And he's gone translate Spanish
2,010 parallel translation
After he's gone, strip down his bed and take the usual precautions.
Cuando se haya trasladado, desmonta su cama y toma las precauciones de costumbre.
In fact, about five weeks ago, after he'd gone through all the treatment and we knew he wasn'tgonna make it, out of the blue he said to me, " michelle, you know, if my dad's still alive and he hears about it, he'll come.
De hecho, hace cinco semanas, después de haber pasado por todo el tratamiento... y saber que no lo iba a conseguir, inesperadamente él me dijo, "Michelle, ya sabes, si mi padre sigue vivo y oye esto, vendrá."
- Zander's gone, and he beat up Akani.
Zander se fue y golpeó a Akani.
Andy's the only other crew member out here, and if that wasn't an accident... then he's gone wild.
Andy es el único otro miembro de la tripulación aquí fuera... y si eso no fue un accidente... entonces se ha vuelto salvaje.
Sometimes, he'll get a text for a meeting, And then, poof, he's gone.
A veces, le llega un mensaje de texto para ir a una junta y en un instante se desaparece.
( FRONT DOOR CLOSES ) Once he's gone, we can restore order and get back to business.
Una vez que ya no esté, podemos restablecer el orden y volver a los negocios.
Where has my husband gone ; the King is coming and he's not here?
Donde se habrá metido mi marido, que va a venir el rey y no está?
Claudia, it was a terrible, terrible accident, But we both witnessed it, and he's gone.
Claudia, fue un terrible, terrible accidente ambos lo vimos, y él ya no está.
Claudia, it was a terrible, terrible accident, But we both witnessed it, and he's gone.
Claudia, fue un terrible, terrible accidente, pero ambos lo presenciamos, y él se ha ido.
She knows that Claire, who's Aaron's mother, is now gone. And the only way that she can protect Aaron to to say he is hers.
Sabe que Claire desapareció, y la única manera de proteger al niño y la única manera de proteger al niño es diciendo que es suyo.
He's gone. I let him out yesterday and he hasn't come back.
¿ Dónde está Sid?
He'd be Spencer if my husband's stupid father hadn't gone and died like a week before he was born.
Hubiese sido Spencer Si el estúpido padre de mi marido no se hubiese ido y muerto como una semana antes de que naciera
You were married to my son, and he's gone.
Estuviste casada con mi hijo, y él ya no está.
Son, I've been here for you all your life and I'll be here long after she's gone.
Hijo, he estado aquí durante toda tu vida para tí y estaré aquí mucho después de que ella se haya marchado.
And now he's gone.
Y ahora murió.
And if Wabisuke should ever come home, though it's anyone's guess as to when he'll come after having been gone for 10 years, if he should ever come back home, I'm sure he'll be hungry, so feed him well with vegetables from the fields, and the grapes and pears.
Y si Wabisuke vuelve alguna vez a casa, aunque no creo que nadie piense que volverá, después de haber estado tanto tiempo fuera, si vuelve a casa alguna vez, estoy segura de que tendrá hambre, así que alimentadle con verduras del campo, uvas y peras.
He's gone too far this year. He's not even our dad anymore and he's still doing this. I can't take it anymore.
ha ido demasiado lejos este año ni siquiera es nuestro padre ya y continua haciéndolo.No lo aguanto más.
No, he's gone. And he hasn't responded to my messages.
No, se marchó y no ha respondido mis mensajes.
He's gone and done it now.
Se ha ido y ya está hecho.
And now he's gone.
- Y ahora él se fue.
He's gone forever and nobody even knows that.
Se fue para siempre y nadie lo sabe.
You know, he's gone. And you know what? He's faking it.
Ha ido fuera. ¿ Y sabes que?
Levi didn't trust banks, and I had this old rolltop desk with a secret drawer in it and that's where he kept his money and it was gone.
Levi no confiaba en los bancos, y yo tenía éste viejo escritorio con un cajón secreto en él y allí es donde guardaba su dinero y desapareció.
And, um, I have to face it... That he... He's gone...
Y... tengo que afrontarlo que él se ha ido y que no va a volver.
