Call me old translate Spanish
446 parallel translation
Llámame anticuado pero no creo que sea la manera de hablarle a una dama que lo chupa tan bien.
I mean, call me old-fashioned, but - -
Es decir... - Llámame anticuada.
You might call me old-fashioned, but I'd have to know the child.
Es como vender un hijo, aunque ahora no está. ¿ Y si luego llega?
They call me old hag.
Me llaman vieja sierpe.
Don't call me old, Lieutenant.
No me llame viejo, Teniente.
Don't you call me Grandpa an old fogy.
¡ Te prohíbo que llames a mi abuelo "viejo chocho"!
Now that I'm old, they call me "old man."
¡ Tómelo como quiera!
I tell them I'm old Champmathieu, and they call me a liar.
El otro fulano dice que es Jean Valjean, y llaman al médico.
You don't think they call me "Old Atrocity" for nothin', do you?
¿ No pensará que me llaman Viejo Atrocidad por nada?
Now - Now they call me "Old Man."
Ahora me llaman "Hombre Viejo".
I just got a hurry up call back home. So if I don't check out now, it's goodbye to little old Europe. This trip, anyway.
De casa me han llamado para que vuelva cuanto antes y si no me marcho ahora ya no dispondría de tiempo para seguir visitando Europa.
Don't think I didn't hear that Princeton boy call me an old drizzle-puss.
No creas que no oí a ese universitario llamarme vieja.
Think of me always, darling, as old faithful, waiting to console a lonely wife when her husband hears the clarion call of adventure.
Piensa siempre en mí como un amigo fiel, listo para consolar a la esposa solitaria cuando su marido escuche la llamada de la aventura.
You're too old to call me Mr. Thatcher, Charles.
Eres demasiado viejo para llamarme Sr. Thatcher, Charles.
And in five minutes, he'll call me the old man like everyone else.
Y dentro de cinco minutos, me llamará "el viejo" como todos.
There must be some old fag who's willing to call me "sonny" for the right amount?
Debe de haber algún tipejo deseando llamarme hijito por la suma adecuada.
Well, I was in London at the Savoy and I got old Halliday's call and I come straight down.
Estaba en el Savoy, en Londres, y me llamó Halliday así que vine.
Now that we're old friends you may call me Miss MaIotte.
Y ya que somos amigos, llámeme Srta. Malotte.
When I feel my time coming, I'll call you and show you where the bundle is as Emperor showed it to me and as old Knapsack showed it to Emperor back in the day.
A la hora de morirme te enseñare el escondite, y como Alforjas lo enseñó al Emperador hace tiempo...
I am known as Old Baba, and we will call you Young Baba.
Me llaman Viejo Babá, y a ti te llamaremos Joven Babá.
Let me remind you that as much as 600 years ago... doctors and lawyers and clerks and merchants... were passing through here on the old road which we call the Pilgrims'Way.
Les recuerdo que hace 600 años, pasaban por aquí doctores, abogados, y oficinistas por la ruta conocida como el Camino de los Peregrinos.
I will now call upon... my old and valued friend, Sam Leadbitter, to say a few words.
Me gustaría pedir a mi viejo amigo S. Leadbitter que diga unas palabras.
Old Black Magic, they call me.
El "Viejo Mago Negro" me llaman.
Yeah, old "Joe College" Wainwright they call me.
- ¿ Te has graduado ya? - Ahora soy el eterno universitario.
Yes, as a kid they used to call me "Old Elephant-hide."
Sí. De chica me decían : "Piel de elefante."
Am I so old that you have to call me "Don"?
Y oyes ¿ tan viejo estoy que no me puedes apear el "Don"?
Don't call me at that one. That's the old one.
No a éste, ése es el antiguo.
Now, if you should want to call me, call me at this number. Don't call me at that one, that's the old one.
Si quiere llamarme, no lo haga a ese número, ese es el antiguo.
Now - Now they call me "old man." Old man.
Ahora me llaman "anciano".
Look, old-timer, don't call him Major, and don't call me Sarge.
Mira, viejo, no lo llames Mayor, y no me llames jefe.
I don't mind High Pockets as long as they don't call me the old man.
Sólo me molesta que me llamen "el viejo".
