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It's me you want translate Spanish

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My point was you just start going, this is heavy, this is heavy, it's forever, I want to get there.
Lo que quería explicarte es que si empezabas a decirme : " ¡ Es demasiado pesado! Me duele, pesado.
Maybe I said because it did not want you to know the very slutty and it's busted his sister
Tal vez no me dijo porque no quería que sepa lo muy putita y reventada que es su hermanita.
Look, Mrs. K, if this is about me talking, I just want you to know that it's not gonna happen agai... Shut up, Miles.
mire, Sra K, si esto es acerca de mi hablando, solo quiero que sepa que no va a pasar de nuev... callate, Miles - levanta los brazos.
Yeah, I saw them in that porn you showed me. â ™ Ş Yeah, let's go â ™ Ş â ™ Ş Oh, to the merry go round we go â ™ Ş â ™ Ş Baby goes down, baby goes down low â ™ Ş â ™ Ş Pop star go powder your nose â ™ Ş â ™ Ş I'll take you to an Alabama carnival â ™ Ş â ™ Ş You want a tough white boy â ™ Ş â ™ Ş Well, I got dick like Marlon Brando â ™ Ş â ™ Ş That's good to know, but can you push it back and forth?
Sí, los vi en el porno que me enseñaste.
The bottle's in the drawer in the bedroom. Do you want me to get it?
La botella está en la gaveta en el dormitorio. ¿ Quieres que la busque?
It's just, I don't want her to feel like she has to, you know, choose between you or me.
Es que, no quiero que se sienta obligada, ya sabes, a elegir entre tú y yo.
I've already spent like 80 bucks on her, though, you know, so it's, like, I don't want to have to start all over again.
Aunque ya me he gastado ochenta pavos con ella. , no creo que tenga que volver a empezar de nuevo.
I think it's getting quite heavy, this sketch, and I just wonder if perhaps, just for the sake of comedy, you might not want to have contracted aids from an African prostitute.
Creo que este sketch se está poniendo un poco pesado. me pregunto si, quizás, por beneficio de la comedia, quieras no haber contraído SIDA de una prostituta africana.
Because even though you want to think that I'm wrong'cause it's simpler, you also desperately want me to be right.
Por que, aunque quieras pensar que estoy equivocado por que es mas sencillo, también deseas desesperadamente que esté en lo correcto.
Attention, fellow employees and people I haven't introduced myself to, but now it's too late, and it would be awkward if I did it now — I think you're all gonna want to hear this.
- Atención, compañeros y gente a la que no me he presentado, pero ahora es demasiado tarde, y resultaría muy torpe si lo hiciese ahora. Creo que querrán oír esto.
I don't want to freak you out, but it's just possible that I'm being followed.
Escucha, no quiero asustarte pero es posible que me estén siguiendo.
So it's not so much you want to buy from me as you don't want me selling to Nucky.
Así que no es tanto el que quiera comprármelo a mí sí lo es que no quiere que le venda a Nucky.
I'm clearing out under your bed so if there's anything you don't want me to see, shift it.
Estoy limpiando debajo de tu cama luego, si hay algo que no quieras que vea, quítalo de en medio.
Okay, i realize that it's dangerous to talk, But i want you to know that your daughter is okay.
De acuerdo, me doy cuenta de que es peligroso hablar, pero quiero que sepas que tu hija está bien.
For what it's worth, when I got here I realized I didn't want to not be married to you, either.
Por si te sirve de consuelo, cuando llegué aquí me di cuenta de que yo tampoco quería estar casada contigo.
No, for the zillionth time, I told you it wasn't Colleen's fault that Dartmouth didn't want me.
No, por enésima vez, os digo que no es culpa... de Colleen que Dartmouth no me quisiera.
You know. Maybe it's just the booze talking. But..... I think I want to get fired.
Tú sabes, tal vez sea el alcohol el que esté hablando..... pero creo que quiero que me despidan.
You want to be with me, it's gonna cost you $ 200. "
Si quieres estar conmigo, te va a costar 160?
Do you want me to get the ice cream now so it's soft like you like it?
¿ Quieres que te ponga un helado de esos suaves que te gustan?
Chief, I know everyone thinks it's weird that I didn't get served, but I just want you to know I would never - -
Jefa, sé que todos piensan que es extraño que no me citaran- -
It's not I wouldn't have sex with you it's just that I wouldn't expect in a million years that you'd want to have sex with me.
No es que no quisiera acostarme contigo, es que no esperaría ni en un millón de años que tú quisieras acostarte conmigo.
Listen, I know you want to blame someone, but it's not me.
Escucha, sé que quieres culpar a alguien, pero yo no tengo la culpa.
but it's not me who doesn't want you here.
Pero no soy yo quien no te quiere aquí.
It's like you want me to, like- -
Es como si tú quisieras que yo...
It's because, like, you get like, drunk or you start, like, doing something, and I, like, watch you, and then you don't want me to watch you, and then you react to it.
Es porque te emborrachas o empiezas a hacer algo y no quieres que te mire, y luego reaccionas a ello.
- Why? - I just don't want you to think that every time I'm here it's because someone is forcing me to be.
- Porque no quiero que pienses que estoy aquí porque alguien me obliga.
