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Of the world Çeviri Portekizce

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The assets it guides and controls now amount to 15 trillion, which is 7 % of the world's total wealth.
Os ativos que guia e controla o que é 7 % da riqueza total do mundo.
A safe bubble that protected you from the complexities of the world outside.
Uma bolha segura que nos protegia das complexidades do mundo exterior.
They turned for help to the man who they had always insisted was one of the world's most dangerous tyrants.
Eles se voltaram para o homem que sempre insistiram que era era um dos tiranos mais perigosos do mundo.
"And in return you will see a cartoon " version of the world through the agent's eyes. "
você verá uma versão caricatural do mundo através dos olhos do agente.
And their simplistic vision of the world had been exposed as dangerous and destructive.
E sua visão simplista do mundo tinha sido denunciada como perigosa e destrutiva.
Surkov's aim was not just to manipulate people but to go deeper and play with, and undermine their very perception of the world so they are never sure what is really happening.
O objetivo de Surkov não era apenas manipular pessoas torcendo e debilitando de modo que nunca se saiba o que realmente está acontecendo.
The future of the world is at stake.
O futuro do mundo está em risco.
With most of the world's tallest peaks and covering a third of a million square miles, this is the greatest mountain range of all.
Com a maioria dos picos mais altos do mundo e cobrindo quase um milhão de quilómetros quadrados, esta é a maior cordilheira de todas.
Only the toughest can survive among the savage beauty of the world's highest mountains.
Somente os mais resistentes podem sobreviver entre a beleza selvagem das montanhas mais altas do mundo.
In the history of the world, there's never been another white Jesus.
Em toda a história, nunca houve outro Jesus branco.
The government had developed the weapons because they, in turn, imagined that the Soviet Union was far stronger than it was and still wanted to conquer the world. The government wanted to keep the weapons secret, but they couldn't always hide their appearance in the skies so it is alleged that they chose a number of people to use to spread the rumour that these were really alien visitations.
O governo tinha desenvolvido as armas imaginava que a União Soviética era muito mais forte do que era e ainda queria conquistar o mundo. mas eles não podiam escondê-las sempre.
For many, it symbolised the final failure of the dream that politics could be used to build a new kind of world.
simbolizava o fracasso final do sonho de que a política poderia ser usada para construir um novo mundo.
In the past, politicians might have been able to do this. But now they were faced with what he called "a runaway world." Where things were so complex and interconnected, and modern technologies so potentially dangerous that it was impossible to predict the outcomes of anything you did.
os políticos poderiam ter sido capazes de fazer isso. que era impossível prever os resultados de qualquer ação.
Politicians would have to give up any idea of trying to change the world.
Políticos teriam que desistir de qualquer ideia de tentar mudar o mundo.
It was a system that ordered the world in a way that was centred around you. And in an age of anxious individualism, frightened of the future, that was reassuring, just like Eliza.
Era um sistema que ordenou o mundo de maneira que o centro estava em você. assim como Eliza.
But the biggest change was to politics. In a world where the overriding aim was now stability, politics became just part of a wider system of managing the world. The old idea of democratic politics, that it gave a voice to the weak against the powerful, was eroded.
Mas a mudança maior foi na política. política tornou-se apenas parte de um sistema mais amplo de gestão do mundo. - a que daria uma voz aos fracos contra os poderosos - foi corroída.
This, in turn, created a pessimistic mood that then began to spread out from the rational technocratic world and infect the whole of the culture. And everyone became possessed by dark forebodings, imagining the very worst that might happen.
Vivia-se um estado de espírito pessimista que se espalhava para fora do mundo tecnocrático racional e infectava toda a cultura. imaginando o que de pior poderia acontecer.
But, in the process, this changed the way people saw and understood terrorism. Instead of a violence born out of political struggles for power, it became replaced by a much simpler image of an evil tyrant at the head of a rogue state who became more like an archcriminal who wanted to terrorise the world.
isso mudou a forma como as pessoas viam e entendiam o terrorismo. o terrorismo foi substituído pela imagem muito mais simples de um tirano do Mal um arqui-criminoso que queria aterrorizar o mundo.
We owe it to the future of civilisation not to allow the world's worst leaders to develop and deploy, and therefore, blackmail freedom-loving countries with the world's worst weapons.
Nós devemos ao futuro da civilização não permitir que os piores líderes do mundo chantageiem países amantes da liberdade com as piores armas do mundo.
Both Tony Blair and George Bush became possessed by the idea of ridding the world of Saddam Hussein.
Tanto Tony Blair como George Bush foram tomados pela idéia de livrar o mundo de Saddam Hussein.
Within a year, almost all of the foreign fighters from across the world were coming through Syria and they brought suicide bombing with them.
quase todos os militantes islâmicos de todo o mundo estavam chegando através da Síria... .. trazendo com eles os bombaeios suicidas.
It would show just how many people in the Western Establishment had, by now, become the engineers of this fake world. Ever since he had been accused of the Lockerbie bombing,
Isso revelaria quantas pessoas no Establishment ocidental se tornado os engenheiros deste mundo falso.
He said that his father was simply pretending that he had been behind the Lockerbie bombing to get the sanctions lifted. That new lies were being built on top of old lies to construct a completely make-believe world. You have to accept, or you had to accept at the time, a responsibility, because you have to accept responsibilities, you have to pay compensation in order to get rid of sanction.
