Such a tragedy translate Spanish
184 parallel translation
And I, State Attorney von Wenk, came to ask your help in preventing just such a tragedy!
Y yo he venido a verle como fiscal, señor von Wenk, porque esperaba poder evitar ese trágico final con su ayuda.
I've just seen such a tragedy.
Acabo de presenciar una tragedia.
I'm making such a tragedy of things.
Estoy haciendo una tragedia de las cosas.
Would it be such a tragedy for her to find out that I am her mother?
¿ Sería una tragedia para ella saber que soy su madre?
I think that the only reason why there is such a thing as disgraceful death is because people think death is such a tragedy.
Creo que el único motivo por el que existe algo así como una muerte vergonzosa se debe a que la gente piensa en la muerte como en una tragedia.
After all, it isn't such a tragedy.
Tampoco es una tragedia.
Don't make it such a tragedy.
No hagas una tragedia de eso.
You have my deepest sympathy. Such a tragedy.
Reciba mis condolencias.
Really this is such a tragedy!
¡ Verdaderamente, es una tragedia!
- Such a tragedy about poor Dr. Philipot.
- Qué tragedia la del pobre Dr. Philipot.
It is such a tragedy that there are no eggs here.
Es una tragedia que no haya huevos aquí. ¿ Qué pasa?
Stop crying. It's not such a tragedy.
No llores, no es tan malo vestirse como un hombre.
Such a tragedy.
Qué tragedia.
It's such a tragedy for us.
Es una desgracia para nosotros.
Such a tragedy, such a tragedy.
Qué tragedia, qué tragedia.
Such a tragedy when his Adelaide died.
- Que tragedia cuando su Adelaide murió.
Such a tragedy.
Es un tragedia.
It's such a tragedy. Did she survive?
Menuda tragedia. ¿ Sobrevivió?
Such a tragedy, the demise of the steel industry!
Una tragedia, el fin de la industria siderúrgica.
Breaking families apart is such a tragedy.
Separar familias es una tragedia.
No. That would be such a tragedy.
No, sería una tragedia.
- Yes, I do. Is it really such a tragedy?
Y no veo por qué hay que hacer una tragedia.
The story is romantic and terrifying. but the main leads are dead at the end. Such a tragedy.
La historia es romántica y terrorífica, pero al final los protagonistas mueren.
The cadets should know that even after such a tragedy, there are still duties to perform and life continues.
Los cadetes deben saber que incluso tras una tragedia sigue habiendo obligaciones que cumplir y que la vida continúa.
God will not allow such a tragedy.
- Dios no permitirá algo tan horrible.
Mountview has never been touched by such a tragedy as this.
Mountview nunca había vivido tal drama.
Big stuff, huh? It's such a tragedy. The death of my brilliant colleague, and now the desecration of his work.
es una lamentable tragedia primero la muerte de mi brillante colega y ahora la destruccion de su trabajo existe algo faltante?
This is such a tragedy.
Fue una tragedia.
Ah, such a tragedy.
Ah, que tragedia.
- I s such a tragedy...
- ¡ Qué tragedia!
It's just such a tragedy for me.
Ésta es una tragedia para mí.
What kind of a terrible power... could have caused such a tragedy?
¿ Qué clase de terrible poder... podría haber causado una tragedia?
You know, such a tragedy.
Sabes, que tragedia.
Such a tragedy, isn't it?
Qué tragedia, ¿ no?
And when you really think about it, what Christina is it's just such a tragedy.
Y cuando lo piensas bien, lo que es Christina... ... es sencillamente una tragedia.
It's such a tragedy, anyway.
Qué tragedia lo que sucedió.
For historians this isn't such a tragedy... because we have so many literary sources... at least for the second temple period... which tell us what the temple was like... while it was still standing in Roman times.
Para los historiadores, esto no supone una tragedia tan grande... porque tenemos muchas fuentes literarias... al menos para el último período del Segundo Templo... que nos describen cómo era el Templo... en época romana.
It was such a terrible tragedy.
¡ Fué una desgracia muy grande!
No, but with such a disease, it's a tragedy.
¡ No! desde luego que no, pero tratándose de un mal de esa índole. - La cosa toma perfiles de tragedia.
Well, is that such a tragedy?
Bueno, eso no es una tragedia.
Oh, that's not such a tragedy.
- Eso no es ninguna tragedia.
What's he got, bellyache? Such a big tragedy!
¿ Qué tiene, dolor de estómago?
I mean, it is a tragedy for us that we will not have a chance of seeing more of such a distinguished friend of Signor Capone.
Una tragedia para nosotros por no tener oportunidad de ver más al distinguido amigo del Signor Capone.
Such a ridiculous tragedy, he went for a swim one night.
Fue un estúpido accidente, fue a nadar una noche.
Such a great tragedy and you didn't even inform me.
¡ Ha ocurrido una gran tragedia y ni siquiera me lo has dicho!
To have such a triumph turn so quickly into tragedy.
Cómo ese triunfo oudo convertirse tan ráoido en una tragedia.
Such a tragedy.
Gran tragedia.
Such a tragedy.
¡ Qué tragedia!
But we must not stop believing that such a seemingly senseless tragedy can be turned into something strong and good.
Pero nunca debemos perder la confianza en que una tragedia sin sentido como ésta puede ser convertida en algo bueno y fuerte.
But I also see you as an artist, and it would be such a fuckin'tragedy... if you let something like this take you off your path.
Pero también te veo como una artista, y sería una puta tragedia... que permitieras que algo así, pase por alto.
I mean she was so incredibly alive and she had such a great spirit. It's-it's really a tragedy.
Ella era tan vivaz y tenía un espíritu tan increíble que esto es una tragedia.
such a shame 83
such a waste 37
such a gentleman 23
such a pity 30
such as it is 39
such as 496
such a good boy 21
such a pleasure 18
such a 33
such as what 21
such a waste 37
such a gentleman 23
such a pity 30
such as it is 39
such as 496
such a good boy 21
such a pleasure 18
such a 33
such as what 21