And her husband translate Spanish
4,213 parallel translation
She's buried two children, poor soul, and her husband's none too clever at the moment.
Enterró dos hijos, pobre alma, y su marido no es demasiado listo.
And that one person, Mrs Barnes and her husband, the Reverend, positively identified Frau Kummer as the woman you were with.
Y esa persona, La Sra. Barnes y su marido, el Reverendo, Identificó con seguridad a Frau Kummer como la mujer con la que estabas.
I appreciate it. My sister and her husband needed some emergency alone time.
Mi hermana y su marido necesitaban urgentemente quedarse solos.
I don't care where her and her husband went for dinner.
No me importa dónde fueron ella y su esposo a cenar.
I tried to bring my sister and her husband in on a good thing.
Intenté meter a mi hermana y a su esposo a una buena cosa.
So I just checked out Miriam and her husband.
He estado investigando a Merriam y su marido.
And her husband was shot to death by her own son.
Y su marido fue fusilado a muerte por su propio hijo.
And her husband said that that is where she passed with a smile on her face.
Y su esposo nos contó que fue allí donde falleció, con una sonrisa.
Because you have a tendency to choke under pressure, and so I'm going to be there... with Barbra and her husband, James Brolin... to watch you blow your first big Broadway audition.
Porque tienes tendencia a bloquearte bajo presión, así que voy a estar allí Con Barbra y su esposo, James Brolin... para verte arruinar tu primera gran audición de Brodway.
And since there is no male heir it will fall upon Elizabeth and her husband eventually, to inherit Kenwood and all its lands.
Y dado que no hay herederos varones le corresponderá a Elizabeth y a su marido algún día, heredar Kenwood y todas sus tierras.
Nah, nah, she knew. Her and her husband pretend to be at each other's throats, but actually they're thick as thieves.
Ella y su marido simulan que se odian, pero son carne y uña.
And so when we all return, Madame Franklin drinks the poisoned coffee meant for her husband, and he drinks the coffee meant for her.
Así que cuando volvimos, la Sra. Franklin se bebió el café envenenado destinado a su esposo, y él se bebió el café destinado a ella.
Madame Constance Etherington... tried for the poisoning of her husband, a man who was very sadistic but also addicted to the drugs and with whom you are on terms most intimate.
La Sra. Constance Etherington, juzgada por el envenenamiento de su marido, un hombre muy sádico que era adicto a las drogas, y con quien usted tenía una relación íntima.
And... that is her husband?
¿ Y... él es su marido?
And Lucille slipped away from the cast, looking for her husband.
Lucille escabulleron del elenco, en busca de su marido.
To bond with her husband and prepare for her testimony,
Para crear un vínculo con su esposo, y preparar su declaración,
And moments later, as Lindsay, once again, found herself questioning her husband's choices, one of hers was questioned.
Y momentos más tarde, mientras Lindsay volvía a cuestionar las elecciones de su esposo, cuestionaron una de las suyas.
My mom and her douchey husband are out of town... if you guys want to come over later.
Mi mamá y su esposo patán salieron de la ciudad... por si quieren ir a mi casa más tarde.
Her husband blew the family fortune on booze - medal for him, by the way - and now she wants to be
Su marido voló la fortuna familia en borracheras - medalla para él, por cierto - y ahora ella quiere ser la Sra. del conde de Emsworth.
I do remember something about a woman - a golden-haired Lucrezia Borgia who poisoned her husband and her lover.
Recuerdo algo sobre una mujer, una Lucrecia Borgia de pelo dorado que envenenó a su marido y a su amante.
And her new husband was Gregory Dyson.
Y su nuevo marido era Gregory Dyson.
It's just... I-I remembered the name Peyton and that he'd been kidnapped, and I thought she said her husband's name was Patrick.
Sólo, recuerdo el nombre de Peyton y que él había sido secuestrado, y creo que ella dijo que el nombre de su esposa era...
You fucked my girl, and your dickless piece of shit husband shot her.
Te follaste a mi chica, y la maldita pieza de mierda que tienes por marido le disparó.
Her son was tragically murdered by the intruder, who was then shot and killed by her husband when trying to escape.
Su hijo fue trágicamente asesinado por la intrusa, quien después fue disparada y asesinada por su marido cuando estaba intentando escapar.
Well, call her husband and see if he knows anything about it.
Bueno, llame a su marido y ver si sabe nada al respecto.
- And only one paragraph on her husband.
-... y un párrafo sobre su marido.
Our celebrant this evening is Father Denary and this mass is being offered by Rachel Austin in memory of her husband Robert, on the second anniversary of his death.
El padre Denary va a celebrar esta tarde la misa que ofrece Rachel Austin en memoria de su marido Robert, por el segundo aniversario de su muerte.
