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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have you been crying

Have you been crying translate Spanish

130 parallel translation
Have you been crying?
¿ Has estado llorando?
Thomas, have you been crying?
Thomas, ¿ has estado llorando?
- Have you been crying again, baby?
- ¿ Estuviste llorando otra vez?
Have you been crying?
- ¿ Has llorado?
Have you been crying?
- Sí, ya sé.
Have you been crying?
¿ Has llorado?
Have you been crying?
¿ Has estado llorando? - No.
Your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been crying?
Tienes ojos de haber llorado.
Have you been crying?
¿ Ha estado llorando?
- Have you been crying?
- ¿ Has estado llorando?
Have you been crying?
¿ Estuviste llorando?
Oh, have you been crying?
¿ Estas llorando?
What's wrong? Have you been crying?
¿ Qué es lo que tienes?
Have you been crying? Yes.
- ¿ Ha estado llorando?
Why have you been crying, my only love?
¿ Por qué has estado llorando, mi único amor?
Have you been crying, Samantha?
¿ Has estado llorando, Samantha?
Jenny. Have you been crying?
Jenny. ¿ Estuviste llorando?
- Hi. - You look puffy. Have you been crying?
- Estás hinchada. ¿ Has estado llorando?
Hey. Have you been crying?
Oye, ¿ has estado llorando?
Hart, have you been crying? .
Hart, ¿ has estado llorando?
- Have you been crying?
- ¿ Estabas llorando?
Hey, Will. Have you been crying? Yeah.
Hola Will. ¿ Estabas llorando?
Madam? Have you been crying?
Señora, ¿ ha estado llorando?
- Have you been crying, Mom?
- ¿ Estuviste llorando, mamá?
Hey, have you been crying?
Oye, ¿ has estado llorando?
- Why have you been crying? - Everything's fine, Mom.
Tal vez uno de sus amigos le recogió.
Oh, honey. Have you been crying?
Linda, ¿ estuviste llorando?
Have you been crying, Amy?
- ¿ Has estado llorando, Amy?
- Have you been crying again?
- ¿ Has estado llorando otra vez? - ¡ Sí!
You have been crying. What's happened?
Has llorado. ¿ Qué ha pasado?
- Have you been crying?
- Sí, señor.
Have you been feeling like crying?
- ¿ Y quieres hacerlo?
Well, it seems to me that if you were crying because of the father of your baby... the time for you to cry would have been when you thought you weren't pregnant... not now that you know you are.
En mi opinión, si estás llorando por culpa del padre del bebé... el momento para llorar habría sido cuando creías que no estabas embarazada... no ahora que sabes que lo estás.
You have already been crying, but while you were sleeping.
Ya estuvo llorando, mientras dormía.
You have been crying.
Has estado llorando.
She answers the door. She will have been crying so her eyes will be all puffy and bloodshot, you know and her nose is all red and running. But, you overlook that.
Habrá estado llorando, así que tendrá los ojos hinchados e inyectados en sangre, y la nariz roja y llena de mocos, pero eso te da igual.
I mean, you know I was just sitting there, crying through most of the show. And I suddenly had this feeling I was just as creepy as they were... and that my whole life had been a sham... and I didn't have the guts to be Billie Holiday either.
Estuve llorando casi todo el rato... porque me sentía tan patético como ellos, sentía que mi vida había sido una farsa... y que no tenía las agallas para ser Billie Holiday.
You have been crying.
Estuviste llorando.
Have you been crying?
¿ Ha sido buena?
Have you been crying?
¿ Estabas llorando?
- But you have been crying - l?
- Pero tú llorabas - ¿ Yo?
Shed have been crying, you know?
Ella se habría puesto a llorar.
I wouldn't have wanted you crying and making a fuss. And if you hadn't cried, well, that would've been worse.
No me hubiera gustado verte llorar, y si no hubieras llorado, bueno... hubiera sido peor.
What I have in mind for you may just be the chicken soup your soul has been so obviously crying out for.
Lo que le tengo reservado quizás sea la "sopa de pollo" que su alma necesita.
Okay, but if you were crying, would it have been because of Sean?
Bueno, pero si estuvieras llorando, ¿ sería por Sean?
Elliot, have you been in the supply closet crying?
Elliot, ¿ has estado llorando en el armario?
And even if you had built eyes for the bicycle, oh, for sure, they would have been crying.
Y si le hubieras puesto ojos a la bicicleta de seguro, habría llorado.
You... been crying, have you?
Tú... has estado llorando, ¿ no es así?
Have you been crying?
Estuviste llorando?
I have been crying my heart out here and you.. .. have been chilling on.. .. some beach drinking Pina Coladas?
He estado llorando de corazon aqui y tu te has estado relajando en alguna playa tomando Piñas Coladas?
You've been crying. No, I have not been crying.
Has llorado.

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