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Looks good to me translate Spanish

246 parallel translation
I don't know much about contracts... but it looks good to me.
No sé mucho de contratos... pero tiene buena pinta.
After what I saw last night, digging ditches looks good to me.
Después de lo de anoche, me parece bien.
It sure looks good to me.
Cómo me gusta.
It looks good to me.
Me parece bonito.
Looks good to me.
Me sienta bien.
Looks good to me.
Para mí luce bien.
Looks good to me.
- No es mala idea.
No girl looks good to me except Deanie.
No me gusta ninguna chica, sólo Deanie.
Well, it looks good to me.
- ¡ Pues tiene buena pinta!
- Looks good to me.
- Para mí, se ve bien.
She looks good to me in that dress.
¡ Qué va! Está estupenda, con su vestidito.
This one looks good to me.
Mira Angela, este me parece bien a mí.
Looks good to me.
Se ve bien para mí.
Looks good to me, sir, but I'd like your opinion.
A mí me parece bien, pero quisiera su opinión.
It looks good to me, too.
Estoy de acuerdo.
It looks good to me.
A mí me parece que está bien.
- Looks good to me, so come home.
Oh.. es muy buena para mí.. asi que vamos a casa..
Looks good to me, Mr Catlin.
Parece estar todo bien, Sr. Catlin.
Oh, and you don't know how good it looks to me.
- ¡ Qué buena has sido conmigo!
Looks pretty good to me.
Lo veo bastante bien.
- It looks good to see you once more.
- Me alegra verte de nuevo.
Según parece vienen a por mí.
It looks to me like the good Lord's got it in good and plenty for a poor man.
Parece que el Señor nunca quiere darle tregua a un hombre pobre.
Well, he looks pretty good to me.
- A mí me pareció bastante bueno.
- That looks pretty good to me.
- Me gusta.
I'm no doctor, but he looks pretty good to me.
No soy médico, pero creo que va bien.
It looks like the boy is a good lad the best thing would be to let them marry.
A mí me parece que si ese muchacho es un buen chico, lo mejor que se podía hacer es casarlos.
Looks pretty good to me, Colonel.
A mí me parece bien, coronel.
I may be kind of batty, but this looks mighty good to me.
Puede que esté un poco chiflado, pero a mí me parece realmente bueno.
Looks awfully good to me, sir.
A mí me parece maravillosa, señor.
But your proposition looks pretty good. I'd like to see the most made of it.
No exactamente, pero la proposición me parece excelente y habría que sacarle provecho.
Looks good to me.
Lo veo bien.
Never had to, with my good looks.
No me fue necesario, siendo tan apuesto.
This double honor was accorded me because of my character charm, good looks and because the medical department contributed four gallons of grain alcohol to the contest.
Este doble honor me fue conferido dado mu caracter encanto, buena presencia y también porque el departamento médico contribuyó con cuatro galones de alcohol para animar el concurso.
From his looks, he didn't appear to me to be the kind who was too good.
- No tenía aspecto de ser muy bueno.
Looks like a good 15 degree shift to me.
Yo veo una variación de 15 grados.
Good heavens, looks like a funny little pop pistol to me.
Cielos, a mí me parece una pistola de juguete.
Well, here we are, two healthy boys, you with the good looks, me with the baby fat, hanging around a ghost town, waiting for the dry rot to set in.
Aquí estamos dos chicos sanos. Tú bien parecido, yo un poco fondón,... muriéndonos de asco en una ciudad fantasma.
And he puts him down on the bed next to me. And he straightens up, and he looks at me lying there, and he says, "Good night, Mrs. Edwards,"
Lo pone en la cama a mi lado y se queda en pie mirándome acostada.
As for George, well, George looks good, he drives a beautiful car, takes me to nice places.
En cuanto a George, bueno, George se ve bien, conduce un coche precioso, me lleva a lugares agradables.
You know what looks very good to me now?
¿ Saben qué me parece muy bien ahora?
Looks mighty good to me, Corpsman.
A mí me parece genial, cabo.
- Looks pretty good to me.
- Me parece que irá bien.
That cigar box looks so good to me!
No sabe cuánto me alegro de ver esa caja.
You won't let me in just on my looks and I'm not a member but some friends recommend me to Madam Gabrielle especially my good friend Bichon.
No soy socio del club, pero me recomiendan unos amigos de los que se acordará Mme. Gabrielle En particular, nuestro buen amigo Bichon
- Looks pretty good to me.
Me parece bien.
The genius who created me only took care of my dashing good looks my razor sharp wit and my irresistible attraction to the wrong women.
El genio que me creo solo me dio esta elegante apariencia, una importante agudeza y mi irresistible atracción por las mujeres equivocadas.
The more heat we put on Barnes down at that end the more likely he is to jump at something that looks good.
¿ Me estás siguiendo?
Right now he looks pretty good to me.
Es la persona perfecta.
Everything through the eye of Thurber looks good to me whether it's painting, I think Thurber is one of the least recognized geniuses of our time.
Sí, pero...
she looks like a good woman to me.
Ella me pareció una buena mujer para mi.

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