Sure it was translate Spanish
6,220 parallel translation
I wanted to make sure it was really David's first.
Quería estar seguro primero de que realmente era de David.
I thought for sure it was over when Charlie died.
Estaba seguro que se había acabado cuando Charlie murió.
Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure it was, but thanks.
Sí, estoy seguro de que sí lo era, pero gracias.
Well, he kept putting on a creepy movie-villain voice, so I was pretty sure it was Wolverine.
Bueno, él guardó ponerse una voz película-villano escalofriante, así que estaba bastante seguro de que era Wolverine.
I am sure it was just an RSVP mix-up.
Estoy seguro de que era sólo un RSVP confusión.
I mean, I'm sure it was a total nightmare for him, but he was so sweet to that Mandy girl.
Quiero decir, estoy segura de que fue una auténtica pesadilla para él, pero fue tan dulce con esa tal Mandy...
I'm sure it was Brayden Holt.
Seguro que era Brayden Holt.
Are you sure it was a good idea to bring him?
¿ Estás seguro que fue una buena idea traerlo?
I'm pretty sure it was down...
Estoy casi segura de que era...
You sure it was pink?
¿ Seguro que era rosa?
She should have drawn blood into the syringe to make sure it was in her vein.
Hay que sacar sangre para asegurarse de estar en una vena, lo saben los yonquis.
- though I'm sure it was better than this.
- pero les aseguro que mejor que esto.
I wanted to make sure it was done right - - plain and simple.
Quería asegurarme de haberlo hecho bien... así de simple.
I fought to keep my father in office when the Senate went after him, and I'm just not sure it was a good idea.
Luché para mantener a mi padre en el puesto cuando el Senado fue tras el, pero no estoy segura si fue una buena idea.
- Eww! - You sure it was a tooth brush?
¿ Estás segura de que era un cepillo de dientes?
I'm not so sure it was singlehanded.
No estoy seguro de que sea el único.
- I'm sure it was.
- Estoy seguro de que era.
are you sure it was him?
¿ Está usted seguro?
What can I say... we don't know who killed him... are we sure it was him?
¿ Y qué voy a decir? No sabemos quién lo mató. ¿ Estamos seguros? ¿ Quién lo dice?
It was self-preservation. Yeah, he turtled, for sure, but why, lady?
Sí claro, se protegió pero ¿ por qué?
I'm sure it had nothing to do with that centrifuge he was trying to sell. DANNY :
Estoy segura de que no tenía nada qué hacer con esa centrífuga que intentaba vender.
Least I could do was make sure no one thought it was someone else.
- Lo menos que podía hacer era asegurarme que nadie pensara que fue otro.
And I'm sure you were there for her, but I'm also 100 % certain there was something in your voice that said, "You deserved it."
Y seguro que la apoyaste, pero también estoy cien por cien seguro de que había algo en tu voz que decía, "Te lo merecías".
We're not sure what she was protesting, but her bio had a lot of gun control advocacy in it.
No estamos seguros de por qué protestaba pero su biografía tiene un montón de actividades sobre control de armas.
We felt for sure we were gonna have to sweep your office for prints, but it turned out the FBI database had your digits on file from a drug bust in college, so that was a nice surprise.
Creímos que tendríamos que buscar huellas en su despacho... pero que el FBI las tenga registradas de una redada... por drogas en la universidad, fue una agradable sorpresa.
I just wasn't sure what it was.
Solo que no estaba seguro de lo que era.
Not really sure what this was about if it wasn't personal.
No entiendo de qué se trata si no es personal.
I mean, I'm sure Mr Bates never knew it was him but if they find out what Mr Green did, then...
Estoy segura de que el Sr. Bates nunca supo que fue él pero si averiguan que el Sr. Green lo hizo, entonces...
Mike made it his job to make sure no one was all over Sue.
Mike hizo su trabajo, asegurarse que nadie estuviera sobre Sue.
