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Translate.vc / Rusça → İngilizce / [ В ] / Все дело во мне

Все дело во мне Çeviri İngilizce

61 parallel translation
- Все дело во мне.
- It's me.
Может, все дело во мне?
Martha, listen to me.
- Нет, знаю, все дело во мне.
It's me. I know it's me.
Все дело во мне.
- No. It's me!
Но, может быть, все дело во мне.
But then again, maybe it's just me...
Все дело во мне
This is about me.
- Лана, если все дело во мне...
- Lana, if this is because of me...
Проблема не в ней, все дело во мне.
I don't think it's about her. I think it's about me.
Думаешь, все дело во мне?
You think this is about me.
Думаешь, все дело во мне?
You think he's gonna deal for me? He's playin'with you.
Все дело во мне.
This is me we're talking about here.
А то я уже начала думать, что все дело во мне.
I was starting to think it was me or something.
По сути, все дело во мне.
In fact, it was me.
поэтому, пожалуйста не принимай это на свой счет, все дело во мне, не в тебе.
and never, ever see each other again, so please don't take this personally--it's me, not you.
Все дело... все дело во мне.
It was just... it was me.
А что если все дело во мне?
What if it's my fault?
Нет, все дело во мне.
No, it's me.
А может все дело во мне.
But maybe that's just me.
Значит, все дело во мне?
So it is me?
Думаете, все дело во мне?
Do you think it's me?
Если бы дело было во мне, то я бы всё сделал
If I had it in me, I'd have made it.
Может быть, у мужчин все иначе, а, может, дело во мне.
Maybe men are different, or maybe it's just me.
Может, всё дело во мне?
– Maybe it's me.
Я знаю, всё дело во мне.
I know it's mean of me.
Может, всё дело только во мне.
Maybe I'm just out of control.
Все же дело только во мне и тебе.
It comes down to me and you.
мне кажется, у нас не получается но дело не в тебе ты был великолепен. дело во мне в общем, у меня Луи и все это с его отцом я не готова к новым отношениям
I'm not sure this is working out. It's not you. You've been great.
Может, всё дело во мне?
Maybe I am the one with the problem.
Во мне всё дело.
I'm so sorry.
Всё дело во мне.
It's me.
Я поняла, что всё дело во мне.
Now I know that the problem must be me, right
Всё дело во мне. Ты считаешь, что свидания со мной повредят твоей репутации?
about me is it that embarassing?
Я знала, что всё дело во мне.
I knew it was about me.
Всё дело не во мне, Алиса.
This is not about me, Alice.
Если бы всё дело было только во мне, я бы возможно пустил всё на самотёк.
If it was just up to me, I'd probably let nature run its course.
Дело в тебе и во мне, и все уже совсем не то!
This is about you and me, and we are not good anymore.
А, то есть всё дело во мне?
So, it's back on me?
Не знаю, это всё дочки-матери, или просто женское... или дело во мне.
I mean, I don't know if it's a mother / daughter thing Or a woman thing or... It's probably just me.
Все дело было во мне.
It was all about me.
Потому что дело не только во мне, и я не хочу, чтобы они все облажали.
'Cause it's not just about me, and I don't want to see them screw this up.
Вы верите, что всё в руках Господа? - Дело сейчас не во мне! Да, сэр.
He what?
Всё дело было во мне.
It was about me.
Всё дело во мне.
This is about me.
Всё дело было во мне, а не в вас.
No, I mean, it wasn't you guys. It was just me.
Но когда ты пропала, я понял, что всё это время дело было во мне.
It wasn't until you went missing that I realized that something this whole time was me.
Всё дело во мне.
It's - - it's because of me.
Всё дело во мне.
It's me. It's me.
Но все дело было во мне.
But it was actually me.
Всё это время я думал, дело во мне.
All this time, I thought it was me.
Всё дело во мне.
That's on me. But I...
В нашем браке были трудности. И они все еще существуют. Дело во мне.
There were... some difficulties in our marriage, problems that still exist with me.

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