Good friends translate Spanish
4,532 parallel translation
I think nothing better than have such good friends.
Creo que no hay nada mejor que tener tan buenas amigas.
I'm very good friends with the Beatles, apart from Yoko.
Soy muy buen amigo de los Beatles,, aparte de Yoko.
- Your very good friends thought it best not to trouble your mother.
Tus mejores amigos pensaron que era mejor no preocupar a tu madre.
All good friends begin as strangers.
Todos los buenos amigos empiezan como extraños.
It seems that Fatboy and McGraw now have become good friends.
Parece que el Gordito y McGraw se han convertido en buenos amigos.
We are good friends again After drinking this wine.
Somos buenos hermanos de nuevo después de beber este vino.
I was good friends with your mother.
Fui una buena amiga de tu madre.
Most of our younger viewers now think of him as a myth many others still debate whether his one-man war on crime was right or wrong but this reporter hopes that wherever he is, he's enjoying a toast with good friends.
La mayoría de nuestros televidentes más jóvenes ahora piensan en él como un mito. Muchos otros aún debaten s s guerra personal contra el crimen estuvo bien o mal pero esta periodista espera que dondequiera que esté se encuentre disfrutando un brindis con buenos a. migos.
I want us to be friends, good friends.
Quiero que seamos amigas, buenas amigas.
Brought to you by our good friends here at Aster Corps.
Para usted gracias a nuestros amigos en Aster Corps.
Now we're just good friends.
Ahora somos buenos amigos.
Luckily we had some really good friends, and one of them said,
Por suerte, teníamos algunos muy buenos amigos, y uno de ellos dijo :
How do you tell someone that you've been good friends with for 10 years who has never done a bad thing to you in her life that you've avoided hanging out with her because you're afraid it will make you feel weird. Well, I could tell her for you.
¿ Cómo le dices a alguien que ha sido un buen amigo durante diez años y que nunca te ha hecho nada malo que la estás evitando porque tienes miedo de sentirte rara?
We'll soon be good friends.
Pronto estaremos en buenos amigos.
You good friends with Tarni?
¿ Sigues siendo amiga de Tarni?
Where are your no-good friends?
¿ Dónde están tus no-buenos amigos?
My mother and grandfather have always been good friends To the Avatar and the southern water tribe.
Mi madre y mi abuelo siempre han sido buenos amigos del Avatar y de la Tribu del Agua del Sur.
I was good friends with Avatar Aang.
Era un buen amigo de Avatar Aang.
I thought we were good friends.
Creí que éramos amigos.
These are my good friends.
Estos son mis buenos amigos.
You and Alec are such good friends.
Tú y Alec sois tan buenos amigos.
We've lost good friends.
Hemos perdido buenos amigos.
You'll make some good friends here Mr Bovie, you'll see.
Hará buenos amigos aquí Sr. Bovie, Ya verá.
And I sincerely hope we can end this as good friends.
Y espero, por supuesto que podamos continuar como buenos amigos.
It could've just been a good-bye between good friends.
Puede haber sido solo un adiós entre buenos amigos.
[inhales sharply] very good friends.
Muy buenos amigos.
I've never been very good at friends.
Nunca he sido muy buena para tener amigos.
I remember being at your place this one time, and she was bitching about how all her single friends can't find a good man... how they can't even get a date.
Recuerdo haber estado una vez en un lugar, y ella estaba quejándose de cómo todas sus amigas solteras no pueden encontrar un buen hombre, cómo no pueden incluso conseguir una cita.
My friends tried to tell me they were good, but I didn't listen.
Mis amigos me dijeron que eran buenos pero no les hice caso.
At the beginning, it was just like Parker and Shawn and he surrounded himself with a bunch of friends from Cape and they were all good at computers and they're just all you know, it was just like basically having a bunch of teenagers in one place.
Al principio, era como Parker y Shawn y se rodeó con un grupo de amigos del Cabo y eran todo bueno en las computadoras y que son sólo lo que sabes, era como básicamente tener un grupo de adolescentes
It'd be good for you to be with your friends. Yeah.
- Te hará bien estar con tus amigos.
I thought being good in spelling would get me friends.... but kids just make fun of me more.
Pensé que ser bueno en ortografía me haría tener amigos... pero los niños solo se burlan más de mí.
That is not good, for you are young and you are travelling without friends.
Eso no es bueno, para tí que eres joven y te encuentras viajando sin amigos.
I like for my friends to have a good time.
Me gusta que mis amigos se lo pasen bien.
If you gals put on a good show tonight, they're gonna tell their friends to come out next game.
Si usted los galones poner en un buen espectáculo esta noche, que van a decir sus amigos para salir el próximo juego.
Keep watching cricket with your good-for-nothing friends.
Sigue viendo el cricket con tus amigos buenos-para-nada.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to have your first performance be in front of your friends and family was obviously not an actor.
El que pensase que era una buena idea hacer la primera representación delante de tus amigos y tu familia obviamente no era actor.
I'm saying good-bye to my friends.
Me estoy despidiendo de mis amigos.
If you have friends, they'd all be gathered around here drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, having a good time, gambling, playing cards and stuff.
Si tienes amigos, deberían estar aquí reunidos bebiendo cerveza, fumando cigarrillos, pasándola bien, apostando, jugando a las cartas.
Good to see you, my friends.
Me alegro de verlos, amigos.
It's always good to have friends on the other side of the aisle.
Siempre es bueno tener amigos en el otro lado del pasillo.
I may unclog drains for a living, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid, and for what it's worth, my friends say I give really good advice.
Puede que desatasque desagües para ganarme la vida, pero eso no significa que sea idiota. y si sirve de algo, mis amigos dicen que doy muy buenos consejos.
Your friends killed six good people.
Tus amigos mataron a seis buenas personas.
We'll have a wedding and invite all our friends, and we'll have children and name them after people who have been good to us.
Tendremos una boda e invitaremos a todos nuestros amigos, y tendremos hijos y con nombres de las personas que han sido buenos con nosotros.
It's just good to be surrounded by friends.
Es bueno estar rodeada de amigos.
I used to think I wanted some sort of lifestyle... a good job, fabulous friends, all the creature comforts.
Solía pensar que quería una especie de estilo de vida un buen trabajo, amigos fabulosos todas las comodidades.
It's for a good cause, friends are counting on you, and I pledged half of last year's unemployment.
Es por una buena causa, tus amigos cuentan contigo, y he prometido la mitad de mi desempleo del año pasado.
I had the good fortune of spending most of this weekend with a group of friends.
Tuve la suerte de pasar el fin de semana con un grupo de amigos.
One of our friends... a good friend from the old days... suddenly wouldn't talk to us.
Uno de nuestros amigos... un buen amigo de los viejos tiempos... de repente no nos habla.
A lot of good that's gonna do. d There's nothing to do on a lonely Friday night except drive into town d d and turn around at the church of Christ and wave to your d d friends as they go passing by d Hey, bud.
Eso nos vendrá muy bien.
Now you see what friends are good for?
¿ Ves para qué sirven los amigos en la vida?
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
good night 12775
good morning 12476
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
good morning to you 106
good job 2434
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good to see you 2547
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good morning to you 106
good job 2434
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good afternoon 2327
good morning to you too 27
good to see you 2547
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good work 1533
good call 326
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good work today 50
good on ya 17
good to see you again 390
good girl 941
good work 1533
good call 326
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good work today 50
good on ya 17
good to see you again 390