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Where were you at Çeviri Portekizce

406 parallel translation
Where were you at 7 : 30?
- Onde estava às 19h30?
Where were you at 12 : 00 last night?
Onde estava øs 0 : 00 ontem ø noite?
Where were you at the time?
Onde estavas na altura?
Where were you at 11 : 00, Father?
Onde estava às 23h?
Where were you at that time?
Onde estava nessa altura?
Where were you at 3pm on St Valentine's Day?
Que fazias às 3 da manhã no S. Valentim?
Where were you at 4am? I sent a messenger to your apartment.
Foi pelos seus grandes olhos castanhos?
Where were you at that time?
Onde estava a senhora?
And where were you at the time?
E onde estiveste na altura?
Where were you at the time Kara was murdered?
Onde estava, quando a Kara foi morta?
Where were you at this time?
Onde você estava?
After all, where were you at the time of the murder?
Afinal onde é que estava quando aconteceu o crime?
Where were you at 3 : 13 this morning, Hammett?
- Onde estavas às 3h30?
Quer dizer, onde estavas com 5 anos?
Where were you at the time of the killing, Capa?
Onde estava no momento do crime, Capa?
Which is, of course, Mr Lee, where were you at the time of the murder?
Que é, obviamente : onde estava na hora do crime, Sr. Lee?
Where were you at 5 a.m.?
Onde esteve às 5 : 00?
And where were you at this time, Agent Mulder?
E onde estava o senhor nessa altura, Agente Mulder?
What I mean is, I was at a tea this afternoon where some people... were speaking of you and of Lucy, too.
O que quero dizer é que, esta tarde, estive num chá onde umas pessoas... falaram de si e também da Lucy.
Mr. Fenster, where were you last night at 10 : 00?
Mr. Fenster, onde estava ontem à noite às 22h?
I don't know where you were at the time.
Não sei onde é que estavas na altura.
If you were a good mother, that's where you'd be. At home. Now.
Uma boa mãe teria ficado em casa.
Important enough to send you riding to the copper mine... where at least a dozen men were subsequently injured?
Tão importante que foi até à mina de cobre... e feriu pelo menos doze homens?
And I should like to know, where were all these wonderful physiques when we defeated you at Chaeronea?
E gostaria de saber... onde estavam esses belos físicos quando os vencemos em Queronéia?
About the Ubachi strike, where you lost so many troops would you say you were under stress at the time?
Quanto ao ataque de Ubachi, onde perdeu tantos homens diria que estava sob pressão, na altura?
But at least I knew where you were. A place to go everyday where the sisters would look after you.
ao menos sabia onde estava... um lugar onde as Irmãs podiam velar por você
Where were you at 3 : 30 a. m.?
Onde estava às 3 : 30 da manhã?
Do you still refuse to tell us where you were at that time?
Continua a recusar a dizer-nos onde estava naquela altura?
" Where were you yesterday at 6 : 00 p.m.?
"Onde estava às 6?"
Hey, when you were giving those Spanish lessons, you ever get a peek at where they kept the garrison money?
Enquanto dava aulas de espanhol, reparou onde eles guardavam o dinheiro?
I wondered where you were. I've missed you at the Finzi-Continis.
Perguntava-me onde estarias.
Would you mind telling me where you were at that time?
Importa-se de me dizer onde estava a essa hora?
Let us suppose you were out on deck at the time of the shooting, and saw what took place, and thus knew where the gun was lying.
Imaginemos que presenciou o disparo. Logo, sabia onde estava a arma.
Where were you at that moment?
Onde o senhor estava exatamente?
You were present at the action where Capt. Hunt was killed?
Você estava na missão onde o capitão Hunt foi morto?
Just look at nature and you'll see that life is simple. We must go back to where we were, to the point where you took the wrong turn.
Seria suficiente observar a natureza para perceber que a vida é simples que é necessário regressar ao ponto anterior onde enveredamos pelo caminho errado!
Where were you? I was at Patty's.
E tu?
Where were you all the days he spent staring at the walls? Hey, Wilkes!
Onde estava você nos dias em que ele olhava para as paredes?
You could have at least told me where you were going, said goodbye.
Poderias ao menos ter me dito para onde ias. Despedir-se, dizer adeus.
It was stored over at the medical supply warehouse, where you were, and these two geniuses opened the goddamn container and let the son of a bitch out!
Estava guardado no armazém de produtos médicos, onde estiveram, e esses dois génios abriram o raio do contentor e deixaram sair o filho da mãe!
But if you were to look at the back page, where the policy indexes are... you'll notice that the remaining policies... are dated after the policy holder died, Bernie.
Mas se vir a ultima página, onde estão os índices das apólices... notará que as apólices restantes... têm uma data posterior à morte do segurado, Bernie.
You said you were going to the beauty parlour, and now I find you here, where they said I'd find you, in room 19-H of the Bird of Paradise Motel in Redondo Beach, at two in the afternoon with this man.
Disseste que ias ao salão de beleza, e agora encontro-te onde me disseram que estavas, no quarto 19-H do Motel Bird of Paradise em Redondo Beach, às duas da tarde, com este homem.
Where were you last night at Bruce Willis'party?
Não estiveste ontem na festa do Bruce Willis?
Where were you going at late night?
Onde ia tão tarde?
It was the sort of place where, if invited to stay to supper... you might, uh... be allowed to have your conversation with Stephen... but the rest of the family would be sitting... at the table reading a book... a behavior which was not really approved of in my circle... but which was tolerated from the Hawkings... because they were recognized to be... very eccentric, highly intelligent... very clever people... but still a bit odd.
Era o tipo de lugar em que se fôssemos convidados a ficar para jantar, poderíamos ter uma conversa com o Stephen mas o resto da família estaria sentada à mesa a ler um livro. Um comportamento que não era muito aprovado no meu meio, mas que era tolerado vindo dos Hawkings, porque eles eram tidos como muitos excêntricos, altamente inteligentes, pessoas muito espertas, mas mesmo assim... um pouco estranhos.
You wanna take a drive or tell me where you were at 6 : 30 a. m. Two days ago?
Quer ir dar uma volta ou dizer-me onde estava há dois dias, às 6 : 30 da manhã?
Where were you when I sang at Farm Aid?
Onde é que vocês estavam quando eu cantei na Angariação da Quinta?
Would you tell us where you were at the time of the murder, Mrs Lee?
Onde estava na hora do crime, Sra. Lee?
I wanna know exactly where you were at the time of the robbery.
Eu quero saber exactamente onde estavam á hora do roubo.
You're going to have to stay confined, at least until we find out exactly where the replicator components were taken from.
Vais ter que ficar em confinamento, pelo menos até descobrirmos exactamente de onde foram retirados aqueles componentes de replicador.
Because you were trying to learn a job where lives are at stake.
Porque estás a tentar aprender uma profissão onde há vidas em jogo.

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