So there i was Çeviri Türkçe
2,572 parallel translation
So there I was.
There was no exit wound, so I will be able to recover the bullet and send it to Ballistics.
Çıkış yarası yok bu nedenle kurşunu çıkarıp balistiğe gönderebiliriz.
I was so excited to have something that was just for me, that was my thing,'cause there I'm a singer, and today a Munchkin barfed, and no one expected me to clean it up, 'cause there I'm not a mom.
Sadece bana ait birşey olduğu için çok hesesliydim, bu benim olayımdı, çünkü orada ben şarkıcıyım, ve bugün bir cüce kustu, ve kimse benden temizlememi beklemedi, çünkü orada ben bir anne değilim.
What I was learning was that there's some events that are so overwhelming that you can't simply be a witnees.
Hayattan öğrendiğim şey şu ki sadece şahidi olarak kalamayacağın insanı kahreden bazı olaylar vardır.
And so I come out of the office and I look and there was the Jackson 5.
Ofisten çıkıp baktım, Jackson 5 vardı.
Pardon me forsaying so, but if there's cheating in a marriage I'Il pick up the smell like it was freshly cut melon.
Evliliklerde, affedersiniz zina filan varsa kesilmiş kavun gibi alıyorum kokusunu.
There was no other way of getting there, so I actually walked the last bit through the fields in the dark.
Başka yol yok Bu yüzden benim de karanlığa adım atmam gerek
So, being there, on stage, I remember I was the first person to smell something unusual.
Oradaydım ve hatırlıyorum garip bir koku alan ilk kişi bendim.
If I'd run for help right then, they could have saved her, but I didn't. I just stood there, wondering what my mother was doing for so long at the bottom of the well.
Annemin o kadar uzun süre o kuyunun dibinde ne yaptığını merak ederek, öylece durdum.
And so I, you know, when I discovered that there were substances that could take me out of there, I was going for them.
Ve ben de bir şey arıyordum beni bu durumdan çıkaracak hakikati bulmak için.
I said I was gonna get you there, I'm gonna get you there, so...
Seni oraya goturecegim dedim, Seni oraya goturecegim, yani...
There was, like, so much blood I almost fainted!
Çok fazla kan vardı, neredeyse bayılacaktım.
- so I was stuck there for hours.
ben de dört saat boyunca kısıldım kaldım.
I'm so sorry I'm late there was so much fucking traffic.
Geciktiğim için üzgünüm. Trafik çok sıkışıktı!
So I was at this club the other night, and there was a tranny dressed like me.
Geçen gece şu kulübe gittim, tıpkı benim gibi giyinmiş bir travesti vardı.
So, there I was at the very bottom.
En dibe batmıştım.
You know, that was so great, to the... The talk in there. I...
Konuşman harikaydı...
I was drunk, and you resembled someone else... so there's nothing like it.
Ben sarhoştum sen de başkasına benziyordun, sadece bu kadar.
So, I was wondering, is there any way you can give me a little extra help?
O yüzden merak ediyordum acaba bana ekstra ders falan verebilir misiniz?
I think the NEF said it was 0.3 liters of dirty water, so there could be radium or tritium in there.
Sanırım NEF dedi ki bu 0.3 litre kirli suymuş. Yani orada radyum veya tirityum olabilir.
So I was wondering if there's any other light you could shed on this?
Buna açıklama getirebileceğin başka bir bilgin var mı?
That first summer there was gone irrevocably, and I didn't want a weaker version of it, so I kept myself from succumbing once more to the old magic.
Yayladaki o ilk yaz mevsiminin yerinde yeller esiyordu. Zayıf bir tekerrür yaşayarak geriye dönmek istemiyordum. Yine aynı hatalara düşmenin manası yoktu.
All I know is that when I was there, away from all the noise and distraction, I never felt so close to God.
Tek bildiğim, orada olduğum zamanlarda, bütün bu gürültü ve karmaşadan uzakken, kendimi Tanrı'ya hiç o kadar yakın hissetmemiştim.
It was the best part of my trip, and I just.... I wanna get back out there so bad. There's so much stuff I wanna see.
Yolculuğumun en güzel kısmıydı ve ben oraya geri dönmeyi çok istiyorum.
I think there was some of them on the train. so I got off and ran.
Trende birkaç adam vardı sanırım, ben de inip koştum.
There were times that I felt so afraid... thought that Foxfire was just a dream.
Korktuğum ve yıldığımda, Foxfire'ın sadece bir rüya olduğunu.. .. düşündüğüm zamanlar oldu.
Um, they say they don't have me on the list, but my agents said I was confirmed, so I don't know what happened there.
Um, listede olmadığımı söylüyorlar, ama menajerlerim onaylandığımı söylemişlerdi, yani bir karışıklık olmuş.
No, first it was D.C. I heard there might be some kind of refugee camp, but the roads were so jammed, we never even got close.
- Önce Washington'a gittik. Mülteci kampı olabileceğini duymuştum ama yollar o kadar doluydu ki, yaklaşamadık bile.
I'm sure the laboratory in the film was in the basement, so I am going there.
Eminim bu labaratuvar burada bir yerlerdedir Ben aşağı katlara bakmaya gidiyorum.
- I just find it so ironic that there was once this magnificent civilization and now just these ruins.
