She doesn't care Çeviri Rusça
305 parallel translation
Only time a woman doesn't care to talk is when she's dead.
Женщина не хочет болтать, когда она мертвая.
She doesn't care!
Да ей наплевать!
No wonder she doesn't care what the rest of the house looks like.
Не удивительно, что она совсем не заботится об остальном доме.
Until you find out she doesn't care
Пока не понимаешь, что ей это неважно,
She's acting as if she doesn't care but I'm sure she's glad.
Пытается изобразить равнодушие, но на самом деле - рада.
Well answered. What she may be to us and others, he doesn't care.
кто она для нас и для других!
She doesn't care what happens to us.
Ей всё равно, что с нами будет.
She just thinks sex is important but in fact she doesn't care.
Большинство женщин считает, что главное - секс,.. ... но на самом деле им на него плевать.
Besides, she doesn't care.
Ей на это наплевать.
She doesn't care.
Ей плевать.
Why doesn't she take care of her more?
Не понимаю, почему она раньше всем не занялась.
No, she doesn't care about me Seems they all can do without me
Нет, моя судьба ей безразлична. Она прекрасно обходится и без меня.
She doesn't care what she says to you.
Ей все равно что тебе говорить.
Minister? - She doesn't care for a minister.
Ей не до министра.
She doesn't care if I'm hung up by the balls out there.
Ей было наплевать, даже если меня там за яйца подвешивали.
She doesn't care.
Ей наплевать.
She doesn't care about anyone except Frank. But I'll tell you one thing, Father.
Когда я вырасту, я никогда не буду выделять среди детей кого-то одного.
She doesn't care.
Ей все равно.
She doesn't care for me.
Она не симпатизирует мне.
She doesn't care what will happen to me.
Ей не важно, что со мной будет.
She doesn't seem to care if she gets out of this.
Кажется, её не волнует, выберется она или нет.
She doesn't care.
Если ей все равно, нам-то что?
You mean she doesn't care about leaving the station?
Вы имеете в виду, ей все равно, покинет ли она станцию?
She doesn't care for the opportunities being offered by Earth or Narn.
Кажется, ее не устраивают предложения Земли и Нарна.
She's acting like she doesn't care like there's nothing wrong.
Она ведет себя так, будто ей всё равно, будто ничего не случилось.
She doesn't care anything about herself.
О себе и думать забыла.
She doesn't care about what happens around her.
Ее ничего вокруг не интересует.
She doesn't care for you.
Сначала ты ей безразличен.
- Hmm? She just doesn't care like I do.
Но ей просто наплевать на мое мнение.
- She doesn't care!
- Ей плевать!
Brother, please, she doesn't care.
Бога ради! Ей же всё равно.
She doesn't care what other people think of her.
Ей все равно, что думают другие.
You see? She doesn't care.
Вот видишь, ей всё равно.
Whatever you do she doesn't care.
Что бы ты ни делала, ей всё равно.
- She doesn't care.
- Ей наплевать.
She's used to it, she doesn't care.
Она привыкла, ей всё равно.
Act One, in which she pretends she doesn't care about him.
Действие первое, в котором она притворяется, что он ее не интересует.
She doesn't care as long as I remember to pick up the check, right?
Её это не волнует до тех пор, пока я оплачиваю чеки.
- She doesn't care.
- Ей все равно.
She doesn't care about her kid!
Она не сходит с ума по малышу, наверное.
She obviously doesn't care. She whores, does lousy jobs, her boyfriend's out of work.
Бросается в глаза, что она просто обычная шлюха, а её дружок сидит без работы.
She's an artist. She doesn't care about things like parents'night.
Ей наплевать на всякие там родительские собрания.
She doesn't listen, she doesn't care, she has no work ethic.
Она не слушает, ей все равно, у нее никакой трудовой этики.
Chloe says she doesn't care, but deep down I know she wants one.
Хлоя сказала, что ей безралично, но думаю в душе ей бы этого хотелось.
She doesn't care what your name is, Eric.
Ей все равно, как тебя зовут, Эрик.
Yeah, it s bacon and I don t care if you tell your mother. She doesn t scare me!
Да, это бекон.
She doesn't care for our Northern ways.
Север ей не интересен.
Mom wanted me to tell you... that she doesn't care whether you live or die, but if you're not dead... she would like to see you at the courthouse tomorrow in the blue sweater.
Мама просила тебе передать, что ей плевать, что с тобой, но если ты не умер, то приходи завтра на суд в голубом свитере.
- Yes, but she doesn't care.
- Замужем? - Да, но ей на это наплевать.
She doesn't care who you love.
Ей не важно, кого ты любил.
She doesn't care that she's handicapped.
Её не волнует, что она - инвалидка.
she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35
she doesn't 359
she doesn't like me 38
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't love you 27
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't have to 35
she doesn't 359
she doesn't like me 38
she doesn't know 197
she doesn't understand 44
she doesn't exist 24
she doesn't love you 27
she doesn't know anything 66
she doesn't mean it 22
she doesn't want me 16
she doesn't love me 17
she doesn't have to know 16
she doesn't want to 36
she doesn't want to talk to you 25
she doesn't hate you 25
she doesn't like you 26
she doesn't like it 16
she doesn't mean that 18
she doesn't want to see me 20
she doesn't love me 17
she doesn't have to know 16
she doesn't want to 36
she doesn't want to talk to you 25
she doesn't hate you 25
she doesn't like you 26
she doesn't like it 16
she doesn't mean that 18
she doesn't want to see me 20
she doesn't want to see you 43
she doesn't know i'm here 16
she doesn't know what she's doing 20
she doesn't know what she's saying 17
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
she doesn't know i'm here 16
she doesn't know what she's doing 20
she doesn't know what she's saying 17
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29