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Think of something else Çeviri Portekizce

216 parallel translation
You better think of something else.
tens de pensar noutra táctica!
Here, think of something else.
Tome, pense noutra coisa.
We'll have to think of something else.
Temos que arranjar outra forma.
- Just think of something else.
- Simplesmente pensa noutra coisa qualquer.
We've got to think of something else.
Temos de pensar noutra coisa.
I am trying to think of something else.
Estou a tentar pensar noutra coisa.
Think of something else.
Pensa em algo mais.
What you want to do is think of something else you think of a and don't let it go.
O que tem que fazer é pensar em outra coisa, põe uma garota bonita em sua mente, e não a deixe ir.
Think of something else to quell the pain - sun, sea, sand.
Pensar noutra coisa, evitar a dor. O mar, a praia, o sol.
Time to think of something else again - holidays, Brittany...
De novo, pensar noutra coisa. As férias, a Bretanha, um passeio...
We'll think of something else.
Havemos de pensar noutra coisa.
Well, we must think of something else, then.
Bem, então temos de pensar noutra coisa.
Try to think of something else.
Tente pensar noutra coisa.
-... think of something else to do.
-... pensar em fazer outra coisa.
If we can't get Paul out we'll just have to think of something else.
Temos de pensar noutra coisa para dar o alarme.
I think maybe we better think of something else for you.
Acho que é melhor planearmos algo diferente para ti.
You've got to take your mind off it, think of something else.
Tens que deixar de pensar nisso. Pensa noutra coisa, sim?
We'll just have to think of something else.
Precisamos pensar noutra coisa.
Come on. Think of something else.
Vá lá, pensa noutra coisa.
Think of something else.
Pensa noutra coisa.
Tell yourself to think of something else.
Diz para ti mesmo para pensares noutra coisa.
Now you have a little rest and try to think of something else.
Veja se descansa e pensa noutra coisa.
Try to think of something else.
Tenta pensar noutra coisa.
You'll have to think of something else.
Tenho de pensar noutra coisa.
We gotta go along with the robbery until we think of something else.
Temos de alinhar com o roubo até pensarmos noutra coisa.
I always think of something else.
Penso sempre noutra coisa.
- Meanwhile, we'll think of something else.
- Entretanto, pensamos noutra solução.
Why don't you think of something else?
Por que não pensas noutra coisa?
You're just gonna have to think of something else.
Vais ter de pensar noutra coisa.
M-Maybe I can think of something else.
Talvez eu descubra outra coisa.
I try to think of something else, but I can't.
Tento pensar noutras coisas, mas não consigo.
Now I'm going to have to think of something else!
Agora eu vou ter pensar em outra coisa coisa!
Think of something else.
É como uma piada.
You know, maybe you can think of something else.
Pensem noutra coisa.
- Think of something else.
- Pensa noutra coisa.
Think of something else.
Pensem noutra coisa.
Well, we'll just have to think of something else.
Bem, só temos que pensar em algo.
Think of something else, Ulysses.
Pensa em qualquer coisa, Ulisses... tipo...
I can think of something else I'd Iike to call you.
Consigo lembrar-me de outra coisa que gostaria de lhe chamar.
You want to have some traffic cop think you got a load of something else?
Queres que um polícia de trânsito pense que transportas outra coisa?
And i'll tell you something else - they can't think of everything.
E lhe direi algo mais que não podem fazer. Não podem pensar em tudo. E isso, isso significa?
I can't think of anything else. But I know there's something.
Não me lembro de mais nada, mas sei que há algo.
While we're on the subject of school, I think we'd better talk about something else.
Margaret, já que estamos a falar sobre a escola, acho que é melhor falarmos sobre outra coisa.
And think of something soon, or else you're gonna be out on your ass.
Me pergunto onde se terá metido Toda a gente.
Yeah, you should think of something, or else you'll end up with a photo of this guy.
Sim, devias pensar em qualquer coisa, senão acabas com uma fotografia dele.
He's part fish. I think we'd better get out of here before he presses something else up against the window.
Acho melhor sairmos daqui antes que ele decida exibir algo pior contra o vidro.
Plus something else - I think some kind of miracle.
Uma espécie de milagre.
Yeah, you should think of something, or else you'll end up with a photo of this guy. ( ALL CHUCKLE )
Sim, devias pensar em qualquer coisa, senão acabas com uma fotografia dele.
You'll better think of something quick. Or else, we're "The Ducks".
Se não pensamos nalguma coisa depressa, somos alvos fáceis!
I had something else to think of.
Tenho mais em que pensar.
I think it's some kind of transport unit for something else.
Acho que é uma unidade de transporte para outra coisa qualquer.

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