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Kendıne Çeviri İngilizce

8 parallel translation
Kendıne bir bak
Look at you.
Zor olduğunu bılıyorum, ama kendıne ve aılene yardımın en ıyı yolu benımle konuşmak.
I know this is difficult, but the best way to help yourself nd your family is to just talk to me.
Her ne kadar takıntılı aşık gıbı görünse de tutkuları dışsallaştırılan öfkeden çok kasten kendıne zarar vermeye yol açıyor.
Even though her patterns suggest an obsessive love disorder, her passions tend towards deliberate self-harm rather than externalized rage.
Kend ¡ ne b ¡ r hanim bulmalisin Sans.
You ought to find yourself a lady, Chance.
Böylece etrafta kend ¡ kend ¡ ne dolasab ¡ l ¡ yor.
That way, he can get around by himself.
Kend ¡ ne d ¡ kkat et Ben.
Now, you take care, Ben.
Sen de kend ¡ ne d ¡ kkat et Bobby.
And you take care, too, Bobby.
Su ana dek kend ¡ s ¡ ne karsi kullanilab ¡ lecek b ¡ r sey söylemed ¡.
Until this time, he hasn't said anything that could be held against him.

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