Sure you could translate Spanish
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With the money you're making, I'm sure you could've gotten something bigger.
Con tanto que se asegure de puede que había algo más grande.
I'm sure you could, but rather than listen to your lies, I thought it'd be more fun to drive all over town and get another copy.
Estoy seguro de que puedes. Pero en vez de escuchar tus mentiras pensé que sería más divertido conducir por toda la ciudad y conseguir otra copia.
I'm sure you could do more than mop up wee and poo, so why don't you?
Seguro que podrías hacer más que trapear pipí y caca, ¿ por qué no lo haces?
I'm sure you could have home for much less than what is being said.
Estoy segura de que puede tener esta casa por mucho menos de lo que se dice.
I'm sure you could get me an interview.
Estoy segura de que podrías conseguirme una entrevista.
I did this to make sure you could feel at ease. And if it helps, great.
Lo hice sólo para que te pudieras sentir feliz.
How could you be so sure the car you saw the night Lucretia was raped was Calvin's car?
¿ Por qué está segura... de que el coche que vio la noche que violaron a Lucretia era de Calvin?
I guess some people don't deal well with rejection. Thought I'd be extra crispy for sure. As if I could get rid of you that easily.
Físicamente, es el reto más difícil para ella ; mentalmente, su fortaleza mental realmente será retada y emocionalmente porque realmente desafía todas sus relaciones, sus amantes, sus amigos, su familiar y así esa oscuridad es definitivamente explorada de una forma más profunda, pero puede que no signifique
- Could you take our picture? - Sure
- Disculpe, ¿ nos puede tomar una foto?
I'm not sure, sir. You could check with your attorney.
Estoy seguro Sr. puede verificarlo luego...
Are you sure you didn't hide it... so you could run away with your little floozy?
¿ Ella no lo escondió para que no te fueras con tu pequeña puta?
I'm sure they could use you there.
Estoy seguro de que podrias ser util allí.
I'll make sure everybody knows you could have put an end to this and chose not to.
Me aseguraré de que todos sepan que podrías haberle puesto fin a esto y elegiste no hacerlo.
I'm sure that I could spare a few minutes for you.
Estoy seguro que podría darle unos minutos.
Because even if it was you, Charles, who placed the nicotine into the glass, you could never make sure of it reaching one particular person.
Porque aún siendo usted, Charles, quien colocara la nicotina en la copa, nunca podría estar seguro de que llegara a la persona correcta.
Are you sure it could have been in this hospital?
¿ Está segura que está aquí?
Do you think you could make sure she doesn't do anything horrible?
¿ Crees que podrías ocuparte de que no haga algo horrible?
Look, I wouldn't be bringing this to you if I wasn't sure we could trust her.
Mira, no traería esto ante ti si no estuviera seguro de que podemos confiar en ella.
I could try those, but I'm not sure what they'd do to you under the circumstances, with your consciousness in somebody else's body.
Voy a tratar esta pero no estoy seguro que hacer contigo bajo las circunstancias, con tu conciencia en el cuerpo de otro
Could you make sure he won't come back in?
¿ Te podés asegurar de que no regrese?
Casey, could you make sure your hand stays above the waistline?
Casey, ¿ vea que su mano esté por arriba de la cintura?
Sure you didn't come looking for more people You could brag about our sex life to?
Seguro que no vienes buscando a más gente con la que presumir de nuestra vida sexual?
Well--well, you sure could drink.
Bueno... bueno, estaba claro que sabías beber.
And if the documents are found, I'm sure I could guarantee that they'd prove whatever you want them to prove.
Y si los documentos se encuentran, estoy seguro de poder garantizar que probarán lo que usted quiera que prueben.
How could you possibly know for sure?
¿ Cómo puedes saberlo?
Could you go make sure the service is set up properly?
¿ Puedes ir a asegurarte de que el servicio esté todo preparado?
Yeah, but even if you could, I'm not sure these notes are gonna be a huge help in finding Danny's killer.
Sí, pero incluso si pudierais, no estoy seguro de que estas notas vayan a ser de gran ayuda para encontrar al asesino de Danny.
I'm sure he's quite busy, but if you could just...
Estoy seguro de que estará ocupado, pero si pudiera solamente...
You could've kept eyes on the bridge, made sure that it was clear.
Claro, hubieran vigilado el puente y ver que estuviera libre.
If you told me that you could take that pain away... I'm not sure that I'd want you to, because... it's... it's all I've got left.
Si me dijera que usted podría quitar ese dolor no estoy segura si lo aceptaría, porque es... es todo lo que me queda.
Could you give us a minute? Sure.
Junior, ¿ nos das un minuto?
Matter of fact, he said y'all sucked so bad that he's pretty sure he could whip each and every one of your asses, starting with you.
