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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ I ] / I probably will

I probably will translate Spanish

833 parallel translation
Even if I get tossed out on my ear, which I probably will.
Aunque me saque de una oreja, que posiblemente sea lo que hará.
Which I probably will not.
Probablemente no lo haré.
If I go to the police, and I probably will... - don't worry about my bringing you into it.
Si voy a la policía, y tal vez lo haga, no lo involucraré a Ud.
I probably will, eventually.
Quizá, con el tiempo.
If she doesn't, I probably will.
Si no lo hace ella, probablemente lo haga yo.
- I probably will.
- Probablemente.
I probably will. lt's just that, first, I'm going to be a doctor.
Probablemente lo haré. Es sólo que, primero, voy a ser médico.
In fact, I will probably be sent to a military prison.
Probablemente me enviarán a una prisión militar.
I think today will have been probably the best working day of his life.
Pienso que seguramente hoy habrá sido la mejor jornada laboral de su vida.
I don't want to use my family name. I'll probably have several scandals while I live. I don't want to cause them trouble until I'm famous, when nobody will mind.
No quiero usar mi apellido porque provocaría escándalos y no quiero causarles problemas hasta que sea famosa.
I'm sure the familiar strains of Verdi's music will come back to you tonight... and Mrs. Claypool's checks will probably come back in the morning.
Seguro que las melodías de Verdi les emocionarán a fondo, no como los cheques sin fondos de la Sra. Claypool.
All right, I'll enjoy life now if it kills me, and it probably will.
Gocemos de la vida hasta morir que es lo que puede ocurrir.
The thing is, if I go away with him, I'll be killing his career... and Brackett will probably kill him.
La cosa es que si me voy con él, le arruinaría la carrera... y Brackett seguramente lo mataría.
He finds out whether I'm going to buy or not, and then he submits a proposition to Hanson House, who will probably pay twice as much as we can afford, just to keep Stanhope out of the low-priced field.
Averigua si quiero comprar o no... y luego presenta una propuesta a Hanson House... que seguramente pagará el doble que nosotros... para alejar a Stanhope del mercado barato.
I suspect that rascal, the Marquis. She's probably in the barn with him now. Her back will be covered with straw...
Habrá encontrado un buen mozo como Patrice... estarán besuqueándose en algún pajar...
I know the minute she hears my voice... her rooms will be bathed in brilliant sunlight... and birds will probably twitter from her ceiling.
En cuanto oiga mi voz sus habitaciones se bañarán en la brillante luz del sol y los pájaros empezarán a gorjear.
From what I've seen of the boy, the Kirbys are probably very nice and if things aren't too elaborate tomorrow night, why, it will be all right, too.
Por lo que he visto del muchacho, los Kirby deben de ser muy amables, y si las cosas no están impecables mañana por la noche, bueno, tampoco pasa nada.
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si me voy, quizá gané el pozo. Si me quedo, quizá lo pierda. Y si no ayudo con las maletas, mi esposa me desollará vivo.
When I come back this way, it will probably be to settle down for good... and I'll be looking for you.
Cuando vuelva por aquí, es posible que sea para establecerme, e iré a buscarla.
When I come back this way, it will probably be to settle down for good... and I'll be looking for you.
Sólo queda una cosa que decir. Cuando vuelva por aquí, es posible que sea para establecerme, e iré a buscarla.
In the circumstances I don't think you'll wish me to continue as you will probably, most of you, have some other duty to perform.
Dadas las circunstancias no creo que quieran que continúe ya que seguramente, muchos tendrán cosas de las que encargarse.
Many a thing has changed over here, too, what will probably hurt you if I understood you well.
Muchas cosas han cambiado aquí también, lo que probablemente te hará daño si te he entendido bien.
I told you Moonshee will probably be here any minute.
Ya te dije que Moonshee llegaría en cualquier momento.
By Jove I think I will. Probably find out just as much as Lestrade would anyway.
Lo haré y probablemente averiguaré muchas más cosas que Lestrade.
It will be a little difficult, but.. Since I'm an important stock holder, they'll probably listen to me.
Será difícil, pero como soy un accionista mayor, me escucharán.
Well.. I'm afraid you will probably laugh at me, but..
