And her translate Spanish
198,800 parallel translation
- You know... this nice young lady invited me up for a home-cooked meal out of the kindness of her heart, and here you are, flashing all your money, trying to separate me from my only friend in the world.
- Sabes... esta dulce jovencita me invitó para una comida casera con todo el cariño de su corazón, y aquí estás, exhibiendo todo tu dinero, intentando separarme de mi único amigo en el mundo.
[Tinker] It was great to see that Tiffany and her team could get a shoe to do just that, but clearly it was a long way away from looking exactly like the movie shoe.
Fue genial para nosotros ver que Tiffany y su equipo podían lograr que un calzado hiciera eso pero faltaba mucho para que sea exactamente como en la película.
Recently, on the Adele show, her makeup artist became our scenic painter because we knew that her eye would be this big and that bit of mascara would interact with her hand here.
Hace poco, en un concierto de Adele su maquilladora fue nuestra pintora escénica porque sabíamos que su ojo iba a ser muy grande y que un poco de rímel interactuaría con su mano.
Guess who I found driving through the neighborhood who insisted on stopping over to say hi with his new wife and her kids!
¡ Adivinad a quién me he encontrado conduciendo por el vecindario que ha insistido en parar a decir hola con su nueva mujer y sus hijos!
With your job, and her down the road?
¿ Con su trabajo, y ella en la misma calle?
Yes, my Auntie Lilibeth and her husband James came here in the'60s.
Sí, mi tía Lilibeth y su esposo James vinieron aquí en los 60.
Well, you see, that's exactly what Snow White would say... just so she and her prince can stay awake.
Blancanieves diría exactamente eso... para que ella y su príncipe pudieran seguir despiertos.
Why don't Josh and I watch her, and you can just come pick her up later?
¿ Por qué Josh y yo no la cuidamos y luego vienes a recogerla?
- And I love her...
- y que la quiero...
Well, you know, with... with all this talk about "Get Laid" chicken, I looked at Kiki, saw she was alone, and... thought as a fun, sexy story, for... our book, um, I could find her a boyfriend, and I did!
Bueno, sabes, con... con toda la charla del pollo "Para Coger", miré a Kiki, vi que estaba sola y... pensé como una historia sexy y divertida para... nuestro libro... sería encontrarle un novio, ¡ y lo hice!
Oh, and look at that, he loves her already.
Y mira eso, ya la quiere.
And he can't get enough of her.
Y nunca tiene suficiente.
She's feeling threatened by her maternity leave cover and it's... it's got way out of control.
Se siente amenazada por su reemplazo en la licencia de maternidad y eso... la pone fuera de control.
Her mother died and she was on anti-depressants for 18 months, and now she's becoming a mother herself.
Su madre murió y estuvo con antidepresivos durante 18 meses, y ahora se está convirtiendo en una madre.
We had a fight and that was the last time I saw her.
Tuvimos una pelea... y esa fue la última vez que la vi.
And then I introduced her to to one of my tutors.
Y luego le presenté... a uno de mis tutores.
And you told her we never did anything and we never would.
Y le dijiste que nunca hicimos nada y nunca lo haríamos.
I didn't say anything, but I hope that this is the last I hear from her and I hope I won't have to call you again.
No dije nada, pero espero que esto sea lo último que escucho... de ella y espero no tener que llamarte de nuevo.
Put it on her ankle, you can get it in a different colour and the wireless talks to your phone.
Ponlo en su tobillo, puedes conseguirlo en un color diferente... y tener conversaciones inalámbricas con el teléfono.
Oh, it's not just that, you can monitor her temperature and heart rate.
No es sólo eso, puedes controlar su temperatura y frecuencia cardíaca.
What, OK, so she thought you might be having an affair with me and didn't even check her facts?
Bien, bien, ¿ Así que pensó que tenías una aventura conmigo... y ni siquiera comprobó los hechos?
Next time you're in the office, will you please, will you just please just look at Paula, like really look at her and if you have even, like, a tiny, tiny doubt, just take one more look at what Kay was doing in the hours before she went to the library.
La próxima vez que esté en la oficina, podrías por favor, mirar a Paula, mirarla de verdad y si tienes una pequeña, pequeña duda, echa un vistazo más a lo que Kay estaba haciendo las horas... antes de ir a la biblioteca.
I went through her phone again, and, um she made some notes, the day before.
Revisé su teléfono de nuevo, y... ella tomó algunas notas, el día antes.
Bring her back right now, and I promise I won't report it.
Tráela ahora mismo, y prometo que no lo denunciaré.
And, besides, she eats all weird, with all of her food intermingling and everything.
Y, además, come muy raro, con toda la comida entremezclándose y eso.
And Greg, you know, with his back, just lying on the floor like a virgin on her wedding night.
Y Greg con lo de la espalda, tumbado en el suelo como una virgen en su noche de bodas.