Since my learned opponent has seen fit to go to the Scriptures to defend his client... let me also call to your attention... two things that stand written as of old :
Ya que mi adversario usó la Biblia para defender a su cliente... permítanme hacerles notar dos cosas que se escribieron antaño :
Well, unless Pete has changed an awful lot from the good old days I don't get a very clear picture of him busting his back to call a man like Mr. Costain a liar.
Pues... a menos que Pete haya cambiado mucho desde los viejos tiempos, no me lo imagino compareciendo para arriesgar su trasero llamando mentiroso a un hombre como el Sr. Costain.
Anytime you need an old babysitter, you call me.
Cuando necesite una niñera, llámeme.
- Call me "Hyde", "Norman" or "Colonel", but for heaven's sake, drop that "old darling".
- Llámame "Hyde", "Norman" o "Coronel", pero por el amor de Dios deja eso de "querido".
- Aren't you old enough to call me Tom?
- ¿ Aún eres joven para llamarme Tom?
You call me "Sciagura", like the good old times.
Me llamaste "Sciagura", como en los viejos tiempos.
Call me Maude as you did in the old days.
Llámeme Maude como en los viejos tiempos.
Don't call me "Pips, old boy."
No me llames "Pips".
This may be a strange hour to be paying a professional call but good old Hastler isn't going to hold that against us. We used to go to school together.
Puede que no sea un buen momento para una consulta profesional pero el viejo Hastler no me lo tendrá en cuenta.
He didn't call me "old enfiladin'frisby" for nothing.
no me llamó "Frisby el infolador" por nada, saben?
Well, even as a boy at princeton university, they used to call me "old liquid propellant frisby."
Incluso de niño en la universidad de Princeton me llamaban "el viejo combustible líquido Frisby".
To call me, Dr. Helen Gurley Brown a 23-year-old virgin.
Llamarme, a mí, la doctora Helen Gurley Brown una virgen de 23 años.
Don't give me that old line of bull vicar, padre, whatever you like to call yourself.
No me de esta vieja frase de mier vicario, padre, o como le guste llamarse.
Old Frontal Attack Bleecker, they call me.
Me llaman "el general que ataca de frente".
That old man, as you call him, happens to be a gentleman who appreciates me.
Ese viejo, como usted le llama, es un caballero que me aprecia mucho.
I had a call from some old friends.
Me llamaron unos viejos amigos.
Call it my old, handsome middle-class morality. - But I like that.
Llámalo insensatez, moralidad de clase media... pero me conoces perfectamente y sabes como soy.
My friends call me "The old guy", but compared to you I'm a kid, let alone compared to him!
Mis amigos me llaman "el viejo", pero comparado con usted soy un niño. Y no digamos comparado con él.
I do follow the strategy, but you see, the snag is - if I now call mr. Chipperfield and say to him : "Look here, I've got - a 45-year-old chartered accountant with me, who wants to become a lion tamer", his first question is not going to be -
Sí, sí, le sigo, Sr. Anchoa, pero verá, la pega es que si... llamo al Sr. Chipperfield y le digo : "Escuche, tengo aquí... a un contable jurado de 45 años que quiere ser domador de leones".
Call me "old woman" – or don't address me at all.
Y no me mentes si no tienes nada que decirme.
call me 1630
call me when you land 16
call me tomorrow 52
call me when you can 24
call me later 113
call me when you're done 29
call me if you need me 44
call me when you get there 41
call me anytime 39
call me crazy 113
call me when you land 16
call me tomorrow 52
call me when you can 24
call me later 113
call me when you're done 29
call me if you need me 44
call me when you get there 41
call me anytime 39
call me crazy 113
call me sometime 24
call me if you need anything 71
call me back 423
call me right away 18
call me as soon as you get this 34
call me when you get this 53
older 123
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
call me if you need anything 71
call me back 423
call me right away 18
call me as soon as you get this 34
call me when you get this 53
older 123
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
old man 1715
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
old bitch 17
older brother 40
older sister 23
older man 27
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
old bitch 17
older brother 40
older sister 23
older man 27
old habits 59
old bean 35
old one 16
old pal 51
old buddy 75
old baby 27
old chap 253
old son 178
old people 49
old fart 19
old bean 35
old one 16
old pal 51
old buddy 75
old baby 27
old chap 253
old son 178
old people 49
old fart 19