Two people translate Spanish
10,937 parallel translation
Two people, okay?
Dos personas, ¿ vale?
With two people on board, it weighs nearly two tonnes.
Con dos personas a bordo, pesa casi dos toneladas.
And I walked up to the front door, my mum answered and there were these two people, um, wanting money, standing behind me.
Así que caminé hasta la puerta, mi madre abrió y había dos personas de pie detrás de mí, que querían dinero.
Two people to a room.
Dos personas por sala.
I killed two people!
¡ Maté a dos personas!
Sometimes two people have passion between them, and there's only one way for it to come out.
A veces dos personas tienen pasión entre ellos, y sólo hay una manera para que pueda salir.
( high-pitched ) : Well, it takes two people to break a record.
Bueno, se necesitan dos personas para romper un récord.
When you kidnapped me and killed two people?
¿ Cuando me secuestró y mató a dos personas?
You need two people to ask a question?
¿ Necesita a dos para hacer una pregunta?
He's already killed two people.
Ya ha matado a dos personas.
He's killed two people.
Ha matado a dos personas.
You're about to murder two people who had nothing to do with what happened all those years ago.
Estás a punto de matar a dos personas que no tienen nada que ver con lo que paso hace muchos años.
What's wrong with her is that she killed two people.
Lo que pasa con ella, es que mató a dos personas.
Friendship, I've come to believe, is most accurately defined as two people moving towards the best aspects of one another.
La amistad, he concluído, se define con precisión como dos personas que se acercan la una a la mejor parte de la otra.
Well, one of the things we know is that there are only two people who made collect calls to the Durst Organization.
Bueno, una de las cosas que sabemos es que solo hay dos personas que hacen llamadas por cobrar a Durst Organization.
There's two cells for two people, but he was always in here by himself.
Hay dos celdas para dos personas pero él siempre estaba aquí solo.
Their plea that they came up with, accidental and self-defense, is brilliant because if it's just two people in a room, how do you disprove self-defense?
El alegato que se les ocurrió, accidente y defensa propia, es brillante porque si solo hay dos personas en una habitación, ¿ cómo refutas la defensa propia?
He... killed two people?
¿ Mató a dos personas?
Right, so she causes the death of two people. All the pain those two families have been through. And she sees out her days in a care home.
Bien, así que ella causa la muerte de dos personas, con todo el dolor que esas dos familias han pasado, y ella va a acabar sus días en un asilo.
Two people you have spoken negatively about have been killed.
Dos personas de las que has hablado negativamente han sido asesinadas.
Two people whom you have spoken negatively about, are dead.
Dos personas, de las que hablaste negativamente, ha muerto.
I had to convince you that I didn't believe a four-year-old had shot two people in two countries.
Tenía que convencerte de que no creía que un niño de cuatro años disparara a dos personas en dos países.
Either one hell of a fight, or we're looking for two people.
O bien es un diablo de peleador, o estamos buscando a dos personas.
He killed two people within the last three days.
Mató dos personas en los últimos tres días.
These two people... are oddly similar.
Esas dos personas... son extrañamente similares.
I know you and Donna aren't me and Jeff, but you are as close as two people can be without being that.
Sé que tú y Donna no son Jeff y yo, pero tu relación con ella es de lo más cercana sin tener una relación.
And now for the greatest transition in the history of comedy, two people from the movie Soul Plane are here, right?
Y ahora para la posteridad en la historia de la comedia, dos personas de la película Soul Plane están aquí, correcto?
We spoke to people out in California, and at least two people told us that Susan had said Bob was going to come and visit some time around the holidays, and she was, she was looking forward to it.
Hablamos con gente en California, y al menos dos personas nos dijeron que Susan había dicho que Bob iba a ir a visitarla cerca de las vacaciones, y que tenía muchas ganas.
Two people with Troubles that might have been able to end Croatoan's possession of Dave, and they're both dead.
