In his way translate Spanish
4,531 parallel translation
He's sweet... in his way.
Es dulce... a su manera.
Big Jim has taken out every single person that stood in his way.
Big Jim ha eliminado a toda persona que se ha interpuesto en su camino.
He's gonna keep coming for me hurting anyone who gets in his way.
Me seguirá persiguiendo. Lastimará a cualquiera que se le interponga.
I wouldn't want to get in his way.
No querría meterme en su camino.
I remind you, Eminence, that Cardinal Agnelli... is in his way to the town.
Le recuerdo, eminencia, que el cardenal Agnelli está camino de la villa.
Was there anyone who can possibly stand in his way?
¿ Había alguien que pudiera atravesarse en su camino?
Maybe he only wanted the tech panel and Harry just got in his way. Smart.
Quizá sólo quería el tablero y Harry estaba en su camino.
Out of the public eye he's just another gangster, using violence to crush anyone who gets in his way.
Fuera de la vista del público él es solo un gángster, usando la violencia para aplastar a cualquiera que se meta en su camino.
Went out of his way to make it look like Noah Daniels was in danger.
- Se molestó mucho para que pareciera que Noah Daniels estuvo en peligro.
Bergin was on his way to see Edgar Roy in prison when he was killed.
Bergin iba de camino a ver a Edgar Roy en prisión cuando fue asesinado.
So why would Zack make changes to a script that would put his meal ticket in harm's way?
Entonces ¿ por qué Zack hizo cambios en el guión que pondrían en peligro su pan de cada día?
And in just the same way you're factoring in how your suspect never told you about his baby.
Y de la misma manera que usted tienes en cuenta...
- Oh. - By the way, I'm moving Albert up in the organization, given that his vision is more in line with mine.
Por cierto, voy a ascender a Alber en la empresa, ya que su visión congenia mejor con la mía.
He's letting his personal feelings get in the way- -
Está dejando que sus sentimientos personales se interpongan
I would have cut out his tongue before I let him speak about my own sister in this way.
Le habría cortado la lengua antes de permitirle hablar de mi propia hermana de ese modo.
Vincent found it in his phone, and he said the only way it could have got there was when you two fought in his office.
Vincent lo encontró en su teléfono, dijo que el único modo que llegara allí era que tú lo pusieras cuando os peleasteis en su despacho.
There's no way he was going all-in until he had his best hand.
No hay modo de que hiciera un "all-in" hasta que tuviera su mejor mano.
I knew he'd done something very important, so I was absolutely thrilled and this, of course, made his name in a big way in physics - he'd been recognised as somebody with great potential, but now he really had a discovery to his name.
Yo sabía que había hecho algo muy importante, así que estaba absolutamente encantado y esto, por supuesto, se hizo un nombre a lo grande en la física que había sido reconocido como alguien con un gran potencial pero ahora que realmente tenía un descubrimiento a su nombre.
Part of his whole outlook on life and his science is that it's fun and celebrity was fun and he embraced it in a way that was not necessarily very good for the family, the children.
Parte de toda su perspectiva de la vida y su ciencia es que es divertido y la celebridad fue divertido y lo hizo suyo de una manera que no era necesariamente muy bueno para la familia, los hijos.
Simon Ratcliffe and his team have to develop a way to attain the important patterns in a huge flood of telescopic data.
Simon Ratcliffe y su equipo tienen que desarrollar una forma para alcanzar los patrones importantes en un torrente enorme de datos telescópicos.
A sailor named Pedro, on his way back from the Far East, he left a letter in an iron pot, under the tree.
Un marinero llamado Pedro, en su camino de regreso desde el Lejano Oriente... dejó una carta en una olla de hierro, bajo el árbol.
When Cortés landed in Mexico, only way he got his men to defeat the Aztecs was by burning all of his own boats so they could never return home.
Cuando Cortez llegó a México, la unica manera para hacer que sus hombres vencieran a los Aztecas fue quemando todos sus barcos. porque así, jamás podrían regresar a sus hogares.
He's very, very quick to defend his intellectual property, and he does it in a kneejerk way, I think, with people like Robert Hooke.
Es muy, muy rápido para defender su propiedad intelectual, y lo hace de una manera irreflexiva, Creo que, con gente como Robert Hooke.
But his wife kept getting in the way, and so I put her on the phone with dispatch,
Pero su mujer no dejaba de meterse en medio, así que la puse al teléfono para hablar con la central,
My first solo homicide. He's gonna get in my way because I didn't return his calls?
Mi primera investigación de homicidios en solitario. ¿ Va a entrometerse porque no respondí a sus llamadas?
That's why his body reacted in the way that it did.
Por eso su cuerpo reaccionó como lo hizo.
His first job, in my opinion, is to win the hearts and minds of those men and women in harm's way.
Su primer trabajo, en mi opinión, será ganarse los corazones y las mentes de esos hombres y mujeres que están en peligro.
Is he trying to kill his way to the top and Hector got in the way?