Bueno... seguro que vas a burlarte.
He will think so, and so probably shall I.
Él lo creerá. Y yo también, probablemente.
I think, probably some day you will kill me.
Probablemente un día me mates.
Gentlemen, probably no man can ever tell how L'Angelier met his death, and His Lordship will tell you that, in the prisoner's defence, I am not obliged to try.
Caballeros, probablemente nadie pueda decir cómo murió L ´ Angelier y su Señoría les dirá que no tengo por qué intentarlo.
Kelada, my husband is a very jealous man, if I told him about this he will probably..
Mi marido es muy celoso. Si le cuento esto, seguro que...
" The police will probably read this note so I can't tell you where I'll be.
"La policía posiblemente lea esta carta, por lo que no puedo decirte dónde estoy".
I don't agree with you... but the difference of opinion will probably remain academic.
Discrepo. Pero la diferencia de opiniones no será más que retórica.
And when I get to court, the judge will probably let you off.
Y cuando llegue al tribunal, el juez la soltará.
The doctor will probably break it two or three times more when I take it in.
Seguro que el médico me la romperá más cuando me la saque.
I have been told that her ladyship has gone to visit her aunt and will probably not return this evening.
He hablado con la persona que la acompañó al salir. La señora ha ido a visitar a su tía y no es probable que vuelva hoy.
And as I myself will probably be sitting on that bench after the election I should not like to prejudice myself by being a prosecutor in the same cause.
Y dado que, tras las elecciones, quizás sea yo quien esté ahí sentado. No quiero perjudicarme a mí mismo actuando de fiscal en un caso así.
I will probably kiss you before very long.
Probablemente te besara antes de mucho.
And I hope, solve it. Because unless you solve it unless these queens are located and destroyed before they've established thriving colonies and can produce heaven alone knows how many more queen ants man, as the dominant species of life on Earth will probably be extinct within a year, Doc?
Porque si no hallamos a esas hormigas reinas, y no las matamos antes de que establezcan colonias y produzcan más reinas el hombre, la especie dominante sobre la tierra será exterminada
Oh God, he probably he won't do it, but if he will do it,..... tell him I can not, that I'm busy.
Seguramente no lo hará, pero si lo hace, dígale que no puedo, que estoy ocupada.
Still, I will probably go to jail, and jails I've found unpleasant.
Aún así, probablemente iré a la cárcel, y las cárceles son desagradables.
It probably will, but I don't object to that.
Quizás me moleste, pero no me opongo.
Now, mind you, I don't think you'd ever show any real style like some of my boys, but you'd probably lick them all because you got something inside of you that a lot of fighters will never have no matter how much I teach them :
Mira, no creo que vayas a tener un gran estilo porque tienes algo que muchos otros nunca tendrán por mucho que les enseñe.
Tomorrow I will probably meet Mr. Katsuragi somewhere in a city called Sapporo that I don't know
Mañana seguramente veré al Sr. Katsuragi en alguna parte de una ciudad que no conozco llamada Sapporo.
Well, I think my official duties will probably...
Bueno, creo que mis tareas oficiales seguramente...
"Some people will probably claim that I, Bernhard Borge, ought to know my own limitations and not dabble in occult matters."
"Hay gente que dirá que yo, Bernhard Borge, debería conocer mis limitaciones y no enredarme en temas ocultistas."
Tomorrow I will probably be known throughout the entire Pentagon as old Dustpan.
Mañana me conocerán en todo el Pentágono...
He's been first selectman as long as I can remember... and he will probably always be first selectman, but you keep trying.
Ha sido alcalde desde que yo pueda recordar... y probablemente siempre lo será, pero tú sigues intentándolo.
He is the only man I know... who will probably be presented the Navy Cross at his court martial.
Es el único hombre que conozco a quien seguramente concederán la Cruz Naval en Consejo de Guerra.
It will probably seem strange to you that I'm going to talk about things to do with my family
Probablemente le parecerá extraño... que vaya a hablar de cosas referidas a mi familia.
And probably, so will i.
Probablemente yo también.
Mr Brossard will retire in a month. I'll probably succeed him.
Ud. más que nadie sabe que el Sr. Brossard se jubilará dentro de un mes, y que lo sucederá en la Dirección de Informaciones.

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