Stage two translate Spanish
484 parallel translation
My trouble is, I don't know whether Grant is still in stage two or if the boat has sailed.
Mi problema es que no sé si Grant todavía está en fase dos o si el barco ha navegado.
Are you still in stage two or have you made stage three now?
¿ Todavía está en fase dos o ha pasado a fase tres ahora?
Stage two, this one.
Éste está en el estadio 2.
Stage Two, second building to your right.
Estudio Dos, segundo edificio a su derecha.
'Launch sequence, stage two.'
Secuencia de despegue, fase 2.
Assemble and check out booster stage one, stage two and trans stage.
Preparar plataforma, montar y verificar Buster y transportar Buster hasta la plataforma.
Put the building on stage two alert.
Quiero el edificio en alerta de nivel dos.
Shall we proceed to stage two interrogation?
¿ Procedemos con la segunda etapa del interrogatorio?
Stage two : Fifteen seconds to separation.
Etapa 2 : 15 segundos para la separación.
Stage two jettisoned.
Etapa dos finalizada.
Now for stage two, I think.
Ahora, la segunda etapa, creo yo.
You give me two years in Munich with my violin and that Ascher... and I'll show you what the stage means to me.
¡ Dame 2 años en Munich, con mi violón, y el teatro no será más que un recuerdo!
When everything is set and those two have gone, we're going to stage a riot. And you're invited.
Cuando se vayan, celebraremos una fiesta.
I'll give you two seconds to get out. Clear the stage.
Y yo, dos segundos para que te vayas.
When you came here two years ago with Lily Garland... the sheriff didn't have to tack a sign on the stage door.
Cuando viniste aquí hace 2 años con Lily Garland... el sheriff no tuvo que poner nada en la entrada al escenario.
Going on the stage for the first time in two years to play for you..
Subiré a escena por primera vez en dos años gracias a ti.
Citizens stage running battle with bandit after daylight robbery of Wells Fargo Express Office, in which agent and two bystanders are killed,
Los habitantes declaran la guerra al bandido tras el robo en pleno día de la factoría de Wells Fargo Express en el cual un agente y dos peatones fueron muertos.
I've been right here on this stage for two years.
Hace dos años que no me muevo de este escenario.
Do either of you two reporters know anything about stage play royalties? - Oh, yeah...
¿ Alguno sabe algo sobre derechos de autor teatrales?
Good family, two years of college, and tried the New York stage only she got fouled up.
Buena familia, dos años de universidad, probó suerte en los escenarios de N.Y para perderlo todo.
Two comics would come out on stage and one would say to the other :
Dos cómicos subían al escenario y uno le decía al otro :
- That those two hours on the stage every night... are worth everything.
- Que esas dos horas en el escenario todas las noches compensen de todo.
Your only way to find happiness is on any stage... any platform, any public place... during those two little hours when you become another person... your true self.
El único sitio donde puedes encontrar la felicidad es en un escenario. en una plataforma, en una plaza pública, durante esas dos breve horas en que te transformas en otra persona sólo entonces eres tú misma.
I'll have two fast horses waiting at the stage entrance.
Tengo dos caballos rápidos esperando en la entrada
We have two hours before the next stage show.
Tenemos dos horas hasta la próxima actuación.
That stage isn't due for two weeks.
Pasará dentro de dos semanas.
Once the stage gets inside town, there's... two ways they can break into the clear.
Cuando la diligencia esté aquí, sólo tendrá... dos formas de escapar a campo abierto.
But once he gets on stage, the audience goes so wild, you'd think the house would split in two.
era el mejor. El teatro se venía abajo con los aplausos. Así que, para ser alguien hay que nacer.
The two-stage rocket with a top speed of up to 3 kps went up as high as 400 km.
El cohete de dos etapas con velocidad de mas de 3Km / seg subió hasta 400 km.
Two deputies are taking him up there on the stage tomorrow morning.
Dos comisarios lo llevarán en diligencia mañana.
You two, load the bodies atop the stage.
Ustedes dos, pongan los cuerpos sobre la diligencia.
Two years ago, I wanted to make it on the stage
Hace dos años, quise hacer teatro.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love is now the two hours'traffic of our stage. "
El pasaje inquieto de su amor marcado con el signo de la muerte, que será en el espacio de 2 horas, el motivo de nuestro espectáculo. "
Look, inspector, can't you get George off the stage and come back later? - No, sir. Number two, you said, sir?
- No, señor. ¿ Ha dicho el número dos?
