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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Where were you

Where were you Çeviri Portekizce

8,859 parallel translation
Fourth of July, where were you?
Quatro de Julho, onde é que estavam?
Where were you last night?
- Onde estava ontem à noite?
So where were you gonna eat it?
Então, onde ias comê-la?
Where were you, huh?
Bonito cãozinho.
Oh, yeah. Where were you?
Onde está?
Where were you?
Onde é que estiveste?
Where were you last night?
Onde estavas a noite passada?
So, where were you around 8 : 00 the night of the explosion?
Portanto, onde estavas por volta das 20h00, na noite da explosão?
- Where were you?
- Onde estava?
Where were you on Tuesday night?
Onde esteve na terça à noite?
So, where were you four days ago, Ramish? Hmm?
Onde estava há 4 dias atrás, Ramish?
Where were you Veer?
Onde estavas, Veer?
Where were you?
Onde esteve?
Hey, where were you?
Onde andaste?
Where were you?
Onde estavas?
Where were you?
Onde é que estavas?
Where were you headed?
Para onde é que se dirigiam?
Where were you on Wednesday at 9 : 13 a.m.?
Onde estava na quarta-feira às 9h13?
Where were you two days ago?
Onde é que estava há dois dias atrás?
Where were you assigned, Agent Bishop?
Para onde foste designada, Agente Bishop?
Yeah, just now, where were you?
Sim, agora, onde estavas?
Where were you last night around 11 : 00 p.m., Mr. Gorie?
Onde estava ontem à noite por volta de 23h, Sr. Gorie?
Where were you?
Onde estiveste?
But where were you?
Onde estiveste?
Where were you tonight?
Onde estiveste esta noite?
Where were you just now?
Onde estiveste, ainda agora?
Damon and Elena knew where to find us because you told them, and that's why they were only picking on me.
O Damon e a Elena sabiam onde nós estávamos, porque tu lhes contaste, e foi por isso que eles só implicaram comigo.
I started obsessing over where you were, wondering why you weren't returning my calls.
Eu comecei a ficar obcecado sobre onde você estava. pensando por que você não estava retornando minhas ligações.
When you saw Condé's men, where were they headed?
Quando vistes os homens do Condé, para onde é que se dirigiam?
And just today you were seen embracing her mere feet from where my grandson lay sleeping.
E ainda hoje foste visto a abraçá-la a meros pés de onde o meu neto estava a dormir.
That's where you were.
Isso é onde tu estás.
Maybe because we knew where you were.
Se calhar, porque sabíamos onde estavas.
And now he's trying to bring you back to that same dark place where you were at, when you nearly committed that terrible sin.
Agora, ele quer deixá-lo na mesma aflição em que esteve, quando quase cometeu esse pecado terrível.
Well, we were hoping you could tell us where Radomir Ivanovich may have stashed the diamonds he stole.
- Bem, estávamos à espera que nos pudesse dizer onde é que o Radomir Ivanovich poderá ter escondido os diamantes que roubou.
- Checking tracking location to see where you were at 6 : 57 A.M. two days ago when the stitchers information was handed off to Justin.
- A verificar o localizador para ver onde estavas às 6 : 57h há 2 dias atrás quando a informação dos stitchers foi entregue ao Justin.
I brought you here, because this... is where the totem belongs, where you were born.
Trouxe-te aqui, porque é onde o amuleto pertence.
Can you tell us where you were last night between the hours of 10 : 00 p.m. and midnight?
Pode dizer-nos onde estava ontem entre às 22h e meia-noite?
Your drugs were burning in the same bonfire where you were keeping your hands warm.
As suas drogas estavam a queimar na mesma fogueira, onde aquecia as mãos.
In that place... where you were...
Esse sítio onde estiveste...
We have a paper-trail connecting him to the missile silo where you were held. And the construction work that was done there.
Temos uma pista de papel a ligá-lo ao silo de mísseis onde vocês foram mantidas e aos trabalhos de construção que foram feitos lá.
You were stealing this to go where?
Estavas a roubar para ir para onde?
When we were married, where did you hide them?
Quando éramos casados, onde os escondias?
I went to the house and the hall boy on duty told me where you were.
O rapaz de plantão disse-me onde estavam.
Miss Hapstall, can you tell us where you were the night of November 4th?
Srta. Hapstall, pode dizer onde estava
Where the hell were you?
Onde raios estavas?
Could you please tell me where you were?
Pode por favor dizer-me onde é que estava?
And you can't tell us where you were?
E não podes dizer-nos onde estiveste?
She used to sit right there at the table where you were.
Ela costumava sentar-se muito no lugar da mesa onde estavas.
- Where were you?
Onde esteve?
I spent over three weeks not knowing where you were. Scared to death that something terrible was happening and there was nothing that I could do to help you.
Passei mais de 3 semanas sem saber onde estavas, assustado de morte de que estivesse a acontecer algo de terrível e não havia nada que pudesse fazer para te ajudar.
Did you tell Mike where you were going?
Disseste ao Mike onde vinhas?

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