¿ Está tratando de eliminar en su ascenso al poder y Héctor se interpuso?
You know, Matt was really suffering in his addiction. But the difference is just profound. Just the way he looks, his skin color, the way he's talking.
Matt realmente estaba sufriendo por su adiccion y esto es profundo, la forma en la que se ve, su tono de piel su forma de hablar es como un libro de texto acerca de lo que ibogaina puede hacer por un adicto en sufrimiento.
The way Damon kept his secret in Mystic Falls was because he infiltrated the Founders Council.
La forma en la que Damon guardó su secreto en Mystic Falls fue porque se infiltró en el Consejo de Fundadores.
It moves this way, almost brushing his whole manhood... and that manhood there in its right place doesn't wiggle an inch, Well, the screams of the girls were heard throughout the town.
Hace así, pasa pero rozándole toda la hombría, y esa hombría ahí en su sitio sin menearse ni un milímetro, bueno, los gritos de las mozas se oían en toda la Villa.
Told you, I could tell from the look on his face he's happy, and not in a way I like him to be happy.
Lo dije, lo vi en su cara está feliz, y no en la forma que me gustaría.
That way, he gets you back in his clutches.
Para tenerte en sus garras otra vez. Ya no puedo pensar así.
In his own dysfunctional, dickheadish way.
En su disfuncional y particular manera.
I am so sorry for the confusion, but we only have the six rooms, and when Dr. Sacani... lovely name, by the way... cancelled his reservation, that room was snatched up in no time.
Lo siento por la confusión, pero solo tenemos seis habitaciones, y cuando el doctor Sacani... un nombre encantador, por cierto... canceló su reserva, esa habitación fue asignada en poco tiempo.
You know, it's chilly in here right now, but the furnace guy is on his way.
Ya sabes, hace frío ahora, pero el tipo de la calefacción está de camino.
He'll kill us and anyone else who gets in the way of his science.
Él nos va a matar y a cualquiera que se interponga en el camino de su ciencia.
He spent his nights attending anatomy classes, studying in extreme and gory detail the way the body worked.
Pasó muchas noches asistiendo a clases de anatomía, estudiando con detalles horrorosos y extremos cómo el cuerpo funciona.
His ideas were part of a novel way of thinking about the human body that began to emerge in the 18th century.
Sus ideas eran parte de una nueva manera de pensar sobre el cuerpo humano que comenzó a surgir en el siglo 18.
Made him use his dark arts in a more legitimate way.
Hizo que usara sus artes oscuras de una manera más legítima.
For a spirit to... Get a hold of a little boy that way and... Put thoughts in his head and...
Para que un espíritu se comunique con el niño de esa manera y que ponga pensamientos en su cabeza y que cambie su comportamiento y esto para mí, es aterrador.
It's sort of his way of honoring the top intern in the building for a summer of hard work. Uh-huh.
Es algo así como su forma de honrar al mejor interino del edificio por un verano de duro trabajo.
Now, he's gone out of his way to enlist your aid, uh, in hopes that my deep infatuation with you will, uh, perhaps pull me away from those people and those pursuits that have, in turn, been pulling me away from Frank as of late.
Ahora, se ha visto abocado a contar con tu ayuda, con esperanzas de que mi profundo amor por ti, quizás me alejara de esas personas y metas que me han, a su vez, estado alejando de Frank en estos tiempos.
He immigrated and found his place in the city, climbed his way to the top.
Inmigró y encontró su lugar en la ciudad, trepó hasta la cima.
Yeah, yeah, he was trying to work his way in as a new supplier on the l-5 Corridor.
Sí, trataba de subir de nivel...
Jan doesn't actually believe he lives in a dreamworld, but as a philosopher at the university of durham in england, his job is to question how and why things are the way they are.
Jan realmente no cree que viva en un mundo de sueños, sino como un filósofo en la universidad de Durham en Inglaterra, su trabajo es cuestionar cómo y por qué las cosas son como son.
Michael's to be treated as an enemy combatant until he is in our custody and on his way back to the states.
Michael debe ser tratado como un enemigo en combate hasta que esté bajo nuestra custodia y a camino de Estados Unidos.
Not to challenge them but to take them to the ragged edge of his existence in every way.
No solo desafiarles, sino llevarles al límite de su existencia en todos los sentidos.
He's in way over his head.
No está a la altura.
Do you know that Henry laid over in Frankfurt for 36 hours on his way to Copenhagen?
¿ Sabes que Henry hizo una parada en Frankfurt durante 36 horas en su camino a Copenhague?
Yes, and now that we've established that I am a failure as a sister and a friend and an Original, you should probably know he's on his way to Marcel right now to rat me out... skinny guy in a hurry,
Sí, y ahora que hemos establecido que soy un fracaso como hermana y como amiga, y como una original, deberías saber que va de camino a Marcel ahora mismo para descubrirme...
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
way up 26
way down 31
wayward pines 19
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
way up 26
way down 31
wayward pines 19