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The keys Çeviri Portekizce

6,418 parallel translation
Hey. Give me the keys.
- Passa-me a chave.
I'll be right back with both the keys to your rooms.
Já volto com as chaves.
The keys are still inside.
As chaves ainda estão lá dentro.
She's got the keys to the Jeep!
Ela tem as chaves do Jeep!
Then bring me the keys to the van.
Depois, traz as chaves da carrinha.
And bring the keys to the van!
E traz as chaves da carrinha!
I selected you to have the keys to the premier imperforate-anus practice in the nation,
Seleccionei-te para teres as chaves da primeira clínica para o ânus imperfurado do país.
You never leave the keys in the ignition at home.
Nunca deixas a chave na ignição em casa.
Mr Bradley has just given me the keys to the kingdom.
O Sr. Bradley deu-me as chaves do reino.
I would like to confirm out of email that the keys we exchanged were not intercepted and replaced by your surveillance.
Gostaria de confirmar por email que as chaves que trocámos não foram intercetadas e substituídas pela sua vigilância.
And left the keys exposed so Zack would be found.
Deixa a chave para encontrarmos o Zack.
This right here is the keys to the castle.
Isto aqui são as chaves do castelo.
He even gave you the keys to the city.
Até lhe deu as chaves da cidade.
I think the Mayor's gonna ask for the keys to the city back.
Acho que o Presidente vai pedir-nos as chaves da cidade de volta.
Take the keys, Emma.
Fica com as chaves, Emma.
It's like they have the keys to launch a nuclear warhead...
Têm a chave para lançar uma ogiva nuclear.
No, but he did hand you the keys to the kingdom for a reason.
- Não. Mas ele deu-lhe a chave do reino por alguma razão.
While you guys were getting the keys to atlantis, I slipped away and did a little fishing with a harpoon arrow.
Enquanto vocês recebiam as chaves da Atlântida, saí e fiz uma pescaria com a flecha arpão.
I got the building manager to give me the keys.
Pedi ao porteiro para me dar as chaves.
And the keys to your truck.
E as chaves do veículo.
Fine. Give me the keys.
Muito bem, dá-me as chaves.
- The Keys To The School And The Code For The Alarm System, Please.
As chaves da escola e o código do sistema de alarme, por favor.
Hey, well, I just came to get the keys from my uncle Ray.
Vim só buscar as chaves do meu tio Ray.
I even gave him the keys to the new locks, said he could use it when he wanted to come home.
Até lhe dei as chaves das novas fechaduras, disse-lhe que as podia usar quando quisesse voltar para casa.
I know I was supposed to take the'Stang to make my getaway, but when I saw this beauty here sitting there, you know, the keys in the ignition and everything, I couldn't pass up a chance, to take a drive in an honest-to-God Tucker.
Mas quando vi aqui esta beleza, com as chaves na ignição e tudo, não podia desperdiçar a oportunidade de guiar um Tucker legítimo.
Okay, keep the keys down, Tony.
Pressiona as teclas, Tony.
When it stopped, I looked around, I clocked the guard's cuff keys laying there.
Quando parou, olhei em volta, vi a chave das algemas ali.
What about the trip you took to the Florida Keys with the head of the plumbing union?
E quanto à viagem que fez para Florida Keys com o líder do sindicato de canalizadores?
You have the keys?
Tens as chaves?
What am I supposed to do, just go on the run for the rest of my life just because they think I have one of those keys?
O que devo fazer? Fugir durante o resto da minha vida, porque acham que tenho a chave?
- Oh, only about five or six times, but I think the last time he'd just flushed my keys down your toilet and you were assuring me that he was perfectly well, he was just a prick.
- Só umas cinco ou seis vezes, mas acho que a última vez ele tinha posto as minhas chaves na sanita e estavas a garantir-me que ele estava perfeitamente bem, que era só um idiota.
Locked my keys in the car AND the phone, so I can't even ring someone to come get me.
Deixei as chaves e o telefone fechados no carro. Nem posso ligar a ninguém para me vir buscar.
Only the board of directors have the access keys.
Só a administração tem acesso às chaves.
Recent reports have revealed that the NSA have access to encryption keys and they paid tech companies to introduce back doors in encryption protocols.
Relatórios recentes revelaram que a NSA teve acesso às chaves criptográficas e pagaram às empresas tecnológicas para introduzir backdoors em protocolos de criptografia.
But I was approached by the FBI quite recently and told that because I couldn't turn over the information from that one particular user, I would be forced to give up those SSL keys and let the FBI collect every communication on my network without any kind of transparency.
Mas fui abordado pelo FBI recentemente e foi-me dito que porque eu não entregava a informação de um utilizador em particular, iria ser obrigado a dar essas chaves SSL e deixar o FBI recolher todas as comunicações da minha rede sem qualquer tipo de transparência.
It's too much - - the car keys, the coffee table, your roller skate on the front porch.
As chaves do carro, a mesa de café, os teus patins no alpendre.
Cuff keys are in the top drawer.
As chaves das algemas estão na primeira gaveta.
My wallet and keys are on the bar.
A minha carteira e chaves estão em cima do bar.
Press down on both thumb keys at the same time.
Pressione os dois botões ao mesmo tempo.
And here we have three keys of the exact same make and model.
E aqui temos... 3 chaves de formato e modelo igual.
It just became a destination to record their songs, to be a star.
Tornou-se destino para gravar músicas, para se tornar uma estrela. DAN AUERBACH Cantor / Guitarrista dos The Black Keys
This footage puts the Delta unit in Tijuana when General Keys said they were there.
Esta filmagem mostra a Unidade Delta em Tijuana quando o General Keys disse que estavam lá.
Who collected the keys?
Quem colecta as chaves?
They are but keys on a keyboard, and we're the typists.
São as teclas do teclado, e nós os digitadores.
That track broke all the rules, changing keys and time signatures as if the person who wrote it had so much joy inside his heart he couldn't pick just one way to let it out.
Essa canção infringiu todas as regras, mudando a harmonia e os compassos. Como se quem compôs tivesse tanta alegria no coração que não tinha, apenas, uma forma de a extravasar.
- You even went for the gold keys.
- Até tem teclas douradas.
I'M Not Stealing The Janitor'S Keys.
Eu não vou roubar as chaves ao contínuo.
So, you're asking me to give these keys to the nicest little car I've ever driven
Então, você está me pedindo para dar essas chaves para o mais bonito carro pequeno eu já dirigiu
They got the 20 keys.
Eles levaram os 20kg.
My brother had sex with my wife, and then he ran to the Florida keys.
O meu irmão dormiu com a minha mulher e fugiu para as Florida Keys.
Well... the music when I hit the right keys.
Bem... É música quando acerto nas notas.

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