Ele disse que seu pai estava simplesmente fingindo que estava por trás do bombardeio de Lockerbie para acabar com as sanções. para construir um mundo completamente fajuto. e daí se livrar das sanções. mas para achar uma saída deste pesadelo.
Liberals, radicals and a whole new generation of young people retreated. They turned instead to another world that was free of this hypocrisy and the corruption of politics
radicais e toda uma nova geração dos jovens recuaram. e da corrupção da política.
The online world was full of algorithms that could analyse and predict human behaviour.
O mundo online estava cheio de algoritmos que podiam analisar e prever o comportamento humano.
This was a new world that the old systems of power found it very difficult to deal with. In the wake of the 9 / 11 attacks, the security agencies secretly collected data from millions of people online.
Este era um mundo novo que os velhos sistemas de poder acharam muito difícil de lidar. as agências de segurança secretamente coletaram dados de milhões de pessoas online.
It took stills from the webcam conversations of millions of people across the world, trying to spot terrorists planning another attack.
Ele tirou fotos de tentando detectar terroristas planejando um ataque.
In his Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, Barlow had described a new world free of politics and the old hierarchies of power.
John Perry Barlow tinham esboçado no início dos anos 90. livre da política e das velhas hierarquias de poder.
Now, the Occupy movement set out to build that kind of society in the real world.
o movimento Occupy almejava construir essa sociedade no mundo real.
Colonel Gaddafi retreated to the ruins of the house that the Americans had bombed 30 years before and addressed the world.
Gaddafi retirou-se para as ruínas da casa que e se dirigiu ao mundo :
After the failure of the revolutions, it was not just the radicals - no-one in the West had any idea of how to change the world.
não apenas mas ninguém mais no Ocidente tinha qualquer idéia de como mudar o mundo.
Surkov came originally from the theatre world and those who have studied his career say that what he did was take avant-garde ideas from the theatre and bring them into the heart of politics.
e ao longo trouxe conceitos do teatro de vanguarda para o coração da política.
But underneath the liberal disdain, both Donald Trump in America, and Vladislav Surkov in Russia had realised the same thing - that the version of reality that politics presented was no longer believable, that the stories politicians told their people about the world
que a versão da realidade que a política apresentou não era mais crível.
For Chrissake, they were auctioning him off. To a bunch of businessmen who think they run the world.
Pelo amor de Deus, eles iam vendê-lo a uns homens de negócios que acham que podem governar o mundo.
So, even the heaviest door in the world can't hold up to that kind of firepower.
Portanto, nem a porta mais forte do mundo pode suportar tamanho poder de fogo.
Well... every once in a great while, a president can play the "Leader of the Free World" card.
Bem... De vez em quando, um Presidente pode jogar o cartão de "líder do mundo livre".
One of the most notorious arms dealers in the world.
Tu percebeste.
And the whole world watches while a disgraced priest murders the living embodiment of Catholic hope.
E todo mundo vê enquanto um padre em desgraça assassina a personificação vida da esperança Católica.
Capybara, the biggest rodents in the world giant otters the size of a man and the rulers of these rivers caiman.
Capivaras, os maiores roedores do mundo... .. lontras gigantes do tamanho de um homem... .. e os donos desses rios..... os jacarés.
The deserts of Peru are amongst the driest in the world, but just add a little water and plants that have lain dormant for months will burst into life.
Os desertos do Peru estão entre os mais secos do mundo, mas basta um pouco de água para as plantas dormentes há meses ganharem vida.
Some of the Namib's dunes are 1,000 feet high, the tallest in the world.
Algumas dunas do Namibe têm 300 metros de altura, as mais altas do mundo.
The diversity of life that thrives in a world almost totally devoid of water is truly remarkable.
A diversidade de vida que prospera num mundo quase sem água é realmente incrível.
Next time, we journey to the world's great plains, where spectacular gatherings of wildlife cope with extreme change and surprising creatures survive in unexpected ways.
No próximo episódio, viajaremos às maiores planícies, onde grupos espectaculares de animais lidam com mudança extrema e seres surpreendentes sobrevivem de modo inesperado.
With billions of ant colonies across the world's grasslands all doing exactly the same thing, that's a mind-boggling amount of grass.
Com bilhões de colónias pelas pradarias do mundo fazendo a mesma coisa, é uma quantia impressionante.
The aim, to capture intimate images of some the world's most elusive creatures using the latest technology.
O objetivo era capturar imagens de alguns seres muito ardilosos usando tecnologia de ponta.
It may appear hostile to animal life, but for the bold, this is a world of surprising opportunity.
Ele pode parecer hostil à vida animal, mas para os corajosos é um mundo de oportunidade surpreendente.
In fact, the highest concentration of leopards in the world is right here.
A mais alta concentração de leopardos no mundo é aqui.
Her baby's first glimpse of the urban world, from a terrifying 30 feet up.
O primeiro relance da cria do mundo urbano, de 9 metros de altura, assustadores.
We, after all, are the architects of the urban world.
Afinal, somos os arquitetos do mundo urbano.
It reminds me of just how easy it is for us to lose our connection with the natural world.
Ela recorda-me como é fácil nós perdermos a nossa ligação com a natureza.
Yet it's on this connection that the future of both humanity and the natural world will depend.
Mas é dessa ligação que o futuro da humanidade e da natureza irá depender.

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