Dos personas con problemas que podrían haber sido capaces de acabar con la posesión de Croatoan de Dave, y ambas están muertas.
But that's the Trouble that split them into two people,
Pero ese es el problema que las separó en dos personas,
So because of me, two people who love each other very much can't be together?
Así que por mi culpa, ¿ dos personas que se aman muchísimo no pueden estar juntos?
Well, there's no evidence of any tearing or abrasions, but there's only two people who knows if there was consent, and one of them is dead.
Bueno, no hay evidencias de heridas o abrasiones, pero sólo dos personas saben si fue consentido y una de ellas está muerta.
Arizona was seeing other people while the two of you were still married.
Arizona veía a otras personas mientras las dos estabais aún casadas.
You claim that I murdered two innocent people and therefore assumes that they lived.
Usted dice que yo asesiné a dos personas inocentes... y por lo tanto se supone que vivían.
We don't give refunds for people who are too thick to figure out the game, and even if we did, you haven't paid your bill in two months, so you're operating on borrowed time as it is.
No le damos reembolso a personas que están demasiado viciadas para entender el juego, y aunque lo hiciéramos, no has pagado tu cuenta en dos meses, así que estás operando en tiempo prestado tal como lo veo.
One person being murdered twice in one night by two different people?
¿ Una persona muerta dos veces en una noche por dos personas distintas?
The first two are getting back at people and getting control of people.
Las primeras dos son vengarse de las personas y controlarlas.
If Robbie has been watching the building since he moved in, that's two months of watching people in their most private moments, right?
Si Robbie ha estado observando el edificio desde que se mudó, esos son dos meses mirando gente en sus momentos más privados, ¿ cierto?
So take this unlucky baby... while I focus on the two positive aspects of this debacle, the first being that you people will no longer be a stain on the escutcheon of the clandestine services, and- -
Así que toma este bebé mala suerte... y el flrrp- - conseguir los ojos para no \ mierda de costillas y whisky. la primera es que ustedes \ nSe ya no será una mancha y - por favor \ nPuede no nos puede lista negra.
Zeke was killed two hours before our people got there.
A Zeke lo mataron dos horas antes de que llegasen allí.
Oleg, the people at Table Two want to know what's in the veggie burger.
las personas de la mesa dos quieren saber qué tiene la hamburguesa vegetariana.
Signed by two different people.
Firmado por dos personas diferentes.
Oh, hey, can we go back to that place where the people with the long necks have been celebrating New Year for two centuries?
Escucha, ¿ podemos volver a ese lugar donde la gente con los cuellos largos han estado celebrando Año Nuevo por dos siglos?
That's two naked people singing when there's no one around to see or hear it.
Esos son dos personas cantando desnudas cuando no hay nadie alrededor que las vea o escuche.
And as I was leaving, the, the two security people were out front, and they have to talk to me.
Y mientras me iba, estas dos personas de seguridad fueron al frente, y me pidieron de hablar.
The people to whom you've pledged your loyalty have two faces, and you...
La gente con la que has comprometido tu lealtad tiene dos caras, y tú...
Lions kill for two reasons, but these people, they didn't pose a threat, and they weren't killed for food.
Los leones matan por dos razones, pero esta gente, ellos no representan una amenaza, y ellos no murieron para ser la comida.
But, for the Group's two important people to have an accident on the same day at the same time, isn't it a little doubtful?
Las dos personas más importantes del Grupo tuvieron un accidente el mismo día.. ¿ no es un poco sospechoso?
Same people, just two weeks earlier.
La misma gente, solo que dos semanas antes.
People to whom you've placed your loyalty have two faces.
La gente a la que has entregado tu lealtad tiene dos caras.
Seven people left on Earth, and two of them are named Phil Miller?
Siete personas quedamos en la tierra, ¿ y dos de ellos tienen por nombre Phil Miller?
two people are dead 22
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people talk 81
people are talking 31
people are scared 36
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people lie 29
people are scared 36
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are watching 31
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people lie 29