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I really don't think translate Spanish

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I really don't think we owe you anything.
De verdad no creo que te debamos nada.
I don't have really big expectations, honestly, but I think there is some energy in the skull, so maybe this aura camera can pick it up.
En realidad, no tengo grandes expectativas, honestamente, pero creo que hay alguna energía en el cráneo, así que quizás esta cámara de aura pueda atraparla.
We sort of had it explained to us in a very physical way, which I don't think you really wanna share with anybody else.
Como que a nosotros se nos explicó de una manera muy física, la cual no creo que quieras compartir realmente con nadie más.
You know, I don't really think that Daniel's behavior is caused by anything viral or bacterial.
Sabes, realmente no creo que la conducta de Daniel este causada por algo viral o bacteriano.
Bud, I-I really don't think you should have done that.
Bud, realmente no creo que deberías haber hecho eso.
I know the first show was a bit "bare bones," but I think you'll really enjoy my new episode or "webisode" if you prefer. I don't prefer that.
Sé que el primero era un poco básico pero creo que disfrutarás el nuevo episodio o "webpisodio", si lo prefieres.
I really don't think so.
No lo creo.
Uh, you know, I-I really don't think it's a good idea to mix marijuana with muscle relaxers.
Sabes, realmente no creo que sea una buena idea mezclar marihuana con relajantes musculares.
You don't really think I'd do something like that to my own daughter?
¿ No creerás realmente que yo le haría algo así a mi propia hija?
Beyond that, I don't think I can really help you.
Más allá de eso, no creo realmente que pueda ayudarte.
- I don't think Tom really...
- No creo que Tom...
I don't think Kyle really loves Cartman's farts.
No creo que Kyle realmente adore los pedos de Cartman.
You know, I don't think we ever really talked about it.
Sabes, creo que nunca hablamos de eso.
I really don't think so, dad.
Realmente no lo creo, papá.
I don't think he really cared that much.
No creo que en realidad se preocupase mucho por él.
I don't think you could really understand.
No creo que pudieras realmente entenderlo.
I don't think anything ever really started. Did it?
No creo que algo haya empezado, ¿ no?
I really don't think that's a good idea.
Realmente no creo que sea una buena idea.
I don't think anything ever really started, did it?
No creo que hayamos empezado, ¿ cierto?
No, I don't think the problem is wi'our Ted, really.
No, no creo que haya problemas con Ted, en serio.
I really don't think that's a good idea.
No creo que sea una buena idea.
Look, I really don't think a professional flight instructor is going around faking emergency landings, Teddy.
- Mirad, no creo en absoluto que un instructor de vuelo profesional vaya por ahí simulando aterrizajes de emergencia, Teddy.
I don't think The Sims will ever be as popular again as it was when it was first released and the reason why is because we are The Sims now, really.
No creo que Los Sims vuelva a ser tan popular como fué la primera vez que fué lanzado y la razón es que hoy día los Sims somos notros. realmente.
Please don't think I'm criticizing anybody here, but it really seems like you are putting more effort into holding our dog than finding the people who murdered my brother and Tyler.
Por favor, no crea que estoy criticando a nadie, pero parece que se están esforzando más en retener a nuestro perro que en encontrar a la gente que asesinó a mi hermano y a Tyler.
I really don't think this is appropriate work conversation.
No creo que sea apropiado hablar de esto en el trabajo.
And what he really might be Doing in this game. I don't think it's just an Adventure for him.
Este es el momento, dónde tu familia verá que Monica Culpepper juega su propio juego, y no el juego de Tyson, cambiar el juego ahora.
I don't think anybody knows what really happened.
No creo que nadie sepa lo que realmente sucedió.
Veronica, I don't want to offend you, but you really should think about drinking less.
Verónica, no quiero ofenderte, pero realmente deberías considerar beber menos.
I really don't think he's going to be leading an invasion anytime soon.
Realmente no creo que vaya a dirigir ninguna invasión por una temporada.
Well, I don't really think you're cut out for this kind of work.
Bueno, no creo que estés hecha para este tipo de trabajo.
I... I don't even think that's an appropriate question really.
Es que no me parece una pregunta apropiada.
- I really don't think this is right.
- En verdad no creo que esto esté bien.
You... don't think I did this because I really like you, right Prime Minister?
Usted... no cree que hice esto porque en verdad me agrada, ¿ no es así Primer Ministro?
I'm not sure if you're really dating or not... but don't you think it's pitiful that you forgot your child's birthday?
No estoy seguro de si realmente estás saliendo o no... ¿ pero no crees que es lamentable que se te olvide el cumpleaños de tu hija?
- Why outsource it? - I'm not outsourcing it, and I don't really think you want to talk to me about it.
- No se lo estoy pasando a otro, y no creo que quieras hablar conmigo sobre eso.
Don't even think that I'm not really pissed at you at you right now.
No creas que no estoy enojada contigo en este momento.
Unfortunately, I don't think that will work for me. - Really?
You really don't think I can read you?
¿ Crees que me puedes engañar?
I don't really think they expect you to use the no more tears on your dick.
No esperan que uses "Se acabaron las lágrimas" en tu pene.
- Do you really think, That, I don't know what you're up to?
- ¿ Realmente piensas que no sé lo que estás haciendo?
I think she must be right, because although I don't look like anyone else, I really do feel at home.
Debe ser cierto porque aunque no soy como los demás, me siento como en casa.
I understand why you might think so, Sheriff. But you don't really know.
Entiendo que pueda pensar eso Sheriff, pero se equivoca.
I don't think it really matters.
Creo que no importa.
I don't really think you have to worry.
No creo que tengas que preocuparte.
But I don't really think they'll do anything.
- Lo sé. Pero no creo que hagan nada.
It was really exciting to keep pushing the limits, and... and I don't think that's gonna stop.
Era emocionante seguir reduciendo limitaciones, y... no creo que eso vaya a parar.
I don't really care what you think you know about us.
I don y apos ; t realmente les importa lo que usted piensa sabes acerca de nosotros.
I really don't think we should be down here.
LARA : Realmente no creo debamos estar aquí abajo.
I think... It's kind of funny, but I really don't see how you can make a story like that up.
Pienso que es algo gracioso, pero no veo cómo se puede inventar una historia así.
Mr. Sportello, I don't think Coy is really dead.
Sr. Sportello, yo no creo que Coy esté realmente muerto.
I did know, but I don't think it really matters though, the movie's not about that. Well...

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