They don't know that Çeviri Rusça
1,254 parallel translation
I don't fucking know. They're fucked. You know that.
я ничерта не знаю. ќни придурки. " ы же знаешь.
You know, we were so keen on trying to pull off this idea that there was some kind of beast in the town already, that maybe the Were-Rabbit already existed and what they were trying to capture was something large, and I don't know truly whether it fully comes off that it actually turns out to be a little rabbit.
Знаете, мьı так хотели суметь передать ту идею, что в городе уже есть какой-то зверь, что, может, Кролик-оборотень уже существовал, и что они пьıтались поймать что-то большое, и я честно не знаю, понятно ли это,
People might hope that the meat they buy came from an animal who died without pain, but they don't really want to know about it.
Люди могли бы надеяться, что мясо они покупают прибыл из животного, которое умерло без боли, но они не делают действительно хотите знать об этом.
Things that used to matter.... I don't know, they just no longer do.
... меня не волнует то, что волновало раньше.
I don't know why they told you that.
Я не знаю, почему они тебе так сказали.
And now Vega isn't here and they're putting in some dick that I don't know.
А теперь Вега не с нами, его отправили куда-то в задницу, а я ничего не знаю.
You know that Jews got all, you know they don't want. But then Jesus movie came out, you know, and but now the Jews didn't want people to see it.
они не хотят... чтоб люди его смотрели.
I know that people think I'm- - l'm a nut sometimes or they think I've joined a cult, or they think I'm mad or whatever, but I don't care'cause they thought all those things anyways.
Я знаю, что люди иногда думают, что я чудачка или что я присоединилась к культу или просто сошла с ума, но мне все равно, потому, что они и раньше так думали.
They don't want that! You know what they want?
ќни не хот € т этого! " наете чего они хот € т?
That night on highland beach, they put someone inside of him, or some program... i don't know... directing his actions, and ryland has evidence.
Той ночью, на пляже Хайланд, они вложили кого-то внутрь него... или какую-то программу. я не знаю. направляли его действия.
Not to mention the fucking telegraph coming in and four whores that I don't know who the fuck they work for.
Я уже молчу про этот блядский телеграф и четырёх залётных прошмандовок. Хуй знает, на кого они пашут.
I know gravity pockets, and they don't feel like that.
Я их знаю, и это была не она...
Yeah, I don't know that they're gay.
Похоже, они тут все лесбы. Ну, не знаю - лесбиянки они или нет...
I'm really glad that you came... because I know that there was a lot of things that I've done, uh... that I really don't remember, but I'm sure they were really horrible.
Понимаю, я столько всего натворил... Ничего не помню, правда, но уверен, это было ужасно.
Don't you understand that... once people know the truth about us, then they'll have to accept us for who we really are?
Разве ты не понимаешь,.. как только люди узнают правду о нас, они должны будут принять нас такими, какие мы есть на самом деле.
The ascended beings I know, don't pose as Gods I mean that's the one explicit rule that they do follow, is that they don't meddle in the affairs of the lower planes of existence.
Вознесшиеся существа, который я знаю, не выдают себя за Богов, это главное правило, которому они следуют, они не вмешиваются в дела находящихся на низшем уровне развития.
They don't even know yet, that one of their best friends is dead.
Они даже не знают, что один из их лучших друзей мертв.
Don't speak! " And... they don't know of course at the time that that dialogue is just... from a very bad science fiction film written by nature.
Замолчи! " " в тот момент они не знают что, этот лишь диалог из... очень плохого фантастического фильма написанного природой.
and they have real intimacy... which takes years to achieve, you know... you're not gonna get it with somebody you don't know very well,... not that there really is such a thing as'casual sex'.
и у них настоящий интим... нужны годы что бы его достичь. Такого не получится с человеком, которого не знаешь очень хорошо,.. Это далеко не "повседневный секс"
Well, I don't know. It's just... I have this feeling... that they're looking for the Shinenju that has returned to the World of the Living.
они ищут Розарий Памяти в мире живых.
We identified the armor as belonging to the clan that was banished long time ago from the Soul Society after their take over attempt failed. So we know for sure that they hold a grudge against us. But we still don't know what they're after.
который был изгнан из Общества Душ после территориальных споров. он их истинная цель до сих пор остается загадкой.
I don't know how somebody figured that out, but they did.
Не знаю, как об этом узнали, но узнали.
I don't know what they do in that particular department, anyway.
Я не знаю, что они затеяли в особом департаменте.
Are there humans with powers that can help you but don't know who they are?
Есть люди со способностями, которые могут помочь тебе, но не знают, кто они?
They say that they don't know how long until it's everywhere.
Скоро эта зараза накроет всё!
I don't know. But the odd times that they do give me a bit of grief,
Но иной раз, случается принимать от них насмешки.
And they don't even know it... but their whole conception of how reality works... is all something that has been molded by religion.