And he's gone now, and I'm tired, And I'm hungover, And it's none of your business.
Y ahora se ha ido, y yo estoy cansado, y con resaca, y nada de eso es asunto tuyo.
Probably be on some long-term meds, and he's about 10 ounces lighter, other than that, he won't even know it's gone.
Seguramente deberá medicarse por bastante tiempo y perdió 300 gramos. Salvo por eso, no notará su ausencia.
Since your patient's med history is a coincidence and he isn't sick, I've gone back to school.
"Como la historia médica de su paciente es una coincidencia y no está enfermo, " he regresado a la escuela. Volveré dentro de 120 horas. "
I thought he'd back down or apologize, but he didn't, and now it's gone too far.
Pensé que se echaría para atrás o se disculparía, pero no lo hizo, y ahora, ha llegado muy lejos.
This morning when Martin and I were supposed to kidnap the baby, we find out he's already gone.
Hoy cuando Martin y yo debíamos recoger al niño descubrimos que había desaparecido.
Now, he's gone and that sucks.
Ahora que ya no está, eso da asco.
- I thought he forgave me, and now--now he's gone.
Ahora ya no existe.
And now he's gone.
Y ahora no está más.
Now his gatekeeper's gone and he's loose.
Ahora su guardián se ha ido y está perdido.
. he's right... has done well who sent me in'and fuck's gone.
- Él tiene razón. Hizo bien en mandarme a cagar e irse.
He's gone and injured himself.
Se ha ido y se lesionó.
And even though he's gone, your Uncle Lucas loves you very much.
Y aunque se haya ido, tu tío Lucas te quiere mucho.
Robin, it's like this. Do you have any idea how many times in my life I've gone to t freezer looking for frozen waffles and not found them?
¿ Tienes idea de las veces que he ido al congelador a buscar waffles congelados y no los encontré?
And now he's finally back, but he's still gone.
Y ahora que finalmente vuelve, pero todavía no esta.
Just a few questions. And he's gone over his action with captain raydor.
Sólo unas preguntas.
Barrett collects and he's gone over the top to Chuckie!
Barrett la coje y se la pasa a Chuckie!
But he's gone now, and you've got to trust somebody.
Pero él ya no está, y Ud. tiene que confiar en alguien.
But now that he's gone, those memories are all that I really have left of him, and, basically, I'm just trying to do the same thing for Justin here.
Pero ahora que murió, en realidad esos recuerdos es lo único que nos queda de él, y, básicamente, tratamos de hacer lo mismo con Justin.
I've been careful, Tom, and Joey's gone.
He tenido cuidado, Tom, y Joey se fue. - Por favor.
I'm late, and he's gone.
Llegué tarde y ya no está.
And, uh, your boy, he's gone.
Y el abogado judío, se había ido.
I fell in love last night, and now he's gone.
Anoche me enamoré, y ahora se fue.
He's gone around some kind of bend and I need you to get Colleen ready with a backup story, please!
Se le zafó un tornillo. ¡ Prepara a Colleen con otro reportaje!
He's gone now, and I can take it all away from you.
Ahora ya no está, y puedo llevármelo todo, alejarlo de ti.
In your case it's gone a long time - and it has metatasted from the prostate to the skeleton and liver.
Como le he explicado, en su caso, al haber pasado tanto tiempo la metástasis no sólo se ha extendido de la próstata a los huesos sino que también ha invadido el higado.
Fionn wakes and there's Grainne gone. Well, he goes mental.
Fionn despertó y enloqueció al ver que Grainne había desaparecido.
He's gone and no one's ever going to find him again.
Desapareció y nadie lo va a encontrar.
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and he's off 32
and he's here 18
he's gone 2224
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and he's off 32
and he's here 18
he's gone 2224
he's gone mad 32
he's gone missing 17
he's gone out 21
he's gone crazy 32
he's gone now 66
gone 1510
gone with the wind 52
gone forever 35
gone where 80
and happy birthday 27
he's gone missing 17
he's gone out 21
he's gone crazy 32
he's gone now 66
gone 1510
gone with the wind 52
gone forever 35
gone where 80
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24