In my own boorish way, I'm only suggesting that if you two continue to work from a script, with cues and stage directions, these proceedings take on all the dignity of a very bad Gilbert and Sullivan. Man :
Disculpen mi tosquedad... pero si continúan hablando según un guión con acotaciones... esta vista acabará pareciendo una opereta barata.
Two men killed on the Naco stage this morning.
Esta mañana mataron a dos hombres en la diligencia de Waco.
It can't be more than two miles, the landing stage.
No habrá más de 3 km.
Earning an honest dollar, which is more than I've made on a legitimate stage in two years.
Ganarme un dólar honradamente, más de lo que he ganado en un escenario en dos años.
I mean, most normal adolescents go through a stage - of squeaking two or three times a day.
los adolescentes más normales pasan por una fase de chillar... dos o tres veces al día.
Why not bring your friend, Berger, up here to the stage... and do the sketch for us like two English ladies?
¿ Por qué no traes a tu amigo Berger al escenario e interpretáis a dos mujeres inglesas?
This is the main engine which propels it underwater at a rate of two knots, the reciprocating stabilizer mechanism, the high-voltage acid batteries, the multi-stage compressor, ballast-tank trimmer, the air pump, which filters and recirculates the air...
Este motor principal impulsa a una velocidad de 2 nudos. El mecanismo estabilizador correspondiente... las pilas de alto voltaje de acido... el compresor y el lastre... la bomba de aire que filtra y circula el aire -
You know, we do two hours, like, and you're handing me a towel after being on stage for three minutes?
Solemos hacer dos horas, ¿ y me das una toalla tras haber estado en el escenario tres minutos?
Developments in north Brazil, and they are the key issue are about at the stage at which Camillo Torres was two years before his death in terms of history, the radio schools, illiteracy, etc.
El desarrollo en el Norte de Brasil está a la altura a la que estaba Camilo Torres dos años antes de su muerte en lo que se refiere a la historia, las escuelas radiofónicas, el analfabetismo, etc.
At this stage, mr. norris was faced With two major divergent theories Concerning his surbiton ancestors
En este punto había que elegir entre dos hipótesis... sobre los antiguos habitantes de Surbiton.
The bolt sticks, it's got a two-stage trigger and the scope is off 0.02 to the left and it has a 9.5 - Inch drop.
El cerrojo se atasca, el gatillo es de dos tiempos, y la mira está torcida 0.02 a la izquierda con una inclinación hacia abajo de 9 " 5.
But the second stage of the plan went ahead two days later - the assault on Anzio.
Pero la segunda etapa del plan siguió igual dos días más tarde - el asalto a Anzio.
Thus itwas that the two cities of Hiroshima and Kure became the stage fora bloody war between the Uchimoto and Hirono families, underthe wing ofthe Akashi family, and the Yamamoris, affiliated with the Shinwa Group.
De este modo, ambas ciudades de Hiroshima y Kure se convirtieron en el escenario... de una guerra sangrienta entre... las familias Uchimoto y Hirono por un lado, bajo las órdenes de la familia Akashi, y los Yamamori, afiliados con el grupo Shinwa.
We've gathered right here in our Norge model kitchen listening to music from those two friends from the stage, radio, and screen...
Nos reunimos aquí en la cocina modelo de Norge a escuchar música de dos amigos de la escena, la radio y la pantalla...
If I had indeed exited through these two doors here, made a sharp left turn, ran down the passageway, gone up the stairwell, the stage manager would have seen me.
Si hubiera cruzado esas puertas, recorrido el pasillo, subido las escaleras... El director de escena me habría visto.
Well, it's all set, a day or two in Futureworld, and you can come back stage with me and see the hard work behind the magic.
Todo listo. Un dia o dos en Futureworld, vuelven conmigo y haré que vean la maquinaria detrás de la magia.
I wouldn't like to suspend it for two hours on the stage, cause I think it would take something away from it. Although I'm sure I could do two hours without it, I just feel that I'd missed a lot of important emphases if I didn't, uh, have access to the whole language, you know?
Me gustaría suprimirlas durante dos horas en escena, pero creo que se echaría algo en falta aunque estoy seguro de que podría pasar dos horas sin ellas, creo que echaría en falta mucho énfasis importante si no tuviera acceso a todas las posibilidades del idioma, ¿ sabes?
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two years later 88
two months ago 182
two hours 343
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two years later 88
two months ago 182
two hearts 28
two more 130
two beers 79
two o'clock 76
two thousand dollars 17
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two arms 16
two years 509
two more 130
two beers 79
two o'clock 76
two thousand dollars 17
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two arms 16
two years 509
two and a half 63
two people 83
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
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two words 186
two weeks 445
two men 105
two people 83
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
two sugars 100
two words 186
two weeks 445
two men 105