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Yukarida Çeviri İngilizce

71 parallel translation
Ayak izimi verebilirim, ama yukarida çorabimda.
I could let you have my footprints, but they're upstairs in my socks.
Git haydi, ve unutma, yukarida askerler olacak o yüzden uçurumun altindaki kayaliklari denesen iyi edersin.
Go, and remember, there will be soldiers above... ... so you'd best try the rocks under the cliff.
Hayatim, yukarida gökyüzünde uçan o yazilar bizim degil mi?
Honey, isn't that our sign up there in the sky flying around?
Yasli adam ölmüs yukarida yatiyor... sen h ¡ çb ¡ r sey olmamis g ¡ b ¡ davraniyorsun.
That old man is lying up there dead as hell and it just don't make any difference to you.
Yukarida telev ¡ zyon var mi?
Is there a TV upstairs?
Inis noktasi nehirden 2 km yukarida.
Landing zone a mile up river.
Yukarida! - Tamam, sakin ol.
- Calm down.
Yukarida, kosun lütfen!
Up there. Please help her.
- Tina nerede? - Yukarida.
- Where's Tina?
- Elini yukarida tut.
- Keep your hand up.
Kuripiyerin onlarla olmadigini görebiliyordum... ama bütün kagitlari cok yukarida tutuyordu.
I could see the dealer wasn't in on it... but he was lifting his hole card way too high.
Daha da yukarida.
Up there. On a throne.
Keep those heads up!
DDR-anneleri DDR-çocuklarini Prag'da, Bati Alman Büyükelçiligi'ne tirmandigi zaman yukarida tutuyorlar.
They show GDR women holding up their children when they climb into the West German embassy in Prague.
ingiltere'de, suçluyu, sehrin ortasinda, yerden yarim metre yukarida, bir kafesin içine koyarlardi.
In England, they'd hang a criminal inside a cage a few feet off the ground in the middle of the town square.
Annemin odasi yukarida.
My room's up at the top.
Yukarida ne yapiyorsun?
RANJAN : What are you doing up there?
Sen yukarida, o hemen asaginda!
You're on the flyover, he's down below!
- Yukarida baska birsey?
- Anything upstairs? - Nada.
Tamam, Alex'in yukarida odamdan kocasini gozetledigini hatirlarsiniz.
Okay, you remember how Alex was upstairs spying on her husband from my bedroom?
Yukarida bir melek gibi uyuyor.
She's up there sleeping like an angel.
O kadar yukarida olmaktan korkmuyormusun?
Aren't you afraid of being up here so high?
Yukarida galerideki. O yüzü ben ameliyat ettim.
Up there in the gallery, I built that face.
Hey bebek, benim yerimde, yukarida, biraz sonra.
Hey baby, my place upstairs later.
Dairem yukarida da...
It's in my apartment upstairs.
- Yukarida guzel bir yerim var.
- I got a nice little place upstairs.
O yukarida.
She's upstairs.
Sence, yukarida iken ne yapiyorlardi?
What do you suppose they're up to?
[YUKARIDA KONUŞUYORLAR] Şurdaki teknedeydik.
I was on that boat over there.
Krazy-8 bir kademe yukarida.
Krazy-8's one level higher.
One level higher.
Yukarida senin icin giysi buldum.
I found you some clothes upstairs.
Yukarida ne yaptiklari umurumda degil.
I don't care what they do when they're up there.
O tek basina yukarida. Tamamen yalniz.
He's up there by himself, he's all alone.
Sakin korkma Yukarida Allah var
Have no fear The lord above
Yukarida ne oluyorsa seni hala etkiliyor.
Whatever's happening upstairs, is still affecting you.
- Yukarida insanlar ölüyor!
- Lovely! - People are dying up there?
yukarida birisi ölüyor.
someone's dying up there.
O serefsizler assagida gürültü yapiyorlardi bende yukarida TV izleyip dumanlanmaya çalisiyordum
I just felt like these motherfuckers were making noise and I'm upstairs watching TV and trying to get high.
Elmacik kemiklerini daha yukarida yap.
Make the cheekbones higher.
Carol-Lynne yukarida.
Carol-Lynne's on upstairs.
Gökyüzüne dogru basini kaldir ve böylece lerjag orada yukarida olacak.
Lift your head to the sky so lerjag at you from up there.
- 601, denizalti yerden 50 metre yukarida.
Chief of the Watch, submerge the ship to one-six-zero feet.
Yukarida ne yapiyorsun?
What are you doing up there?
Ayrica yukarida bana kara mi dedin?
Moreover, you called me black?
Calude, yukarida misin?
Claud, are you up here?
Bayan Mac, yukarida misiniz?
Mrs. Mac, are you up there?
- Yukarïda Dora.
- Up there, Dora.
- Biri var, yukarida biri var. - Kim var?
- Who?
Hemen yukarida.
I have it right upstairs.

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