We welcomed her into our home and yet in all that time she has never once raised the issue of my husband's alleged inappropriate behaviour, not with me, not with the agency who recruited her, or with any of her friends.
- Le dimos la bienvenida al hogar, y en todo ese tiempo nunca dió indicios de que mi marido tuviera comportamientos inapropiados con ella, ni conmigo, ni con la agencia que la reclutó, ni con ninguno de sus amigos.
She is soon to get married, and I must think very carefully about her future husband.
Pronto se casará, y debo pensar muy cuidadosamente en su futuro marido.
She's soon to get married, and I must think very carefully about her future husband.
Pronto se casará, y debo pensar con cuidado sobre su futuro esposo.
She told me that her husband had played a trick on Rollo, and imprisoned him, trying to find where you were.
Me dijo que su esposo ha engañado a Rollo, y lo ha encarcelado, para tratar de averiguar dónde estás.
A woman kills her husband and feeds him to their children.
Una mujer mata a su marido y se lo da de comer a sus hijos.
The dear thing throws her arms around me and squeezes me so tight I can barely breathe, and whispers in my ear, " your husband is so wonderful.
La amorosa pone sus brazos sobre mí y me aprieta tan fuerte que apenas puedo respirar y me susurra al oído " tu marido es tan maravilloso.
Her husband was part of the British protectorate in'46 and they were in the Hotel David when it was bombed.
Su marido era parte del protectorado británico en el año 46 y se encontraban en el Hotel David cuando fue bombardeado.
She's gonna get married and stab her husband one day, - but that's beside the point.
Va a casarse y a apuñalar a su esposo algún día, pero eso es otro tema.
By pushing away her husband and this horizontally, he must have had the time to be surprised.
Al empujar a su marido y este alejarse horizontalmente, él debe haber tenido el tiempo de sorprenderse.
So, when you see these children and you hear... what counts her husband, one thinks that are different victims.
Entonces, cuando se ve a esos niños y se oye... lo que cuenta de su marido, uno piensa que son víctimas diferentes.
And yes, her ex-husband is there.
Y sí, su ex marido está alli.
Rita asked us who we were and where her husband was.
Rita nos preguntó quiénes éramos y dónde estaba su marido.
Then I think of Strawberry Alison and the way my husband was drawn to her.
Entonces pienso en "Fresita" Alison, y la forma en que mi marido fue arrastrado hacia ella.
On the day that they buried her husband, the local paper described my aunt as the most beautiful and despised woman in Hemlock Grove.
El día que enterraron a su marido, el periódico local describió a mi tía como a la más bella y despreciada mujer en Hemlock Grove.
I could wave at a lady and smile, chew the fat with her in church, knowing I killed her husband.
Podría saludar a la viuda y sonreír sabiendo que había asesinado a su marido.
And she disappeared after three days with her real husband.
Y desapareció después de tres días con su verdadero marido.
Spoleto will henceforth be known as a place... where Lucrezia Borgia and her faithful husband... lived in perfect harmony.
Spoleto en adelante será conocido como un lugar... donde Lucrezia Borgia y su fiel esposo... vivieron en perfecta armonía.
And Jacqui would inherit half the golf club as part of her husband's estate.
Y Jacqui heredaría la mitad del club de golf como parte de la herencia de su marido.
Emma needs her husband, and the New Directions! need both of their coaches.
Emma necesita a su esposo, y los New Directions necesita a sus entrenadores.
Upon the death of her husband, a widow may receive her marriage portion and her inheritance at once.
Al morir su marido, la viuda puede recibir... Su parte del matrimonio y su herencia al mismo tiempo.
Since I wish to deny her no more than I wish to deny myself you will pardon me for wanting a husband who feels'forgiveness of my bloodline is both unnecessary and without grace.
Puesto que no deseo negarla más que a mí misma deberá disculparme por querer un marido que sienta que "perdonar" mi linaje es tan innecesario como grosero.
Ms. Brisson renounces the usage of her husband's name and shall be restored to her maiden name.
La Srta. Brisson renuncia al uso del apellido de su marido y le será restaurado su nombre de soltera.
You think a woman who goes to her husband's shop, drinks detergent in front of her son and collapses simply wants to die?
¿ Crees que una mujer que va al negocio de su marido bebe detergente frente a su hijo y se colapsa lo hace porque simplemente quiere morir?
I have had just this one thought, this one thought... That it will be night and she would be with her husband and they must be...
este único pensamiento... 432 ) } Que se haría de noche y ella estaría con su esposo y ellos deberían estar...
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her husband 189
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and hopefully 74
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her husband 189
husband 1195
husbands 45
husband and wife 36
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and hopefully 74
and how are you 102
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and he's 185
and his brother 20
and he's not 37
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and he's 185
and his brother 20
and he's not 37