People are watching translate Spanish
438 parallel translation
- But, my friend, people are watching.
Pero hay gente mirando.
People are watching.
Jackie, te están mirando.
Show them with feelings. Stella, people are watching.
- ¡ La gente nos está mirando!
- Boss, people are watching.
- La gente está mirando.
When lots of people are watching, is it hard to be brave?
¿ Cuándo todo el mundo mira, es difícil... ser valiente, eh?
Esther, people are watching.
Esther, la gente está mirando.
- People are watching.
- ¡ Nos están mirando!
I can't write when people are watching me. I never could.
No puedo escribir cuando me están mirando.
- People are watching.
- Nos están mirando.
My people are watching us.
Estaban observándonos.
Do you always think people are watching you?
¿ Crees que siempre te miran?
Well, it doesn't matter much anyway since none of us swim stripped at the Y, even when people are watching.
Bueno, tampoco importa mucho, porque ninguna de nosotras va a nadar desnuda aunque haya gente mirando.
People are watching you.
La gente te mira.
Thirty million people are watching this show.
30 millones están viendo este programa.
- Rizzo! Oh, you! - People are watching.
- Baje la voz, nos están viendo.
A lot of people are watching the Game.
Mucha gente ve el Juego.
People are watching.
- Aurelio, nos están mirando. - Buenos días.
When you are singing, people are watching.
Cuando estás cantando, la gente te mira.
My people are watching them.
Mi gente los vigila.
- Faye, people are watching.
- Faye, la gente nos mira.
A lot of people are watching me.
Me están vigilando.
What you have to realize is that people are watching you all the time.
Lo que deben saber es que los van a estar mirando todo el tiempo.
I can't, not when people are watching me.
No con gente mirándome.
Too many people are watching.
Mucha gente está mirando.
Live people are watching us.
Hay personas vigilándonos.
- Calm down, people are watching!
- ¡ Cálmate, la gente está viendo!
Not so much when people are watching me.
No tanto cuando me mira la gente.
500 million people are watching via satellite... as the president and first lady deplane for this historic Moscow visit.
Quinientos millones de personas observan vía satélite, como el presidente y primera dama descienden tras esta histórica visita a Moscú.
Sit properly, people are watching.
Siéntate bien, la gente está mirando.
Other people are watching you!
Otras personas te están mirando!
A lot of the people I want are still watching you to see what happens.
Mucha gente está esperando a ver qué pasa.
I feel they are watching us, all the dead people who lived in this city.
Siento que nos vigilan todos los muertos que vivieron en esta ciudad.
The boy and me thought that if we came on TV and spread the story everywhere... and maybe the kidnappers are watching... and maybe they aren't as bad as people think,... I propose a deal.
Yo y éste habíamos pensado que como esto de la tele ya llega a todas partes... y a lo mejor nos están viendo los secuestradores... y no son tan malos como la gente dice que son,... yo les propongo un negocio.
Knowing I'm innocent... and watching all those inferior people suspect the worst. Suspicious people are inferior, aren't they?
Saberme inocente... y ver a todos aquellos seres inferiores sospechando lo peor... porque los que piensan mal son inferiores, ¿ no es así?
Fine. Fine, Charlie. But I can guarantee that there are 20 people hiding and watching right now.
Eres muy gracioso, Charlie, pero sé que hay 20 personas escondidas mirando ahora.
I feel sometimes as if all the people who have died here are watching, waiting... for me to die, too.
A veces siento como si todos los que murieron aquí me vigilaran. Esperando que yo también muera.
You are watching that revenge, and you don't remember that you drove the people to it.
Ven su venganza pero no recuerdan que ustedes los llevaron a ella.
We mustn't disappoint them the people who are watching.
Y no debo defraudar a las personas que nos observan.
We're gonna march out of here and a lot of those people in Passaic are gonna be watching us.
Marcharemos y mucha gente en Passaic nos estará mirando.
Here, we are watching a wedding ceremony, and all these people dressed luxuriously, in their finest clothes, are going to celebrate the newly-weds.
Ése es el colchón donde dormirá la pareja.
Some of the times in the show you're watching two people are probably fucking in the other room.
Algunas veces en el programa que estás mirando dos personas probablemente están cogiendo en el otro cuarto.
Old people shouldn't get married. She's almost 50. Are we watching the same movie?
ella es Zelda, hija del sargento Zale... y él es mi nieto Corey.
Although the spectacle is losing its strength, the streets and parks and rooftops of London are jammed with people watching one of the greatest entertainments the world has ever... ( TURNS RADIO OFF )
Aunque el espectaculo esta perdiendo su fuerza, las calles, los parques y los tejado de Londres están abarrotados de personas, mirando uno de los mas grandes acontecimientos que el mundo...
Although the spectacle is losing its strength, the streets and parks and rooftops of London are jammed with people watching one of the greatest entertainments the world has ever... ( TURNS RADIO OFF )
Aunque el espectáculo está perdiendo su fuerza, las calles y los parques y los tejados de Londres están abarrotados de gente. mirando uno de los más grandes acontecimientos que el mundo... d d
There are people watching this thing.
Todos están pendientes.
I'm real pissed off at him for what he did to Anne. but I have to tell you. I get a funny feeling watching two people who are that much in love.
Aún estoy muy enoiada por lo que le hizo a Anne... pero tengo que admitir... que es algo especial ver a dos personas... que están tan enamoradas.
Well, he's not going to watch it. 17 millions people are going to be watching it at 7 : 35 tonight. I don't know what you are going to do.
Y a partir de ahora yo doy las órdenes... y el señor escuchará cada palabra y obedecerá cada detalle.
Certain people are going to be watching very carefully how we handle this.
Mucha gente mira con cuidado como manejamos esto.
And the people there are watching them?
¿ Y esa gente los puede ver?
Please there are people watching.
Por favor, la gente está mirándonos.
The millions of people down there who are watching as their moon falls out of the sky.
Las millones ahí abajo que ven como cae la luna sobre ellos.
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people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
watching 230
people are talking 31
people are dying 81
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people are waiting 23
people are staring 19
people are 20
people are going to die 23
watching 230
watching tv 59
watching you 46
watching me 43
watching us 32
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
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watching you 46
watching me 43
watching us 32
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
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people screaming 74