When she was a child, she spoke to a TV preacher and the preacher said to her, "Put your hand on the TV,"
Cuando ella era niña, hablaba con un orador de TV... y el orador le dijo :
And later she realized this big revolving block of her is another way of broadcasting her and what she's saying.
Y luego se dio cuenta de que este gran bloque suyo que gira es otro modo de transmitir lo que ella dice.
Trust me, this is the best way to make sure she's not spending her nights - holed up and depressed. - _
Créeme, esta es la mejor manera de asegurarnos de que no se está pasando las noches triste y deprimida.
Hey, I just peeked in on Lily, and guess who she was curled up with on her bed?
Eh, acabo de echarle un vistazo a Lily y adivina con quién estaba acurrucada en su cama.
I had to keep my mom away from anything that reminded her I was moving away and keep myself away from Williams Sonoma.
Tenía que mantener alejada a mi madre de cualquier cosa que la recordara que me mudaba, y yo mantenerme alejado de Williams Sonoma.
I guess the only thing I'm good for is putting on a wig and taking her SATs.
Supongo que para lo único que valgo es para ponerme una peluca y presentarme a su selectividad.
You were supposed to handle it, but you didn't, so I had to take time out of my extremely busy day and try to straighten her out.
Se suponía que te encargarías de esto, pero no lo hiciste, así que he tenido que tomarme un tiempo de mi día extremadamente ocupado e intentar corregirla.
It's a crime what women in this country have to go through, and I'm with her 100 %.
Es un crimen lo que tienen que pasar las mujeres en este país, y estoy con ella al cien por cien.
Danielle and I made a connection and I'm sticking with her as long as it takes.
Danielle y yo hemos conectado y voy a seguirla mientras dure.
I'm clueless about cars, and I really don't want her hitting Mom's weight set.
No tengo ni idea de coches, y no quiero que le dé al juego de pesas de mamá.
The new shipping route she's mapped out is the reason for tonight's meet. And thanks to her, they are about to go global.
La razón para la reunión es la ruta de transporte que ella trazó y, gracias a ella, se harán conocidos en todo el mundo.
You can't be a vicar and be with her.
No puede ser vicario y estar con ella.
And Ivy, bless her.
E Ivy, que Dios la bendiga.
What angel buries a child and won't tell her father where she is?
¿ Qué ángel entierra a una niña y no le dice a su padre dónde está?
Like when my daughter is pitching a fit, and my wife is trying to reason with her like she's a 32-year-old instead of a two-year-old, and I am just the world's worst referee, and...
Como cuando mi hija tiene un berrinche y mi mujer intenta razonar con ella como si tuviera 32 años en lugar de dos y yo soy el peor árbitro del mundo y...
Peter, I was plowing this college chick last night, and I saw this flyer on her mini fridge.
Peter, estaba tirándome a esta chica universitaria anoche y vi este volante en su mini refrigerador.
The women I love is in danger, and every second I spend arguing with you should be spent finding a way back to her.
La mujer que amo está en peligro, debo hallar la forma de volver con ella.
So after the Fairies banished her, I gave up my wings and sought refuge here.
Cuando las hadas la alejaron, entregué mis alas y busqué este refugio.
Find Emma now, and she will never fulfill her destiny, the curse will never be broken, and everyone will be trapped here forever.
Si encuentran a Emma, no cumplirá su destino... no romperá la maldición y estaremos atrapados por siempre.
Because either Flynn was lying to me about who killed my wife, or he wasn't, and fate wanted her dead anyway.
Porque, o Flynn me mintió sobre quién mató a mi esposa, o no lo hizo, y el destino la quería muerta de todas formas.
But on that video, it was one of the Americans who shot her and left her body there.
Pero en ese video, fue uno de los estadounidenses quien le disparo y dejo su cuerpo alli.
When the charity called and told her to get out of the Ukraine, she called us and said she couldn't just abandon those poor people.
Cuando la organizacion benefica la llamo y le dijo que tenia que dejar Ucrania, nos llamo y nos dijo que no podia abandonar a esa pobre gente.
If his book came out, you'd be exposed as the screw-ups who killed Dr. Carter and left her body to God-knows-what indignity, and when a jury sees this, they'll realize you had every reason to kill your best friend
Si su libro saliera, quedarian al descubierto los malditos que mataron a la Dra. Carter y dejaron su cuerpo a Dios sabe que indignidad, y cuando un jurado vea esto se daran cuenta de que tenian todas las razones para matar a su mejor amigo
It's not so much her as it is the other three-and-a-half million people in the greater Seattle metro area who feel roughly the same way about me.
No es tanto ella como los otros tres millones y medio de personas de la zona metropolitana más grande de Seattle los que sienten más o menos lo mismo por mí.
You hit a woman with your car, and then sped off, and left her to die in the street.
Atropelló a una mujer con su auto y luego salió a toda velocidad, dejando que muriera en la calle.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18