Thinking Çeviri Portekizce
61,015 parallel translation
I was so afraid of losing her that I wasn't thinking.
Estava com tanto medo de a perder que não estava a pensar com clareza.
I went and checked, and my parents'ship definitely had left for Daxam a few weeks ago. But thinking I saw her, it... I thought it would make me feel anger.
A nave dos meus pais partiu para Daxam há umas semanas, mas... pensar que a tinha visto, achei que me iria sentir... furioso.
You're not actually thinking of going through with this?
Não estás mesmo a pensar em levar este plano avante?
That clouds the thinking at the exact moment when you need to be clear-headed.
Isso confunde a cabeça e precisas dela bem limpa...
You notify me next time she makes a request like that before you fucking fulfill it... unless you want to start thinking about another career besides trading equities.
Quando ela fizer um pedido assim, avisa-me antes de agires. A menos que queiras pensar noutra carreira!
But I just keep thinking...
Mas continuo a pensar...
Trust me, she's been thinking about this for months or years.
Confie em mim, ela anda a pensar nisto há meses ou anos.
I have no idea what Tom was thinking.
Não sei qual foi a ideia do Tom.
- I had no sense of what you were thinking.
Não consegui perceber em que estavas a pensar.
Of what I was thinking?
Em que estava a pensar?
I was thinking, "Don't think."
Estava a pensar : "Não penses."
... right here. And I'm thinking...
" Espera, conto-lhe?
I think it's weird that you're even thinking like this.
Acho que é estranho estares sequer a pensar assim.
So I was looking at the Lorrain, you know, the big phallic god dude hiding secrets in plain view from his poor dumb wife, and I kept thinking,
- Então, estava a olhar para o "Lorrain", sabes, o grande Deus fálico a esconder segredos à vista de todos da sua pobre e ingénua esposa, e continuei a pensar,
- Well, go and be alone somewhere else, because I have some thinking to do, and I would like to do it near the expensive wine.
Bom, vai ficar sozinho noutro sítio. Tenho de pensar e gostaria de o fazer perto de vinho caro.
I know what you're thinking.
Sei o que estás a pensar.
Well, I was thinking jeans, shorts and flip flops.
Eu pensei em calções de ganga e chinelos.
Hey, Freya, I was just thinking let's never hang out again.
Freya, estava a pensar. Não voltemos a estar juntos.
You're thinking what I'm thinking.
- Estamos a pensar na mesma coisa.
I've been thinking, Elijah once gave me one of your mother's spells.
O Elijah chegou a dar-me um dos feitiços da tua mãe.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
Eu sei o que estão a pensar.
You're thinking what I'm thinking?
Estamos a pensar na mesma coisa.
I just kept thinking about all the things I didn't tell you.
Não parava de pensar em todas as coisas que não te disse.
Freya, I've been thinking all morning about what happened last night.
Freya, passei a manhã a pensar no que aconteceu ontem à noite.
What were you thinking?
Que ideia foi a tua?
While I'm thinking about it, I, uh...
Agora que penso nisso.
And what I was thinking is, we'd... we...
Estava a pensar que iríamos...
- Um, I'm thinking that arresting the white trash that almost killed my daughter and extracting the truth is hard, time-consuming work.
- Eu acho que prender os delinquentes que quase mataram a minha filha e arrancar-lhes a verdade é um trabalho muito cansativo.
- You're not thinking straight.
- Não.
I wasn't thinking straight.
Eu não estava a pensar bem.
Wait, wait, wait. You're not thinking...
- Não pensas...
Some evenings I, I lie awake, thinking what might have become of me if you hadn't found me that night Sunny abandoned you.
Há noites em que não durmo a pensar no que seria de mim se não me encontrasses, quando o Sunny te abandonou.
I was thinking about his tongue in my mouth.
Estava a pensar na língua dele dentro da minha boca.
- Are you thinking of taking on men?
- Estás a pensar em contratar homens?
I'm thinking about 50 acres.
Estava a pensar em 20 hectares.
I wasn't sleeping sir, I was thinking.
Não dormia, senhor. Pensava.
I'm not going to apologize for thinking that...
- Não peço desculpa...
I will think for thinking's sake.
Vou pensar só por pensar.
As I was driving here, I was thinking, "I bet Sam will look gorgeous."
No caminho estava a pensar : "Aposto que a Sam vai estar linda."
Tag, what were you thinking?
Não! Tag, que ideia foi essa?
Is this where you do your best thinking?
- É aqui que pensas melhor?
I find myself thinking in your words sometimes.
Às vezes penso nas suas palavras.
Because I can't stand the way that Mother talks about Mileva and I don't want to give her the satisfaction of thinking she can tell me what to do.
Não suporto o modo como a Mãe fala da Mileva. Não quero que pense que pode mandar em mim.
But do you want to know what I've really been thinking about?
Sabe no que tenho pensado a sério?
No I'm just thinking, Michele.
Não, estou só a pensar, Michele.
I'm thinking about saying no.
Penso recusar.
Honestly, I get a pit in my stomach just thinking about it.
Sinto um nó na barriga só de pensar nisso.
Always thinking about big ideas? Never remembering to take care of little things?
Pensa sempre em ideias grandes, sem se lembrar de cuidar das coisas pequenas?
thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition.
Pensamento, sentimento, sensação e intuição.
I wasn't thinking.
Não estava.
And I've been thinking, what am I gonna do with a rat...
Estive a pensar :
thinking of you 30
thinking about you 18
thinking about it 70
think 1581
thinks 21
think positive 41
think about it 2390
think fast 106
think about this 117
think it over 186
thinking about you 18
thinking about it 70
think 1581
thinks 21
think positive 41
think about it 2390
think fast 106
think about this 117
think it over 186