish, Dê um passo em frente.
Lord Petyr Baelish and his niece Alayne.
O senhor Petyr Baelish e a sua sobrinha Alayne.
This establishment belong to Lord Petyr Baelish. You can't...
Este estabelecimento pertence ao Lorde Petyr Baelish...
This is Lord Petyr Baelish's establishment.
Este é o estabelecimento de Lorde Petyr Baylish.

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