Whenever you tell me you have good money coming in, it's because you want to buy something.
Siempre que me dices que va a entrar mucho dinero, es porque quieres comprar algo.
And Freddie saw me looking at it and said, "Oh, Brian, do you want to see what it's like?"
Montreux era un lugar mucho más tranquilo para trabajar y terminamos grabando muchas cosas allí
- I know I can be controlling sometimes, but it's just because I care about you, and I want the best for you.
Sé que puedo ser controlador a veces, Pero es porque me preocupo por ti, y quiero lo mejor para tí.
Hello. I guess it's time for me to accept that if you want something badly enough, you just have to go out and get it yourself.
Creo que va siendo hora de que acepte que si quieres algo tanto, tienes que salir y hacerlo tú mismo.
Maybe it's none of my business, but it seems that if you want people to read you, and you need people to read about you first.
Igual no es de mi incumbencia, pero me parece que si la gente quiere leerte a ti, primero necesitas que la gente lea sobre ti.
It's the only reason why you would want to bring me in.
Es la única razón por la que me queréis incluir.
♪ but I don't want to live without you ♪ I don't feel like it's fair for you to put so much pressure on me.
No siento que sea justo que pongas tanta presión en mi.
I really like you, and that's hard for me to say sometimes because the last time I fell for a guy, I messed it up and he walked away and I got hurt and it sucked, and I don't want that to happen again, so... don't break my heart, okay?
Me gustas de verdad, y a veces me resulta difícil decirlo porque la última vez que me enamoré, lo estropeé y se fue y me hizo daño y fue un asco, y no quiero que vuelva a pasar, así que... no me rompas el corazón, ¿ vale?
The idea that you would want me back, it's like greedy.
¿ La idea de que tú también me quieras? Es como avaricia.
So if I say that I love you, but I do want personal time or if I don't want to do PDA or whatever, it's not that I have something against you. I need you to trust me that it's just something
Así que si te digo te amo, pero quiero tiempo para mi o si no quiero estar con el PDA o lo que sea, no no es que tengo algo en tu contra necesito que confíes en mi eso es algo con lo que
If you want to see it, there's a certain group of people in Chicago I'd like you to meet.
Si quieres conocerla, hay un cierto grupo de gente en Chicago, con la me gustaría que te reunieras.
It's just something that's always been inside of me, and I really want to share it with you because I love you so much.
Es algo que siempre ha estado dentro de mí, Y realmente quería compartirlo contigo Porque te quiero mucho.
¶ I want to hear you say to me ¶ It's a very, very, merry, merry Christmas ¶
* Quiero oír que me dices * * que es una muy, muy feliz, feliz Navidad *
I mean, like what? Like what? Dude, the other day, we were hanging out under the bridge ; we found box of denim, and I'm, like, "You know, these look like good jeans in here," and he's, like, "You want to split it with me, 50-50?"
El otro día estábamos bajo el puente encontramos una caja con denim, y dije : "Parecen buenos jeans" y dijo : "¿ Quieres dividirlo conmigo, 50-50?"
And if, for any special reason, You want to go big on a particular stock, I'll make sure it's worth your while.
Y si, por alguna razón especial, quieres ir a lo grande con un valor particular, me aseguraré de que tu tiempo valga la pena.
Not that I'm complaining, it's just, well, I don't want to walk into the office tomorrow and have you hide from me again, because I freaked you out.
No es que me esté quejando, es sólo que, bueno, no quiero entrar mañana a la oficina y que te escondas de mí nuevamente, porque te he asustado.
- It's totally fine with me if you want to stay.
Por mí está bien si quieres quedarte.
Get me the tablet's IP address and I'll make it so you can run whatever program you want.
Dame la dirección IP del tablet y haré que puedas ejecutar cualquier programa que quieras.
And if you want to have a relationship with me, it's gotta be just you and me.
Y si quieres tener una relación conmigo, va a ser solo tú y yo.
It's me you want!
¡ Es a mí a quien quiere!
I really liked it, but heck, you know, it's not like I want to do it the rest of my life or anything.
Me gustó de verdad, pero bueno, no es lo que quiero hacer el resto de mi vida ni nada.
If you want have a relationship with me, it's gotta be just you and me.
Si quieres una relación conmigo, solamente seremos tu y yo.
So if you want to go to the party at the lake house with me, then tell Alice that's the way it's gonna be.
Y si tu quieres ir a la fiesta en la casa del lago conmigo, entonces dile a Alice la forma en que será
My name is Jason Baldwin. And I want to thank all of the supporters, all of the people out there who have written me over the years, who've researched the case, did their- - you know, whatever it is in your means- - that did your best, you know, to let me, Damien and jessie and our families know that, you know, what's happened to us
Y quiero dar las gracias a todos cuantos me apoyan, a toda la gente que me ha escrito a lo largo de los años, que ha investigado el caso, que ha hecho lo mejor fueran cuales fueran sus medios para permitir que Damien y Jessie y yo y nuestras familias sepamos que no seremos olvidados y que se solucionarán las cosas.
But if you don't want me to go, it's not a big deal.
Pero si no quiere que vaya, no es un gran compromiso.

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