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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ O ] / Of course i don't

Of course i don't translate Spanish

1,622 parallel translation
Aunt, of course I don't mean...
Tía, yo no he querido decir...
Of course I don't.
Claro que no.
We're just at the beginning... and I don't expect you or I to change... the course of where our lives were headed... because of one date.
Estamos al comienzo... y no espero que tú ni yo cambiemos... el curso de nuestras vidas... sólo por una cita.
I don't even know why I bother. Did I lose my mind? Of course not, they're gonna give me a scene.
¿ Te has aprendido tu texto de memoria?
Of course, I don't expect you to actually rent an apartment or what have you.
alquilar un apartamento, solicitar una tarjeta de crédito, la apertura de una cuenta de jubilación.
Now, I don't want to spend a lot of money for this car. Course not!
Usted debe pagar lo que vale, ni un centavo más.
Of course I don't want to lose you, Joey.
Claro que no quiero perderte.
Of course, I don't want to make it seem like she's under the family microscope.
Por supuesto, no quiero hacerlo parecer como que está bajo el microscopio de la familia.
I know your reputation... of course. I don't know you, Schillinger.
No te conozco, Schillinger.
Of course I don't want garbage back!
! Por supuesto que no!
Of course, I'm not surprised you don't recognize me.
Desde luego, no me sorprende que no me reconozca.
Of course. I don't know where the lie part comes in but- -
Claro que no sé qué parte es mentira, pero...
Of course I don't trust him. But am I doing a good job making him think I trust him?
¿ Pero he hecho un buen trabajo haciendole creer que sí?
I don't think you guys are getting it, so I'm gonna skip right ahead to the next chapter, which is, of course, "The Hunger Strike."
No creo que ustedes estén entendiendo, así que voy a saltarme directamente al próximo capítulo, que es, por supuesto, "La huelga de hambre."
Of course I don't dislike you, as you very well know.
No me desagradas, y lo sabes bien.
Of course, I don't take him down any more, but he was awful busy last week.
Por supuesto, no saqué nada todavía pero estuvo bastante ocupado la semana pasada
I fell in love with Kismet, of course, but deep down I don't think technology is the answer
Me enamoré de Kismet, por supuesto, pero en el fondo no me pensar la tecnología es la respuesta
Of course, I don't any longer.
Por supuesto que ya no lo hago.
- I don't know either, but it's somewhere, and it's gonna determine the course of the rest of your life.
- Yo tampoco lo sé, pero es alguna parte, y determinará el rumbo del resto de tu vida.
'Cos I sometimes feel we're better off not reading the novel at all because we come up with these expectations and then of course, we know how it's going. Don't you find?
A veces pienso que es mejor no leer la novela porque siempre tienes expectativas, y encima ya sabes lo que va a pasar. ¿ No crees?
Course, I don't believe a word of it.
Y no me creo una palabra.
Of course I don't mind.
- Así podremos conocernos.
I don't mean you, of course. I passed everything.
Vos no, claro, vos suspendiste.
Of course, when I say "Indian," I don't mean the kind with the bow and arrows - -
Por supuesto, cuando digo indio no me refiero a aquellos con arcos y flechas...
- Of course I don't mind.
Claro que no.
I don't recommend being the recipient of another warning. Should I lay in a new course, captain?
No recomiendo que seamos el objetivo de otra advertencia como ésta, señor.
- Of course I'm considering it. - I don't think that's wise.
- Claro que lo estoy considerando.
I can make real friends, too! Of course. Don't be frustrated if it takes you longer than other boys.
¿ Qué te gustaría cenar, pollo o un gran filete?
So, like, of course I don't get to live here.
Si, aunque no vivo aqui.
- Of course I don't.
- Claro que no.
I don't mean to say and no one can say to you that there are no dangers of course there are risks that we are not vigilant but we don't have to be hysterical.
pero no tenemos que ser histericos en 1953 la union sovietica exploto su primer bomba de hidrogeno y el miedo de la guerra nuclear y el comunismo, crecio en USA
and over a course over time hundreds of ECT treatments so that they were just reduced to sort of a primitive vegetable state. I don't remember what happened to me.
no recuerdo que me sucedio, fui presentada al Dr Cameron, y no recuerdo del todo al Dr no recuerdo nada de eso ellos me llevaron a lo que llamaron el cuarto de dormir
Of course I don't know everyone.
Claro, que yo tampoco conozco todo el mundo mundial.
- Of course, but I don't know if this is such a good idea.
- Por supuesto que tengo. No sé si es buena idea.
Of course, I don't know... if the thing would bother you in any way... or if you think that I'm a little too old now.
por supuesto, no sé... si esto lo molestaría en alguna forma... o si piensa que ya estoy un poco mayor.
Of course, I don't trust you with the train fare, so if you just look up Ollie tell him that I will reimburse him if he buys your ticket.
Claro que no confío en ti para el boleto de tren, así que localiza a Ollie y dile que le devolveré el dinero si te compra el boleto.
I don't know, of course but I swear she's thanking you.
No estoy seguro... pero creo que ella te está dando las gracias.
Listen, of course I don't know you so well, but I see that you're patient, sweet, caring.
Escucha, obviamente para ti no es fácil, pero eres paciente, dulce, afectuosa.
Of course I don't care he shagged your wife. I can't be jealous of a nutter who gets off by being tied up!
No tengo celos de una loca que necesita que la aten para poder gozar.
Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear.
Claro que tú no tienes la culpa, Harry.
I do not believe That Harry attacked anyone. Of course you don't.
Yo no creo que Harry haya atacado a nadie.
- You don't mind if I call you Vincent, and, of course, you must call me John.
¿ Puedo llamarlo Vincent? Debes llamarme John.
What? Of course I am. Don't be stupid.
Desde luego que sí, no seas estúpido.
Of course, I don't mean taking a job just anywhere...
Claro que, no me refiero a aceptar cualquier trabajo...
Of course, I don't write large texts, like you.
Por supuesto, no escribo textos largos, como usted.
Of course I don't look like him right now, because I'm not posing.
Por supuesto que no me veo como él ahora, porque no estoy posando.
Of course, I don't censor you.
Claro, yo no lo censuro.
- No of course I don't love him.
Por supuesto que no lo amaba
Of course I don't want to marry you
¡ Claro que no quiero casarme contigo!
Of course, I don't hate working but...
Claro que no odio trabajar, pero... así es la cosa.
You don't have the power to do that. Of course I do.
- No tienes el poder para hacerlo.

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