I just want to also make sure that you understand what Larry's been saying about him using the ground colour in modelling - that it was the original ground colour that he trusted, he thought, "Oh, that looks just right in that shadow..."
Sólo quiero asegurarme también que entendéis lo que ha estado diciendo Larry, sobre su uso del color tierra en el modelado, que fuera el color tierra original en el que confió, pensó, "Oh, va perfecto en esa sombra..."
It was her in the silver dress, I'm sure of it.
Era ella la que llevaba el vestido plateado, estoy seguro.
You're just so sure that it was Zelda in the dress, just like you're so sure that there was a conspiracy to keep hoverboards from children.
Estás tan seguro de que era Zelda la del vestido, igual que estabas muy seguro de que había una conspiración para mantener alejados a los niños de los aerodeslizadores.
I'm sure it would be different if it was my child.
Estoy seguro de que sería diferente si fuera mi hijo.
It turns out my first husband was gay, which is why I'm making sure my second one is rich.
Resulta que mi primer marido era gay... por eso me aseguro de que el segundo sea rico.
- I mean, I'm sure if it was anything, it was nothing more than a crush.
- Además, estoy segura de que no fue nada, no fue nada más que un encaprichamiento.
If he was corrupt, he sure as hell wasn't too good at it.
Si era corrupto, no se le daba muy bien.
I was so sure I had it, I...
Estaba tan seguro de que lo tenía, I...
I figured it was a given, to be honest, and that we would talk about it, but I sure as heck wasn't planning on it tonight...
Yo lo daba por hecho, honestamente, y que hablaríamos sobre ello, pero te aseguro que no lo había planeado para esta noche...
It was a prank, which you had coming, by the way, but you just made sure that I couldn't pay for food for our kids.
Esa fue una broma, y por cierto... tu fuiste quien hizo que no pudiera pagar el almuerzo para los chicos.
They weren't sure whether it was a scream of pain, as in somebody being hurt, or a very loud orgasm.
No estaban seguros de si era un grito de dolor,... No estoy segura de que supieran la diferencia.
I'm sure it was the foreign man.
Seguro que fue el extranjero.
Yeah, he, uh... he told me that, uh, this was happening, so I just wanted to come down and make sure it gets done right.
Sí... me dijo que estaba pasando, y quise venir... y asegurarme de que se hacía correctamente.
This was delivered to my house and... well, I'm not really sure what to do with it now.
Entregaron esto a mi casa y... Bueno, no estoy muy segura de qué hacer con ello ahora.
Well, no one knows for sure, but we think it was some sort of home invasion.
Bueno, nadie lo sabe seguro, pero pensamos que fue algún tipo de allanamiento.
I tried to get away, but how far away was enough? I'm sure it means something.
- Estoy seguro de que significa algo.
♪ oh oh oh oh oh. ♪ It was Nacho in that video, I'm sure of it.
Era Nacho en ese vídeo, estoy segura.
You know, I just wanted to make sure this whole thing was special for us, for you, but, you know, it's no big deal.
Ya sabes, solo quería asegurarme que toda esta cosa fuera especial para nosotros, para ti, pero, ya sabes, no es para tanto.
I was not sure if it were you just now
No estaba segura de si eras tú.
I wasn't sure what it was.
No estaba seguro de lo que era.
Well, it damn sure didn't help when you jumped on in there and told him it was a great choice.
Bueno, de seguro que no ayudó cuando saltaste y le dijiste que había sido una gran elección.
Our bad guy's gotten kids sick and made sure the parents knew it was done intentionally.
Nuestro hombre malo hizo enfermar a los chicos y se aseguró de que los padres supieran que lo hizo intencionalmente.
sure it is 177
sure it does 32
sure it will 21
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
sure it does 32
sure it will 21
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
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it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
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it wasn't that bad 112
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it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
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it wasn't a big deal 50
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it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it was a 305
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35