They didn't make it Çeviri Rusça
126 parallel translation
A lot more people are gonna die before this is over, and it's up to the ones that come through to make sure that they didn't die for nothing.
Еще много людей умрет прежде чем это закончится, но мы должны знать, что смерть их настигла в борьбе за правое дело.
They didn't make it,'cause they weren't married.
У них ни разу ничего не было, потому что они не были женаты.
Мы должны попросить их дать клятву.
- They didn't make it.
- He yцeлeли.
If they didn't make it, we're fighting for a lost cause.
Если у них ничего не вышло, мы обречены на поражение.
I didn't think they'd make it this far.
Не ожидал, что они зайдут так далеко.
They didn't make it.
Они не справились.
I didn't think I'd make it either but they kept all the leaders alive.
Не сомневаюсь, так бы и было, но они держали всех лидеров в живых.
- They didn't make it.
- Их больше нет.
- They didn't make it.
- Им не повезло.
They didn't make it.
Его больше нет.
Maybe they didn't know what to make it taste like which is why it tastes like everything.
Moжeт, oни нe знaли, кaкaя oнa дoлжнa быть нa вкуc и пoэтoму oнa вышлa coвeршeннo бeзвкуcнaя.
I guess they didn't make it.
Думаю, они его не посылали.
They didn't make it from here.
Они не могли сделать это отсюда.
Only had time between the ER and the OR, and then, you know, they wash everything away with betadyne, so... She didn't make it. Huh?
Времени было - только дорога от скорой до операционной,... а потом, ты же понимаешь, они все зальют бетадином, так что...
They didn't make it!
Там все погибли.
And irrespective of whether they thought the idea of increasing Grace's services had any fairness and justification to it or not, it didn't seem to make anyone any happier.
И независимо от того, считали ли люди, что сама идея увеличения объема помощи, которую оказывает им Грэйс, справедлива и оправдана или нет, счастливее от этой помощи никто не становился.
They didn't want to make it twice.
Они не хотели повторять этого второй раз.
They didn't make it.
Они не доберутся до цели.
They didn't make it.
Они не выжили.
So, what were they going to do with his body, to make sure it didn't rot?
Что они могли сделать с трупом, чтобы он не разлагался? Засунуть в бочку с пивом.
It's OK. We'll be fine. You know, it's just as well that they didn't make it.
Ничего, у нас всё будет хорошо.
You know, it's just as well that they didn't make it. Ben, you were right - by the time they'd have finished it,
Знаешь, даже и хорошо, что они его не сняли.
If they didn't make it to the rear compartment in time...
Если они не успели в задний отсек вовремя....
We came all this way and they didn't even make it off the chain.
Мы так долго до них добирались, а они даже не отцепились от ремня.
I just wish they didn't have to kill so many lemons to make it.
Только жаль, что им пришлось убить столько лимонов, чтобы его сделать.
well, it's just that they're very old-fashioned hearth-and-home types, and they might wonder why- - why you didn't make the effort.
Видишь ли, они страмодны в вопросах семьи, и не поймут, почему их не приветили домашней стряпней.
In "Blind Date," the rewrite just didn't make it to the floor, so they were doing the old pages...
В "Свидании вслепую" окончательный вариант текста так и не попал к актерам, поэтому они работали по черновикам...
When they were recruiting for the national team, why didn't he make it?
Почему он не попал в команду, когда был национальный отбор?
Not if they didn't make it to the settlement.
Нет, если они не добрались до поселения.
They didn't make it.
Не удалось.
In the old days if your sketch didn't make it on the air they used to send you downstairs naked to sell lemon drinks. Shrouded only in your failure, you'd explain to patrons why you weren't good enough.
В былые времена, если твой скетч не выходил в эфир, то тебя отправляли в голом виде торговать лимонадом, чтобы окупить позор от провала, а затем самому объяснить начальству почему твой скетч плохой.
They didn't make it.
Им не удалось.
I think the only reason they didn't make it out of diamonds is because they're too weak and brittle.
Думаю, единственная причина, почему его не сделали из бриллиантов, это потому что они непрочны и хрупки.
They said they'd fix it, but it didn't make any difference at all.
Они сказали, что помогут, но никаких улучшений так и нет.
) And then the market would? sort out that what kind of things it made sense to produce in Australia, and what sort of things it didn't make sense to produce without the subsidies that currently are going to agriculture because of the... virtually free water that they're getting.
И тогда рынку придётся разобраться какие вещи ему имеет смысл производить в Австралии, а какие убыточно проводить без госсубсидий, которые, на данный момент, идут на сельское хозяйство... чтобы за воду, в сущности, не приходилось платить.
They can't make it fit if something didn't happen.
Они не могли их подогнать, если что-то не произошло.
They didn't make it.
Оба умерли.
They just didn't wanna make it.
Они просто не хотят этого делать
I got a few I didn't promote make it big off of my desk, they still won't return my calls.
Некоторых я так и не повысил, они ушли со скандалом, и до сих пор не отвечают на мои звонки.
They shot some poor newlywed. Didn't make it.
Они пристрелили одного несчастного новобрачного.
Now I wouldn't mind if, it wouldn't be so terrible if people were well-educated and well-inform ed, they didn't have to die, and they could make the choice to commit suicide with food.
Сейчас я был бы рад, если бы все люди были достаточно образованны и проинформированны, и больше не умирали, и смерть от еды была бы их личным выбором.
They didn't make it.
Их нет.
You gotta make sure they didn't leave it Out there on the street, all right?
Убедись, что они не оставили его на улице, хорошо?
They didn't make it.
У них не получилось.
I don't want you to end up like one of those football players that didn't listen to their doctor, and now it's ten years later, and they don't know how to make toast.
Я не хочу, чтоб ты закончил, как один из тех футболистов, которые не слушали своих докторов, а теперь, через 10 лет, не знают, как приготовить тост.
But didn't the butcher make his victims end their messages by saying they were enjoying it?
Но разве Мясник не заставлял своих жертв заканчивать свои сообщения словами о том, что они получают от этого удовольствие?
They didn't make it.
Они умерли.
They didn't make it.
И погибли.
When you think that in Let It Be, they rehearsed All Things Must Pass and a couple of other of George's songs that didn't make it on to Let It Be, right, and didn't make it on to Abbey Road, right, but made it onto his first solo album, he was stockpiling stuff.
Например, при записи'Lеt lt Ве'они репетировали'A ll Тhings Мust Раss'и пару других песен Джорджа, но они не попали ни в альбом'Lеt lt Ве'ни в'A bbеу Rоаd'
The cops used it to set us up, to make us think they didn't have anything, when, in fact, they've got enough to put your golf-playing ass away for 20 years, big boy.
Легавые дали их, чтобы нас подставить, заставить думать, что у них пустота, когда на деле - у них достаточно всего, чтобы засадить тебя, сраного Тайгера Вудса, на двадцать лет.
they didn't 372
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't say 45
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't say 45
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't care 21
they didn't do anything 22
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it last 17
make it up 16
make it work 61
make it two 94
make it stop 329
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it last 17
make it up 16
make it work 61
make it two 94
make it stop 329