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Me and sam translate Spanish

814 parallel translation
We're just gonna go look for her- - me and Sam, Daniel, Miljan as well.
Iremos a buscarla... Sam y yo, Daniel, Miljan también.
I want all I can get while I can enjoy it. Me and Sam's gonna get it.
Quiero aprovechar la vida mientras pueda.
Me and sam checked our facts with the coroners office.
Sam y yo lo comprobamos con el forense.
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Oh, como decia, Mellie Sewell me conto que usted estuvo jugando una partida en la embajada francesa con el joven Phili von Ramme y con Sam Chandler, que es familiar mio y que siempre ha sido un escandalo.
Sam, Charlie and me are your friends.
Sam, Charlie y yo somos tus amigos.
Ladies and gentlemen, as chairman of the greens committee, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Mr Sam Bisbee will knock the first ball off the course.
Damas y caballeros, como presidente del Comité de Greens... es un placer para mí anunciar... que el Sr. Sam Bisbee golpeará la primera pelota de este campo.
Someone told me they're called Skinny Sam and his Hot Shot Stooges.
Alguien me dijo que se llamaban el Flaco Sam y sus Célebres Bufones.
I can't go on liking the same things forever and ever.
Es verdad. Me gustó al principio, pero luego ya no. Oh, Sam, cariño...
Americans like you and me can't quit, Sam.
Pero los americanos como tú y yo no podemos retirarnos.
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Siempre estuve al frente del hogar, y volveré a estarlo pero tienes que darme un poco de libertad. Porque te estás haciendo viejo, Sam...
I'm not innocent, and Sam does love me.
No soy inocente y sé que me quiere.
Well, Sam, it had to be either you or me, and I guess you lost.
Sam, eras tú o yo, y diría que has perdido.
Well, naturally. I was aware if I kept smoking Marichs, you'd find me. And of course, I'd find Sam.
Sabía que si fumaba "Marich", me encontraría, y yo encontraría a Sam.
Three months ago they figured all they had to do was stick up a sign warning folks not to have anything to do with me, and I was licked.
Así se habla, Sam. Cada día nos hacemos más fuertes. Vienen hombres desde todas partes.
I used a Sam Brown belt for a teething ring and was weaned on a canteen.
En vez de chupador, yo tenía un cinturón Sam Browne... y me destetaron con cantimplora.
I'm sorry, but if Uncle Sam were to walk in here and ask me to go back into that show, I'd...
Lo siento, ni aunque entrara el Tío Sam y me pidiera volver a ese espectáculo...
Sam Winters came along and hauled me to jail just in time to keep me from getting kicked out to freeze.
Sam Winters me llevó a la cárcel... justo antes de que me echaran al frío.
"When Mom died, I got married to Sam." "And Katie came to live with us."
Cuando mamá murió, me casé con Sam y Katie vino a vivir con nosotros.
I will now call upon... my old and valued friend, Sam Leadbitter, to say a few words.
Me gustaría pedir a mi viejo amigo S. Leadbitter que diga unas palabras.
Now, we've gotta find some way of getting back in there... and get Captain Sam out. Good evening, gentlemen. Give me that money.
- Buenas noches, caballeros.
Sam. Bring me your wireless. Move back, girls, and give him room.
Sam, tráeme tu radio.
- Sam, let's you and me go sit down and talk -
- Sam, vamos a sentarnos a hablar...
Go ahead and hit me, Sam.
Vamos, pégame.
Have a beer on me, Sam, and throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder.
Sam, tira sal por tu espalda.
Shoe was too tight, but Sam here found it out and fixed her up for me.
Una herradura. Pero Sam se dio cuenta y solucionó el problema.
Does not understand the situation between Sam and me.
No comprende la situación entre Sam y yo.
Want to much Sam and is good with me.
Quiere mucho a Sam y es buena conmigo.
Sam is part of me and I him forever.
Sam es parte de mí y yo de él para siempre.
Now that I'd talked to her, I made up My mind I was going to be near her, even if Sam Tevlin came Back from the dead to try and stop me.
Ahora que había hablado con ella, decidí que permanecería a su lado incluso si Sam Tevlin volvía de entre los muertos para impedirlo.
And you're married to a girl who never really Was Sam's wife, just as you told me.
Estas casado con una mujer que nunca fue realmente de Sam
Just me and the missis and the boys. And two good mules named Sam and Ike.
Sólo yo, mi esposa y los chicos, y dos buenas mulas llamadas Sam e Ike.
We ordered Sam and me, that we were to help Ed
Nos ordenó a Sam y a mí, que fuéramos a ayudar a Ed.
I thought it was kind of funny that old Sam would go off and leave Tom here alone.
Ya me parecía raro que Sam se largara y dejara a Tom solo aquí.
Well, you remember the day I walked into your house and told you my name was Sam Harper?
¿ Recuerda cuando le dije que me llamaba Sam Harper?
My friend Sam Minns asked me who you were, and well he might.
Mi amigo Sam Minns me preguntó quienes erais. Yya podía...
Smith, Coley, Sam, hector, and me.
Smith, Coley, Sam, Héctor y yo.
- And stop calling me Sam.
-! No me llames Sam!
Suppose I'm back home and I don't like the way that Uncle Sam is treating me. Well, do you know what I can do?
Supongamos que vuelvo a casa y no me gusta cómo se porta el Tío Sam.
I'll take that gun, Sam, and no tricks.
Me llevaré esa arma, Sam, sin trucos.
Morley, if you'd remembered you were a man before Swede and Spanish shot Sam in the back, I'd have joined your celebration.
Morley, si hubiese recordado que era un hombre antes de que Swede y Spanish le disparasen a Sam por la espalda, me habría unido a esta celebración.
Then one day, Mr. Bolling called me in his office and he said : "Sam, take a look at the new letterheads."
Un día, el Sr. Bolling me llamó a su oficina y me dijo "Sam, mira estos nuevos membretes."
Sam, I'd love to sneak up behind'em and see what's going on.
Sam, me encantaría escabullirme y ver què está pasando.
That first night, when he was here we went into the garden and he looked at me, and he said : "Sam has told me about your father. You must be very proud of him."
La primera noche, cuando estuvo aquí fuimos al jardín me miró y dijo " Sam me contó acerca de tu padre.
Look, Sam, why don't you take care of your department and let me take care of mine?
Encárguese de su departamento y déjeme a mí el mío.
- And my name's not Sam.
- No me llamo Sam.
Now, I don't figure it that way, Sam. As I remember it, you owed me and the boys, and since they ain't here to collect,
Hasta donde sé, lo debías a mí y a los chicos.
Because old Sam told Travis, Travis told me, and I'm telling you.
Travis me lo ordenó a mí, y yo, a ustedes.
No, Sam left a lot of things he was fixing to do and I might just as well get going.
No, Sam dejó muchas cosas que pretendía hacer y yo es mejor que me vaya.
Here we are, Sam, and look who's with me.
Aquí estamos, Sam, y mira quién está conmigo.
Sam, all this means to me is Jenny, and getting her up here.
Sam, para mí, esto significa que podré traer a Jenny aquí.
- The name is Sam McCord, and I'm here as a representative of George Pratt.
Me llamo Sam McCord y vine en representación de George Pratt.

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