И он даже не подозревает, что его концепции того, как устроена реальность, сформированы религией.
That's what my parents say when they don't want me to know something.
Мои родители всегда так говорят, когда не хотят, чтобы я о чём-то знала.
They don't know that.
Они этого не знают.
I don't know what to say really it's fun... there are some many issues in the world, They are beautiful, I love them... in fact they're the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen but... you know, I can't have everything that I love, otherwise I'd own lots of things, and actually they're red,
Я не знаю как сказать, на самом деле это весело... так много вещей на свете, они прекрасны, я люблю их... на самом деле это самые красивые туфли которые я когда-нибудь видела, но... вы знаете, я не могу обладать всем, что я люблю,
That's the funny thing. I don't know if they were disturbed or...
Это самое интересное. Их, может быть, что-то вспугнуло, или...
It's just that when people are around me... I don't know, they get hurt.
Но когда люди находятся рядом со мной, не знаю, они страдают.
I don't know, but that's what they say.
Я не знаю, но это то, что они сказали.
I just don't know how they'll react if they find out that you're a sex addict.
Я не знаю их реакцию, если узнают, что ты - эротоман.
They don't know that.
Им это неизвестно.
They don't know nothing about that shit up in New York.
Они в Нью Йорке ни хера в этом не разбираются.
Question is can we get them in that kind of mindset on stuff they don't know?
А вот удасться ли нам сохранить подобный настрой, когда речь зайдет о том, чего они _ не _ знают?
I mean, I know they're gonna take my stripes, but you don't think they're gonna go past that, right?
Я говорю, я знаю, что у меня заберут нашивки, но ведь ничего больше не сделают, так?
The problem is that they don't know how to style my daughter.
Проблема в том, что они не знают, как работать с моей дочкой.
Don't know why they're linking me with his absence. What gangster in his sane mind would do that?
что я при делах... ну какой кондаль в своём уме на такое пойдет?
They really don't know how to do tea in New York. water isn't hot enough. God, I hate that.
Я поступил на работу в эту школу в сентябре 2002го.
Look, I think it's very easy to caricature the position of climate change sceptics as the sort of people who don't look left and right when crossing the road, or who think that quack, you know, the quack cure that they have invented for
Один из самых непримиримых отзывов был дан неистовым защитником Дарвина
I don't even know that they say I'm in denial of.
- В отличие от профессора Миллера, я считаю что дарвинизм
That place was flooded and burning and they were dying, and you stood there like, I don't know, a stranger.
Был потоп, всё горело, все умирали, а ты просто стоял, словно... незнакомец.
Hello Company New Cell phone almost all of them have tv phone but they aren't used that much according to monitoring research the reason is it's expensive others aren't using it don't know how to etc.
Компания Hello. Новые сотовые телефоны. Почти у всех есть ТВ телефоны, ( видеофоны, видеотелефоны ) но они не пользуются, большим спросом.
Those people know that I'm Jerry Cruising, they don't even talk to me.
Эти люди знают, что я Джерри Крузинг, но они даже не говорят со мной.
I don't know what they did to you, but I know you're scared enough to lie about it, and that scares me more than anything that they have done to us before.
- До чего? Не знаю, что они с тобой сделали, но знаю, что ты настолько запуган, что лжёшь об этом, и это меня пугает больше чем всё, что они делали с нами раньше
i don't know when those x - ys were taken that i saw, but unless they were very recent... you're not gonna be taking walks much longer.
Не знаю, когда делали те снимки, что я видел. Хорошо, если они совсем свежие, иначе не долго тебе ещё прогулки устраивать.
Wait. How did you know that? I don't often make mistakes, but when I do, they haunt me.
Я редко допускаю ошибки, а если допускаю, это меня угнетает.
They have no skeletons, although I don't know how that's anatomically possible.
У них нет скелетов, и всё же я не могу понять как такое анатомически возможно.
It means that they don't believe in, you know, God.
Это значит, что они не верят... ну... в Бога.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't matter 18
they don't know anything 52
they don't have to 34
they don't want me 22
they don't stand a chance 17
they don't like you 20
they don't believe me 24
they don't care 106
they don't know me 18
they don't mean anything 16
they don't know anything 52
they don't have to 34
they don't want me 22
they don't stand a chance 17
they don't like you 20
they don't believe me 24
they don't care 106
they don't know me 18
they don't mean anything 16
they don't know 180
they don't like it 23
they don't know what they're doing 16
know that 57
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are my friends 21
they have 241
they don't like it 23
they don't know what they're doing 16
know that 57
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they are my friends 21
they have 241
they come 53
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are everywhere 27
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they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
they can't 247
they did 777
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are everywhere 27
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they did 777
they do 1025
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they are mine 34
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they told me 111
they are good 26
they are dead 31
they are fine 18
they are mine 34
they are the same 17
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they are not 95
they are yours 18