- Sí. De hecho, dijo que son tan patéticos que les podría dar una paliza a cada uno de ustedes, empezando por ti.
We tried to do research in making sure that.... That, you know, we understood fully the reasons why a person could or could not be a kidney donor.
Procuramos investigar para asegurarnos de comprender del todo por qué una persona puede o no donar un riñón.
Coming up, this scene, you always said you weren't sure if I could cry.
En la escena siguiente no estabas seguro de si podría llorar.
You could catch me up now, and I'll make sure the Feds know it was our oversight.
Podrías informarme ahora y me aseguraré de que los Federales sepan que fue un descuido nuestro.
I'm sure it's occurred to you that you could kill six or seven irredeemable miscreants and stay healthy for a week at a time.
Seguro que se te ocurrió matar a seis o siete bellacos irredimibles y seguir sana durante una semana.
As a matter of fact, Jeff Bowmaker hadn't seen you at all, yet you couldn't be absolutely sure of that, could you?
De hecho, Jeff Bowmaker no lo había visto en lo absoluto, sin embargo, usted no podía estar totalmente seguro, ¿ no?
If you can handle the easy life, i'm sure I could.
Si tú puedes llevar una vida fácil, estoy seguro que yo puedo.
If you can handle the easy life, I'm sure I could. I just need to learn how to chill, right?
Si tú puedes manejar la vida fácil, estoy seguro de que yo también podría.
Well, I could take a stab at answering your question. Sure, artest struggled early, but he's good for 16 points and 5 boards a game. And come playoffs time, you're gonna want his strong presence in the paint
bueno, podría intentar responder a su pregunta claro, Artest tiene problemas al inicio pero es bueno para 16 puntos y 5 tablas en un juego y viene el tiempo de playoff, vas a querer su fuerte presencia en el campo
I'm pretty sure, if I put my mind to it, I could find out who he is for you.
Estoy seguro de que si me lo propongo, podría averiguar quién es y decírtelo.
If Cindy does get in touch with you, could you - call me please? - Sure.
Si Cindy se pone en contacto contigo, ¿ Podrías llamarme, por favor?
I'm sure Edward could arrange A starting position for you
Estoy seguro que Edward podría conseguirte un buen puesto para que empieces
I'm sure you did everything you could.
Estoy seguro de que hizo todo lo que pudo.
Look, sheriff, I don't know what you think I did to hunter Mosley, but I'm sure if you heard my side of the story, we could have a civilized conversation on the matter.
Mire, sheriff, no sé que piensa que le hice a Hunter Mosley, pero estoy seguro que si escucha mi versión de la historia, podríamos tener una conversación civilizada sobre el problema.
Anyway, could you go check on him and make sure he's okay? No problem.
Da igual, ¿ podrías ir a echarle un vistazo y asegurarte de que está bien?
To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure I could do it.
A decir verdad no estaba segura de poder hacerlo.
Helen, could you make more of these? Sure.
De cualquier forma, todas esas noches en Pennsylvania sin televisión, le coges el tranquillo a la aguja y el hilo.
I realise it might be indelicate for you to point out to the vicar his... I'm sure, accidental omission - but if your wife were to sensitively raise the matter with him, I'm sure we could secure your place at the Rectory Tea.
Creo que podría ser poco delicado que le señales al párroco su omisión,... seguramente accidental, pero, si tu mujer tratara con tacto el asunto con él, estoy segura de que tendrías un sitio en el té de la rectoría.
Well, you know, we can't be sure because she was at Brian's several times, so this could have happened in the days before.
Bueno, no podemos estar seguros porque estuvo en casa de Brian varias veces y esto podría haber sucedido en días anteriores.
He could get better. You're hurting him, and your job as a parent is to make sure that nothing hurts him.
Le estás haciendo daño, y tu trabajo como padre es estar seguro de que nada le hace daño.
sure you were 30
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you're okay 18
sure you have 26
sure you would 16
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you're okay 18
sure you have 26
sure you would 16
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
you couldn't have known 62
you couldn't be more wrong 21
you could have fooled me 52
you could 500
you could say that 389
you couldn't wait 16
you couldn't 169
you couldn't have 43
you could have said 25
you could have 68
you couldn't be more wrong 21
you could have fooled me 52
you could 500
you could say that 389
you couldn't wait 16
you couldn't 169
you couldn't have 43
you could have said 25
you could have 68
you could have told me 63
you could've called 20
you could've told me 29
you could die 58
you could've died 20
you couldn't do it 34
you could be right 44
you could have warned me 19
you could go to jail 27
you could have called 42
you could've called 20
you could've told me 29
you could die 58
you could've died 20
you couldn't do it 34
you could be right 44
you could have warned me 19
you could go to jail 27
you could have called 42