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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / Tie him up

Tie him up Çeviri Portekizce

414 parallel translation
Come on, let's tie him up, put him in there.
Amarrem-no e ponham-no ali.
I gave him a black eye for it and had to tie him up to a tree.
Pus-lhe um olho negro e atei-o a uma árvore em troca do carro.
Find some rope and tie him up.
Arranjem cordas e atem-no.
Kent, tie him up!
Kent, amarra-o!
And you better get a line and tie him up and leave him there.
E arranja uma corda para o amarrares e o deixares lá.
Shall we help you tie him up, lady? No, not me.
- Quer que o amarremos?
Hold on to this. - Oh, yes. Let's tie him up.
- Aqui, vamos amarrá-lo.
Tie him up well.
Amarrem-no bem.
Either we gotta tie him up and throw him in the truck or something.
Temos de o amarrar e pô-lo na camioneta, ou assim.
Tie him up, we gotta move fast.
Amarrem-no, temos que sair rapidamente.
Tie him up.
Tie him up boys, and tight.
Amarrem-no, rapazes, e forte.
Tie him up by the thumbs, that'll take the spirit out of him!
Amarrem-no pelos polegares. Isso tirar-lhe-á o ânimo!
- Do you have to tie him up? Report in. Why didn't you ring in?
Não deste notícias para a esquadra.
Why can't we tie him up, keep a watch on him?
- Porque não o amarramos, o vigiamos?
Tie him up, and tight.
Amarre-o apertado.
Tie him up.
Tie him up!
Tie him up.
Tie him up to the stall there.
Amarrem-no à grade.
Be sure you tie him up good.
Amarra-o bem.
It's for his own good. Tie him up in a safe place.
É preciso mantê-lo em segurança.
When I'm sure he's asleep, I'll tie him up and gag him, steal his cell keys and unlock the doors.
Quando estiver a dormir, vou amarrá-lo e amordaçá-lo... roubarei as chaves da cela e vou abrir as portas.
Doc, I'm going back over there and tell Bart about this whole mess if I have to hit him over the head and tie him up.
Doc, vou lá voltar e explicar ao Bart toda esta confusão. Nem que tenha que golpeá-lo na cabeça e amarrá-lo.
First, tie him up and then fix us some food, then I...
Primeiro, amarrá-lo. Depois, preparar a comida e depois...
Tie him up.
Very good. Tie him up. I'll have some orderlies come by with a straitjacket.
Amarrem-no que mando trazer a camisa-de-forças.
Tie him up for the boys in the white jackets.
Amarrem-no até os enfermeiros chegarem.
You take Sam and tie him up.
Travis. Leva o Sam e amarra-o.
You! You tie him up and put him on his horse.
Você, amarre-o e coloque-o no cavalo.
That we'll tie him up and hand him over then they can do what they like with him!
Vamos entregá-lo num embrulho... e depois eles que façam o que quiserem com ele!
Tie him up.
Come on, tie him up.
Vamos, amarra-o.
Tie him up?
Just tie him up.
Apenas prende-o.
Oh, Mark, will you take him away and tie him up somewhere?
Oh, Mark, leva-o... e amarr-o em algum lugar.
Tie him up tight.
Amarra-o bem!
- Deep sleep. - "Well, tie him up."
- Dorme profundamente.
- Mercy, master! - Tie him up and whip him!
- Tende piedade, meu salvador.
Then we can tie him up and take him back alive.
O amarraremos e o traremos vivo.
- Lopez, tie him up.
- Lopes, amarra-o.
- Tie him up there good, will you?
- Amarre-o bem, certo?
We can tie him up when he's asleep and take him into the woods.
Podíamos amarrá-lo enquanto dorme e levá-lo para o bosque.
Damn it, Pop. Next time I tell you to tie him up, don't worry about hurting'him.
Quando te disser para o amarrares, não tenhas medo de o magoar.
Someone to tie him up.
Alguém que o amarre.
- will you do the honours and tie him up?
- importa-se de amarrá-Io?
Didn't take you long to tie up with him.
Não demorou muito a juntar-se a ele.
Cover him, put him into the sleeping bag and tie it up...
Cobrir, pôr no saco de dormir e prender...
You might tie up with him.
Podias juntar-te a ele.
Tie him up.
Put him up on Goldie May with Toby. Tie him good around him.
Monte no Goldie Mai ata o bem junto ao Toby.

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