Bir zamanlar böylesine bir medeniyet olmasını gerçekten ironik buluyorum. Şimdi geriye hiçbir şey kalmamış.
There was no answer so I...
Kimse cevap vermedi, ben de...
I suppose it was your idea to keep my grandma's relapse a secret so you could be the only one there for her when no one else was.
Sanırım büyük annemin kötüleşmesini sır olarak tutmak senin fikrindi. Kimse olmadığında onun yanında olabilesin diye.
There was no answer in Dr. Van Der Woodsen's room, so I was wondering if I could leave a message.
Dr. Van Der Woodson'ın odası cevap vermiyor, mesaj bırakabilir miyim acaba?
That's why I love him. So, there was something about a present?
Evet bu yzüden onu seviyorum
you know, it was just exciting that somebody like that would be, you know, so interested in someone like me. I just remember being in this Italian restaurant and we ordered, like, a pizza to share and the cheese was kind of stringing out of my mouth and, you know, there's just no good way to handle that.
Şu italyan restoranındaydım ve pizza sipariş ettik bölüşmek için ve peyniri de.. bi şekilde ağzımdan akmış ve bunu bi anda halletmenin de pek bi etkisi olmaz.
When I woke up Jason was there and said that he had called and wanted a ride home, but Jason didn't want to wake me up, so told him he had to walk home.
Uyandığımda, Jason aradığını ve onu almamızı istediğini söyledi ama Jason beni uyandırmak istememiş o yüzden yürümek zorunda olduğunu söylemiş.
Absolutely, there was no way I was going to talk to her pretending to be Nicholas because I wasn't Nicholas and she was his sister, so er... it would have been a risk, too big a risk for me,
Kesinlikle onunla Nicholas gibi konuşma imkânım yoktu. Çünkü Nicholas değildim ve o ablasıydı. Yani risk almak olurdu benim için çok büyük bir risk.
So now the problem was that they had the sister and the embassy official that were swearing that I was Nicholas Barclay and there was the police and the prosecutor and the judge who were not convinced at all.
Şimdiki sorunumuz bir yanda Nicholas Barclay olduğuma yemin eden kız kardeş ve elçilik görevlisi vardı diğer yanda hiç ikna olmayan polis, savcı ve yargıç vardı.
I was gonna ask you to take the boys to the sitter for me today, but I can't have you going in there and scaring all the kids, so I got it...
Bugün çocukları benim için kreşe bırakabilir misin diye soracaktım ama bu halde oraya gidip çocukları korkutmana izin veremem. Ben bırakırım.. Yine...
There was no toilet paper in the bathroom.. .. So I came to get some water.
Banyoda tuvalet kağıdı yoktu ve biraz su aldım.
So like I was saying, that there in your hand is a detonator, which you'll probablywant to press once this place is crawling with those things you helped create, or... if you reallywant to make a statement, don't press it.
elinde bir patlayıcı var, muhtemelen patlatmak istiyorsun yerde sürünen arkadaşlarına yardım etmek istiyorsan yardım etmek istiyorsan,. ona basma,..
So I was in New York. So I went there.
New York'a da bunun için gittim.
I just had a tickle there was a reason nothing was popping out at us, so I set up a program to run possibilities for six numbers, seven, eight.
İçimde burada eksik olan bir şey olduğu duygusuna kapıldım. Sonra altı ve daha fazla sayıların olasılığını hesaplayan bir program yaptım.
So, I don't know if you'll remember, but there was a kid in here yesterday named Billy Pogue for a party?
Hatırlar mısınız bilmiyorum ama dün partide bir çocuk vardı adı Billy Pogue?
Well, this is my home, and there was an accident, so I have to take care of my brother.
Evim burada zaten, bir kaza oldu da. Erkek kardeşime göz kulak olmak için döndüm.
Well you know there have been so many bears I found the other day when I was walking down Commercial Street, by the time I'd gotten to the East End,
biliyorsunuz çok fazla ayı var her yerde ve geçen gün Commercial caddesinde yürürken
You know this was quite a low-rent on this place before it was done up, so I think there were a lot of different tenants.
Burası önceden düşük kira bedelli bir yerdi.. ... bu yüzden sanırım birçok farklı kiracısı oldu.
I held her, but there was, uh, just so much...
Onu toparladım ancak orada...
So I was running out of there as quick as my legs could carry me.
Bacaklarımın beni taşıyabildiği kadar mümkün olduğunca hızlı olarak oradan kaçıyordum.
So if I was really good at it, would there still be a way for you to bust me?
Yalan söylemede bu kadar iyi olsaydım hâlâ beni yakalamanın bir yolu olur muydu?
There was a time when I wanted this so much but I was afraid I'd mess it up.
Bir zamanlar bunu çok istemiştim ama korkarım ki berbat ettim.
so there you go 70
so there 102
so there's that 85
so there i am 22
so there you are 54
so there we were 17
so there is 17
so there we are 33
so there you have it 27
so therefore 25
so there 102
so there's that 85
so there i am 22
so there you are 54
so there we were 17
so there is 17
so there we are 33
so there you have it 27
so therefore 25
so there's nothing to worry about 19
so there it is 43
so there's 27
there i was 75
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
so there it is 43
so there's 27
there i was 75
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35